Is Stockily Worth it or Can You Really Get 3 Million+ High Quality Stock HD Videos, Photos, Vectors, Audios?

Daniel Adetunji and Anjali Adlakha claim to be the owners of the Stockily website and are claiming to offer you over 3 million high quality stock HD videos, photos, vectors, audios all on a searchable platform.

They claim their platform is completely searchable with a keyword, their photos are of multiple sizes and resolutions and royalty free, their vectors and icons cover several niches, their audio and music files to be royalty free, and that their Image Editor is both basic and advanced.

All of which they claim these digital products include a commercial license so that you can charge your customers for these products, if you wish.

All this sounds very good, right?

My review here will cover the following topics:

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What is Stockily is About?

screen print of Stockily's product

Program Name: Stockily


Price: $27 US funds

Recommended? NO


Claims are made that videos are easy to rank fifty times faster on search results and twelve times more likely to be shared on social media, along with the following statement: “adding images and gifs to social media posts results in 2.3 times more engagement and blog content with images and videos get 94% more views.”

Their landing page narrator tells you that if you think that creating visuals is a stretch, you are going to need some help.

Thankfully, the narrator does tell you that borrowing any images from Google searches is illegal and would only serve to get you sued for copyright infringement.

He goes on to say that if you think stock photo images are expensive, you definitely want to avoid being sued for copyright infringement.

(Special NOTE: some images are created from 2 or 3 photographs and in those cases you would be sued for all 3 photographs even though you only shared one image.)

The narrator claims that Stockily is going to fix this issue today by offering you their “refreshing solutions” that those with bigger budgets have.

A claim is then made that they offer a searchable and ‘browsable’ cloud-base platform with 3 million plus stock videos, image, vectors and audios… with no extended or commercial rights.

They offer you a one-time investment of what they deem is an unbelievable price.

Once you have paid for full access to their website, all you need to do is search for stock images, videos, icons and vectors.

They even claim that you could create videos for local businesses and charge $500 to $5,000.

An image editor is also spoken of in that you can use their built-in image editor without paying any extra fee for any designing app or software.

They also claim that you will get regular updates with videos and photos every month.

How Stockily Actually Works

screen print of Stockily's membership area with warning label

When I first logged in, I honestly did not notice the statement that appeared on the bottom of my screen until AFTER I had done several different searches.

Not sure if the statement was there at my start or not… but there it is now, as plain as day.

In case you find it to hard to read from the image above, here it is: “All images and videos fall under Creative Common License. We are thankful to Pixabay, Pexels, UnSplash & Giphy.”

Their search is only equipped to handle a one word search, so chances of you being able to narrow down a specific image or video for a specific niche will be pretty difficult to do.

straight away, I noticed how tacky the gif files were and at that point of my inspection I became very suspicious that these were scrapped off the Giphy site… which was my thought before noticing their statement that is spelled out above.

Their audio files, which were all of 9, without searching for, as that was all there were available… all were clearly labeled with PLR.

The icons I checked out were all very amateurish looking, and I would never want to use any of them, let alone sell them to a local business owner.

screen print of Stockily's Find Image search page in the membership area

The PowerPoint presentations they have labeled as PPT Videos are simply one page templates you could/might use in a video, though more likely okay to be used as a one page advertisement rather than a video.

Then there is their built-in image editor, which I took the time to import one of the images they offered, by clicking on their Edit option… and, well, seeing is believing, right?

screen print of Stockily's image editor included in their membership area

The original image shown above when sent to the Stockily photo editing software was 1280 x 560, and by simply selecting to Edit once an image was decided on from within their Find Images, the image appeared as shown above. YIKES… right?

Their videos all had watery looking marks in the backgrounds, just like those shown in the screen print of the image above. Any professional would notice this as being caused from a low quality image, straight away.


I could find nothing that I could list here.


You will be paying for a basic (at best) search engine that will provide you with digital products that you can get freely already from the sites listed in their statement of: “…Pixabay, Pexels, UnSplash & Giphy.”

The icons and videos are of such low quality that you would need to find better options elsewhere.

Is Stockily Worth the Cost?

thumb pointing downward in disapproval

The short answer is “No!” I do not believe Stockily to be worth the cost.

It does appear that they are simply offering their paying clients freebies that have been scraped from other online databases.

Due to this my observation, I do NOT recommend using their services.

How to Find Free Images, Clips, etc.

Even if you THINK an image or video clip is free, please be sure it is clearly labeled as “Creative Commons Zero” or “CC0” BEFORE you use it.

Though many free image sites state that you do not have to provide attribution, it is always nice to at least offer backlinks (that open in a new tab, so you won’t lose your website visitors) to the account of the creator of the image, and the website database to the bottom of your post or page.

The screen print below offers an example.

screen print of credit links for header image found on this website

Please, always be sure to READ THE SMALL PRINT on any image you find that interests you. YOU have to be your first line of defense from being sued for incorrect usage of any digital product (or ANYthing) that has a copyright on it. If it is not clearly labeled as CC0 then it is NOT free to use.

Here is a list of sites offering free use of their digital products:

To find a FREE online image editor, all you need to do is Google search “edit images online free” (without the quotation marks, of course) and you will be provided with a range of websites to choose from.

And, how about a free online video editor, you ask? For that too, you can simply Google search “edit video online free” and then take your pick.

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So now, should you have ANY questions or thoughts regarding whether Stockily is actually worth the value or… if you have discovered another awesome free source of digital files that can be legally used for commercial and/or personal purposes (CC0 remember!) then I do hope you will share it with all of us by leaving your information below in a comment.

All comments are responded to in a timely manner as I value my website visitors.

Be sure to get my FREE guide as my way of saying “Thank YOU!” for dropping by.

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Save Your Money – Read Reviews,

photo of Trish with her name below that

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

2 thoughts on “Is Stockily Worth it or Can You Really Get 3 Million+ High Quality Stock HD Videos, Photos, Vectors, Audios?”

  1. Hi Trish,
    From my personal experience for Stockily. I think this it is a fake free to scratch the money. Due to I submit the refund request to Stockily for week, but there are no any respond to me so far. I only login the Stockily for 30mins and I decide to refund my money back. I found that is the one page website to attract eyes to pay and claim for 30 days refund policy, but there will not have real refund to people. I am just a office worker, I don’t have much time and resource in the world of internet. If possible, pleas help to broadcast to more people or your audience to know my experience. Thanks!

    • I am sorry to learn of your terrible experience and this is exactly why I published the review of MY personal experience with this product.

      Going forward, I do hope that whenever you want to buy something ALWAYS check online for reviews. Look for and read the BAD reviews first and foremost, and then make your decision from there, as I have found that works best for me. Many fake bad reports, but I’m sure you will see obviously poorly written bad reports or unfair bad reviews. Those you can simply ignore.


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