If your monitor quits working, why not learn to repair it. You could even start a lucrative, home based business repairing LCD monitors.
Offline Make Money Ideas
Small Woodworking Shop Ideas for You
Every since the early days of watching The New Yankee Workshop on TV, I have itched for my very own woodworking shop, so that I could begin to learn carpentry, even if only on a tiny scale compared to his awesome two-car garage-sized workshop.
Start Your Homebased Candy Bouquet Business or Create Them for Fun Gifts
If you love making people smile, what better way then to start your very own homebased candy bouquet business.
Secret Tool for Real Estate Investors – Get the Best Deals Sent to Your Inbox Daily
Whether you are a beginner or a professional real estate investor, this secret tool for real estate investors will help you find the best deals.
Learn to Become a Property Tax Appeal Consultant – A Recession-Proof Business
So, you want to start a new consulting business, one where you can help client’s save money on their property taxes.
Start Your Own Henna Tattoo Salon – Temporary Tattoos Are All the Rage!
Whether you want to start your own henna tattoo salon, add temporary tattoos to your tattoo parlour or simply make your own temporary tattoos, you will find this post most helpful in making your decision.
A Guide on Starting an Edible Arrangements Fruit Bouquets Business
The edible arrangements fruit bouquets make an awesome gift to receive.
So, I’m sure they would be every bit as fun to create, even if only to give as gifts to your friends and family. But… what if a demand for your bouquets became a “thing”?
Start from Home Business Ideas Shared – 43 Ideas
Find a business that you will love to do and you will never have to work even one day in your life.
Be Among Local Gardeners in Your Area and Earn a Living!
If planting annuals and perennial shrubs and flowers, trimming shrubs, and weeding gardens are your passion, you really could easily make money by providing services as a local gardener in your area.
Most Data Entry Clerk Jobs You Can Work from Home
Nowadays, most data entry clerk jobs you can work from home, though there are still those jobs which would require you to work in an office.