Is Adsense Pirate a Sham or Can You Really Make $800+ a Month Using Google Adsense?

Barry Hurst claims to have tips, tools and techniques to share with you that he used to boost his Adsense earnings from $8 a day to over $800 a month in just three months.

He claims he wrote his eBook because he believes there is nothing better than a passive income.

Hurst does say that he does not make hundreds or thousands of dollars every year, but enough to pay his rent and some other expenses.

He goes on to explain that he made lots of mistakes and then simply corrected them, documenting what he did and monitoring his earnings.

Adsense Pirate, Hurst goes on to say, is not a get rich quick plan, and his eBook most likely won’t make you rich either, and he promises you his eBook is not rehashed junk like some of the eBooks he himself has bought in the past.

Hurts states that his eBook is a collection of his personal findings with Adsense and what he did to get where he is today.

He claims his eBook will provide you with the same tools he used to become successful with Adsense.

In this review I will be covering the following topics:

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What is Adsense Pirate Anyway?

screen print of Adsense Pirate's Thank You page

Program Name: Adsense Pirate


Price: $3.95 US funds

Recommended? NO


Barry Hurst suggests that you quit wasting time with “guru” nonsense and spending tons of your hard earned money trying to turn mere pennies into dollars, and invest in his Adsense Pirate eBook so you can take the necessary steps to increase your Adsense earnings this very day.

He also promises to send you monthly Adsense tips and tricks and he provides you with a 60 money back guarantee.

How Adsense Pirate Actually Works

screen print of Adsense Pirate's eBook cover

Hurst’s offerings is kept to one zip file in which his 34 page eBook that he titled as, Adsense Pirate – From $8 A Month to $800 a Month.

The table of contents in his eBook shows the following:

  • Introduction – 1 page
  • Organization & Preparation – 2 pages
  • Getting Started – 2 pages
    • Choosing a Niche
    • Choosing a Domain
    • Finding Hosting
  • The Adsense Overview – 2 pages
    • What is Google Adsense
    • Adsense for Content
    • Adsense for Search
    • Getting Paid with Adsense
    • Registering with Adsense
  • Creating Your Site / Blog – 6 pages
    • What is WordPress
    • Installing WordPress Using Fantastico Deluxe
    • WordPress Themes are Pretty
    • Changing WordPress Themes
    • Plugins – You Need Them
    • SEO Plugins
    • Be Content with Your Content
  • Adsense Success = Quantity & Quality – 1 page
    • Is That All?
    • The Formula Unraveled
  • Organic Traffic Tastes Good – 2 pages
    • So How Do I Get this Healthy Traffic?
    • It All About the Keywords
    • Earn Links from Other Websites
  • Quality Ads Get Clicked – 1 page
    • The Importance of High Paying Ads
    • How to Get High Paying Ads
  • Quality Ads Get Clicked PT 2 – 3 pages
    • Well Targeted / Relevant Ads
    • Where Do I Start?
    • Placing & Design
    • Ad Units Explained
  • If it Ain’t Broken, Tweak it – 2 pages
  • Boosting Your Profits – 2 pages
  • Resources – 2 pages


Back in March 2009, when this eBook was published, I would hazard a guess that this would have been a real gem to find, especially at if it had of been offered for such a low price as it is now being sold for.


The information in this eBook is badly out of date. For example, Fantastico Deluxe was replaced by Softaculous back in late 2012, so I am left wondering how much of the other information is as badly out of date.

Also, for being labeled and sold as tips and tricks to use for making money on Adsense, I truly expected a lot more information / secrets being shared as was touted in Hurst’s landing page.

Is Adsense Pirate a Sham?

thumb pointing downward in disapproval

No, I do not believe that Adsense Pirate is a sham, but rather a very out dated eBook of information that I personally feel is a waste of even a dollar. Therefore, I cannot recommend Adsense Pirate at any price.

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Hah, and you best know this up front, this is NOT a get rich quick scheme either. This training platform truly is for learning to make money online. You can learn to create YOUR very own business; One that will have your customers coming to YOU instead of you having to chase after them.

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There is an additional bonus waiting for you to discover in my FREE guide on how YOU can have ME as your premium coach… but to learn all about that you will need to read my guide.

Thanks for dropping by and checking out my review.

Should you have any questions or comments regarding if Adsense Pirate is a sham them please leave a comment below so we can discuss this topic further; looking forward to replying to your comment real soon.

Make Money Online Now,

photo of Trish with her name below that

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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