Can Free Traffic Shotgun System Generate High Quality Super Engaged Free Traffic?

Kevin Fahey is the vendor of the Free Traffic Shotgun system, and he says that you are about to discover his internal free traffic generation system.

One that he personally uses in his business to drive thousands of hyper-engaged visitors to his offers, funnels and websites.

He says more importantly, the same exact traffic generation system that he uses to add hundreds of brand-new subscribers to his email list every single month.

As well as top affiliate leaderboards almost on a weekly basis, and consistently growing his business day in and day out.

Kevin says that he is going to review how you can leverage this same exact strategy and get these same exact results for yourself.

He claims that about 6 or 7 years ago, a light bulb went off inside his head.

After spending years in this space building online businesses and brands,

  • mainly using paid traffic methods,
  • running tests and
  • throwing thousands of dollars at various paid traffic generation strategies,

Kevin says he accidentally stumbled upon a system that was completely different compared to the strategies he was using at that time.

Kevin states that it was a free traffic generation method that was so powerful that it immediately created such an unstoppable flow of consistently high-quality, super-engaged traffic that it became the main pillar of his business.

He says that it remains one of his core traffic generation strategies to this day.

Kevin then states that it is not a complicated and overwhelming system.

Apparently, it’s not dependent on boring quality content creation, and it is said to not require you to throw 10 or more funnels against the wall to see which one sticks, either.

And, most importantly, Kevin says that it doesn’t involve any time-consuming activities.

My review of the Free Traffic Shotgun will cover the following:

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What is Free Traffic Shotgun

screen print from vendor's landing page

Program Name: Free Traffic Shotgun

Website: (my affiliate link)

Price: $26.69 US funds + 4 upsells (7 upsells once you’ve logged into the basic training)

Recommended? YES


Kevin Fahey says that in his opinion, this system is the “holy grail” of free traffic, providing you can follow simple instructions required in setting up his “set & forget” traffic generation system that he claims you’ll never have to worry about traffic ever again.

He states that the first time he implemented it in his own business, after just 30 days, this new strategy was cranking out astonishing results.

Kevin says it was enough for him to realize that it was a sustainable and evergreen strategy.

screen print from vendor's landing page video

Kevin shared an image of a chart showing an extreme change in Active Users from 12th of December until past the 2nd of January, though it is not clear as to what year.

He claims this image to be an exact image of the free traffic generated from a new domain for his Free Traffic Shotgun case study that he apparently created.

Then he claims that he knew he could use this approach and system, again and again, as this wasn’t just once, like a fluke, or twice with pure luck.

But consistently, repeatedly, day in and day out, he could generate super high, quality, free traffic without:

  • having to waste countless hours writing content,
  • doing tedious tasks, or even
  • forking out hundreds or potentially even thousands of dollars on paid ads.

Fast forwarding to today, Kevin claims he’s gotten over 20,000 customers in multiple different niches.

And, traffic is the least of his problems.

On the other hand, Kevin says that he has people almost on a daily basis, reaching out to him and asking to spill his traffic generation secrets.

Kevin says that he understands why, because at the end of the day, traffic is the lifeblood of any online business.

No matter how good your offers are… no matter how high converting your funnels are, if you can’t drive traffic, your business is a sinking ship. If you can control your traffic, business becomes easier.

Kevin goes on explaining that you can always improve your products, and you can always improve your funnels, but traffic is different.

You either have it or you don’t.

The problem is that most marketers are either doing the wrong thing to generate free traffic or they are doing the right things in the wrong order.

Kevin says that he’s here fixing that and if you have ever:

  • Failed to consistently and reliably generate traffic and convert it to sales for your own business.
  • Launched a paid traffic campaign only to have it crash and burn a few weeks after it starts.
  • Tried all the weird free traffic methods that require you to constantly create content with little to no success.
  • Wish you could see the exact step-by-step traffic generation strategies used by multi-million-dollar businesses.

Well, that’s what Kevin claims that he has put together for you inside Free Traffic Shotgun.

Kevin suggests that if you’re tired of wasting your time and money on methods and strategies that never seem to work, today you’ll be able to get your hands on a super powerful, “set & forget” traffic generation strategy.

One that will allow you to control your traffic and therefore allow you to control how much money you make.

Inside his Free Traffic Shotgun, Kevin claims that you get access to step-by-step video training that shows you everything he does to generate thousands of visitors per month and turn them into cold hard cash in his bank account.

Kevin goes on to say that his unique traffic generation approach has been proven to work over and over again.

He claims that when you get this system now, he will also include additional strategies, tools and resources that will help you not only generate the traffic but show you how to correctly prepare your offers and funnels so that you can truly maximize your results.

Here are some of the things you’ll discover inside Free Traffic Shotgun:

  • Kevin’s unique bulletproof “set & forget” traffic generation strategy that he uses every single month to flood his funnels and offers with thousands of visitors and generate thousands of dollars in online sales.
  • Why his strategy is different than anything you have tried and seen before.
  • And, the simple steps to follow to unlock the secrets of unstoppable traffic and build a real lifestyle business you desire.

Kevin says that he is going to make this deal even sweeter by giving you access to some exclusive bonuses valued at over $500 in real market value for free when you get going right now.

He claims that for a limited time, you can get your hands on Free Traffic Shotgun at a massive discount. In order to lock in your discount, he says that all you have to do is buy now.

Kevin states that he has been building online businesses for over 14 years, and he’s seen and tried a lot of different traffic generation strategies over the years.

And, over the past few months, Kevin says he was able to break it down to a complete science and create a proven traffic generation blueprint that anyone can follow, and that he has revealed it all in this training.

Now, Kevin says that he does not want to toot his own horn, but what he has put together inside his Free Traffic Shotgun blows ever other little traffic generation tactic and strategy right out of the water.

He goes on to say for you to imagine being able to drive thousands of visitors per month to your offers and funnels.

Then he claims that the Free Traffic Shotgun strategies are extremely powerful and he honestly believes that it will finally help you get the results online that you truly desire.

Kevin says that he’s so sure of it that he is also going to take away all of the risk by giving you a full 14-day money back satisfaction guarantee so that you can test this system for yourself.

He even goes so far as to state that if for any reason, you don’t think this is worth many times your investment, just send him an email, and he’ll give you a quick refund.

Kevin says that he’s shown you results this system generates, shown you the value, and he’s made it a no-brainer offer by giving you a no-questions asked, money back guarantee, and… he’s added bonuses that are worth $500 in real market value.

All that is left for you to do is buy.

Kevin claims that you’re at a crossroads right now, and the way he sees it, you really just have two different options.

Your first option is to do nothing, close this page without further consideration of getting Free Traffic Shotgun and stay exactly where you are right now.

But he says that this only makes sense if you are getting thousands of visitors daily, that you have a massive email list, and that you already have a thriving business.

If that’s you, then maybe you don’t need his Free Traffic Shotgun.


If you’re not the person that he just described and building a business and generating traffic is a drag for you, then you should seriously consider taking the second option, by saying yes right now and buy before life gets in the way.

Get your access to the exact traffic system that is responsible for driving thousands of high-quality visitors per month to Kevin’s businesses, and building him a multi-7 figure online business by generating millions of dollars in sales.

Then Kevin warns you to not wait, because the price is going up with every sale. So, if you wait and come back later, you’ll end up paying way more for this money-making system.

How Free Traffic Shotgun Actually Works

screen print of vendor's members training

Inside the WELCOME TO THE TRAINING AREA, look for and click on the “Access Free Traffic Shotgun” to start the basic training.

Welcome Video (03:02 minutes)

Module 1 – Introduction To The Free Traffic Shotgun System video (04:56 minutes)

Module 2 – Deciding On your Offer video (17:07 minutes)

Module 3 – Preparing Your Content video (12:48 minutes)

Module 4 – Account Setup and Monetization video (17:14 minutes)

Module 5

  • Part 1 Setting Up Split Testing & Tracking video (05:02 minutes)
  • Part 2 Social Media Posting video (03:23 minutes) [Note below explain 2nd video]
  • Part 2 Social Media Posting continued video (05:53 minutes)
  • Part 3 Blog Post video (04:20 minutes)
  • Part 4 Login Special Offers video (05:04 minutes)
  • Part 5 Banners Everywhere video (04:56 minutes)
  • Part 6 Email Broadcast video (05:38 minutes)
  • Part 7 Email Signature video (04:38 minutes)
  • Part 8 Popup Banners In Content Banners video (04:31 minutes)
  • Part 9 Home Pages video (04:07 minutes)

Module 6

  • The Results Case Study Part 1 (December 21st) video (02:23 minutes)
  • The Results Case Study Part 2 (December 22nd) video (01:23 minutes)
  • The Results Case Study Part 3 (December 26th) video (02:08 minutes)
  • The Results Case Study Part 4 (January 5th) video (03:56 minutes)

Module 7

  • Your Own Done For You Offer – 16 different files to download. Choice to download all (1 GB file) or individually.
    1. eBook
    2. Checklist
    3. Cheat Sheet
    4. Mind Map
    5. Resources
    6. Sales & Thank You
    7. Optin & Download
    8. Graphic Pack
    9. Promo Emails
    10. Licence Pack
    11. MP4 video (Male)
    12. MP4 video (Female)
    13. Thrive Themes Templates
    14. Optimize Press 3 Templates
    15. Convertri Templates
    16. PowerPoint Presentation (VSL)
  • Done For You Funnel Training Part #1 – Introduction video (03:48 minutes)
  • Done For You Funnel Training Part #2 – Squeeze Page & Thank You Page video (04:57 minutes)
  • Done For You Funnel Training Part #3 – List Settings & Followup Email video (15:03 minutes)
  • Done For You Funnel Training Part #4 – Rebranding The Report video (05:52)
  • Done For You Funnel Training Part #5 – Payment Processor video (15:05 minutes)
  • Done For You Funnel Training Part #6 – Using HTML Files video (06:34 minutes)
  • Done For You Funnel Training Part #7 – Setting Up A Funnel On Warrior Plus video (34:41 minutes)
  • Done For You Funnel Training Part #8 – Importing ThriveThemes Templates video (02:25 minutes)

Access The Free Traffic Shotgun Execution Notes – is a Google Doc with links:

  • Squeeze Page
  • Thank you page
  • Social Media Profiles
  • Login Special Offers
  • Banners Everywhere (Members Area, Blogs, Thank You pages)
  • 4X Follow-up Email Series
  • Blog Post
  • Signature Links

Free Traffic Shotgun Bonuses – 3 webinar replays:

  1. How To Setup An Online Marketing Funnel video (33:37 minutes)
  2. 3X Your Profits Training Presentation video (43:52 minutes)
  3. 15 Monetization Methods video (1:17:33)


This level of training would definitely even help a newbie get started straight away.


If a newbie wanted to create a website using WordPress, they’d need to learn how to create a basic WordPress website first, as well as how to protect their site from hackers. That part is missing in this training.

Though you will find that level of help offered to you in my summary below.

My Take on Free Traffic Shotgun

thumb pointing up in approval

Can Free Traffic Shotgun system generate high quality free traffic?

Yes, I do believe this to be true, and that is why I recommend Free Traffic Shotgun.

As I’ve already stated in my PROS, this course is so easy to follow that even a newbie to online marketing would be able to start straight away.

Though they would need proper training to use WordPress if that was a preferred CMS (content management system) of a newbie.

If you be that newbie, be sure to read on to my summary below this.

Below is my video review of Kevin Fahey’s Free Traffic Shotgun system.

get my free making money online guide here button


If you are wanting to learn how to create your online business, then I have a learning platform that I would like to introduce you to, that I have been a member of since 2016.

This platform will no only teach you how to create a winning online business, you will also be provided with all of the necessary tools you will need for your very own online business.

Also include is a FREE website …AND a FREE SSL certificate to go along with your FREE website.

Plus… you can sign up for FREE as a starter member right now. And, you won’t even be asked for a credit card!

Are you interested at learning more about this platform?

If so, you can get my free guide right here.

get my free making money online guide here button

Should you have any question(s) about the Free Traffic Shotgun system generating high quality free traffic, please do leave them in a comment below.

I value my visitor’s questions and I will do my best to serve you with proper answers.

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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