Is Profit Genesis 2.0 a Scam or a Way to Make Over $5,000 Week After Week?

David Miller makes claims of making $306,947.70 in the month of May 2018, and the month before that he claims that he made $255,104.11.

What most vendors making such claims never tell you is how much money they actually had to spend monthly in order to make that kind of income. Such extreme totals as these are enough to intimidate any new person with online marketing.

The 3 live testimonies given in his landing page video, the people could not be found online anywhere which makes me think they may have been Fiverr gigs.

Miller goes on to say the system of his is nothing to do with multi-level marketing, Bitcoins, paid surveys or Amazon. And definitely not some scam promising you thousands of dollars overnight. He goes on to say this is a little-known online loophole that allows anyone to start generating cash legally and ethically.

My review will entail the following discussions:

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What is Profit Genesis 2.0?

screen print of the Profit Genesis 2.0 packaging representation

Program Name: Profit Genesis 2.0


Price: $37 US + 3 upsells

Recommended? NO


Miller talks about his being a plumber and wanting to give his 5 year-old daughter Sally a better life. He states that he is not a guru, and after years of suffering through other’s scams he became frustrated.

He goes on to share with his listeners about how his daughter’s being upset about having to go live with her mommy, which apparently, broke his heart.

While drinking in a bar, Miller claims to have met a fella who used to work for Google. Miller then claims that this insider shared a weird money making loophole that taps into a hidden 7 billion dollar goldmine on the internet.

Apparently, it took Miller about 15 minutes to setup and start leveraging on this loophole… and BOOM, within the next hour he claims that he made $47.90.

Then he claims that two hours later he made even more, and by the end of the day, he claims he made $563.14. Miller then goes on to claim that he was able to generate $28,275.18 in two weeks.

Miller clearly states that he invested over $170,000 on his system, Profit Genesis 2.0. He claims that this system not only shows students how to build a steady online cash flow, but it actually does most of the hard work for them.

He says that all you need is just 3 steps:
1.) Watch videos.
2.) Follow simple instructions.
3.) Start generating cash online.

And, he goes on to say that it won’t take more than 15 minutes a day… and, that you need zero experience making money online. He claims “you can start seeing serious cash much sooner than you can imagine.”

He says that you will start making cash on complete autopilot, once you have your Profit Genesis set up.

Miller claims he is reducing his price by 90% for the next few days by selling his system for $37 US funds.

How Profit Genesis 2.0 Really Works

screen print from the Profit Genesis 2.0 membership web page

From inside the Members Area, below the first 2 bonuses offered, are the tabs that contain the Profit Genesis 2.0 training videos, which are detailed below:

Day 1 – 10 (embedded YouTube videos)
Video 1 – Overview and Mindset – 5:58 minutes
Video 2 – Niche Selection 1 – 9:48 minutes
Video 3 – Niche Selection 2 – 9:09 minutes
Video 4 – Niche Selection 2 – 17:38 minutes
Video 5 – Starting with Shopify 1 – 10:04 minutes
Video 6 – Starting with Shopify 2 – 16:09 minutes
Video 7 – Starting with Shopify 3 – 7:05 minutes
Video 8 – Starting with Shopify 4 – 18:07 minutes
Video 9 – Starting with Shopify 5 – 11:55 minutes

Day 10 – 20
Video 10 – Shopify Apps 1 – 7:31 minutes
Video 11 – Shopify Apps 2 – 9:20 minutes
Video 12 – Shopify Apps 3 – 2:29 minutes
Video 13 – Product Sourcing 1 – 2:00 minutes
Video 14 – Product Sourcing 2 – 7:37 minutes
Video 15 – Product Sourcing 3 – 5:04 minutes
Video 16 – Product Sourcing 4 – 20:26 minutes
Video 17 – Product Sourcing 5 – 22:56 minutes

Day 21 – 30
Video 18 – Adding a Product to Your Store – 15:20 minutes
Video 19 – Facebook Ads 1 – 10:35 minutes
Video 20 – Facebook Ads 2 – 7:45 minutes
Video 21 – Facebook Ads 3 – 17:35 minutes
Video 22- Order Fulfillment – 3:53 minutes
Video 23 – Conclusion – 3:46 minutes

Exclusives – non-related affiliate links to other’s products.

Support – an email address is offered should you have any issues.

Bonus 1 is a link to an Autocash Live Demo System with claim of it being worth $1997. It is a pre-recorded webinar by Chris Luck.

Bonus 2 is Profit Genesis Masterclass with a claim of this being worth $997. Following are the details to this training:

Day 1 – Introduction (embedded Vimeo videos)
Video 1 – Course Overview – 8:47 minutes
Video 2 – Picking a Profitable Niche Market – 10:48 minutes
Video 3 – Join an Affiliate Network – 5:17 minutes

Day 2 – Planning
Video 4 – Find Out the Problems – 5:01 minutes
Video 5 – Picking a Product – 5:24 minutes
Video 6 – Cloaking Your Affiliate Link – 3:53 minutes
Video 7 – Effective Link Promotion – 3:59 minutes

Day 3 – Scaling and Making Money
Video 8 – Make Money on Facebook – 13:28 minutes
Video 9 – Making Money on Facebook Part 2 – 2:25 minutes
Video 10 – Make Money on Twitter – 6:00 minutes
Video 11 – Make Money on Youtube – 8:43 minutes

Day 4 – Money Strategies Continuation
Video 12 – Make Money on Youtube Part 2 – 13:24 minutes
Video 13 – Making Money on Twitter – 6:40 minutes
Video 14 – Make Money on Niche Based Forums – 4:48 minutes
Video 15 – Outsourcing – 3:04 minutes
Video 16 – Conclusion – 2:00 minutes

That is a grand total of 1 hour, 43 minutes and 41 seconds.


Top 10 High Demand Products by David Miller – 13 page ebook of slides showing different products.
Speed Success Secrets – The Ultimate Guide to Fast-Track Your Success Journey by David Miller – 63 page ebook on psychology of the mind.

The Bonus 2: Profit Genesis Masterclass training videos are the best quality of training videos of any of the making money online training courses that I have reviewed to date.

Every product page contains an ad banner, and all of the training videos are embedded making it necessary for members to sign into the membership area web page in order to watch the videos.

Is Profit Genesis 2.0 a Scam?

thumb pointing downward in disapproval

No, I do not believe that Profit Genesis 2.0 is a scam, but rather brief training for setting up your very own Shopify store. In all intents and purposes it appears to be a legitimate system that might work.

However, if you want to make money online in the long haul, then you will need to invest in a much bigger online presence.

The Profit Genesis 2.0 offers 3 “Exclusives” which are totally unrelated to their system, and appear to be affiliate links.

Plus, many of Miller’s upsells are merely PLR packages. Example: when downloaded as “” this file contains the original label on the folder inside which is: “TurboCashTactics – PLR” and it can be purchased from the PLR seller for $3.99 US funds.

You can Google search the name of the folder and see the PLR being sold as is for yourself.

Same goes for the “Power of Execution” and “Super Charged Productivity”, both of which are being used as upsells for well over their PLR prices too.

For these reasons I can NOT recommend Profit Genesis 2.0 in good conscience.

The Best Making Money Online Strategy Ever

Just over 2 years ago now, I found the best making money online strategy ever. The training platform is so very well setup as to assist their members to succeed.

Imagine that… a membership site willing to succeed by making sure their members succeed; do you know of any like that?

Well, I am here to introduce you to the only one that I have ever been a happy member of… and, as I have already stated, I have been with them for just over 2 years now and I intend on staying for longer yet.

This training platform offers several business tools too; tools that will help ensure your success.

They will teach you how to gain traffic to your business for FREE. That’s right… for free; it’s known as organic traffic… traffic that search engines will send to your business without your having to pay even a penny to receive.

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Okay, let us get one thing straight here and now; this is NOT a “get rich quick scheme”.

You will need to have both patience and dedication as part of your contributions in starting your very own online business. It takes time to grow any quality business when it is done the right way.

Hey, and the best part about this training platform that I want to share with you is that you can sign up as a starter member for FREE! Yes you can, and you will NOT even be asked for a credit card. So… what are you waiting for?

If you are fed up wasting your time and money on scams and you are ready to build your very own online business now then simply click here for me free guide.

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There is yet another bonus that you can learn all about in my free guide… how you can have YOUR very own premium coach… ME!

Should you have any questions about whether Profit Genesis 2.0 is a scam or if you simply want to discuss your thoughts on this topic, then please do leave a comment below. I make a habit to respond as quickly as possible to all comments made.

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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