Lead Generators for Business

Everyone wants those magical lead generators for business, right?

Sure we do!

Why, without leads we would have no business at all.

Some like to claim that if you get lots of website traffic you’ll be successful but that’s not always the case at all. You need real 100% true leads … or people who are actually interested in what it is you have to offer, be it a product or service.


If not, your website visitors will simply leave your website, and lead search engines into registering that as a “bounce” … which would only lower your rank for the keyword that led them to your website in the first place. That IS providing your site visitor came via a search engine.

Basic lead generators can be as simple as a well optimized website or a LOT of paid for advertising.

I don’t know about you, but I much prefer to spend my time and money learning to optimize my website to the best of my ability in order to gain what is termed as organic traffic … having my website ranked near the top of page one search results for ANY search engine used by those seeking my product and/or service.

By Foxmetrics (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

That way, at least when I do start to advertise, I’ll gain even MORE quality leads!

Even those WITH money realize that starting by “polishing” your website is where you need to start … optimizing your website. Without a well laid out website, creating the perfect “picture window” of your business, well … you may as well forget being in business.

I mean … would you buy from a tacky website … or hire a service where their website looks though their preschooler built it?

No, you wouldn’t.

Hiring the paperboy to build your website is no longer the way to go. If you cannot afford the time to create yourself a quality website, showing your business to the world in a way that gains the confidence of potential visitors, then simply outsource this service.


Many local business owners are so busy running their businesses day-to-day that the don’t have the time to create and maintain their own website. That’s why there are website designers available for your to hire.

Obtaining the BEST optimized website possible is your starting point. Then you can listen and respond correctly to the question of “do you want more leads?

Until then, be sure you have completed the following:

By User:HuBoro [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
  • find a local website host – your first step toward local SEO.
  • own your own hosting and domain name – NEVER let others own that for you.
  • have WordPress installed – unless your real familiar with other website languages.
  • select a perfect theme (responsive design is a must!) to showcase your business – even if you have to purchase one.
  • make securing your website from hackers a priority.
  • maintain your website regularly – minimum of once a week.
  • write articles related to your business and post them on the blog portion of your website.
  • always respond to your website comments in a timely manner.
  • make sure you have done your basic SEO, before launching your site to the world.

Should you need help with ANY of these duties mentioned here, please be sure to leave a comment and I will do my best to help you.

Lead Generators for Business

Credits for Header: image by animatedheaven magician magic wand hat trick top 1143656 on Pixabay

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

8 thoughts on “Lead Generators for Business”

  1. I have wondered if there are other website editors out there other than WordPress? Seems to be that it is the most common editor. I have a site that is powered by WordPress. Can you tell me more editors that you know? Are they better?

    • Hi Von, the only reason WordPress is widleyrecommended is because it is open source, has MANY plugins, has excellent support, is easy to use, and is updated on a regular basis.

      There are at least 142 different CMSs available to be used. For a list of those systems, I refer you to: https://whatcms.org/

      WordPress is simply the most popular CMS.

    • Hi Rosa, glad to have helped you out. That’s what this website is all about. Helping others get quality leads! Thanks for commenting.

  2. Thank you for an informative post. I agree with you that the best way to build your business is to write quality articles on a regular basis. It is a nice feeling to be on page 1 and 2 of google because your content is good quality. Thank you for posting.

    • Thank YOU for commenting Josephine. I should have stated unique, quality content. The more unique your content the hire rank you’ll receive in the search results for your content.


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