Is Access to Lazy Commissions Really Free?

Tim Ikels and Paul are the vendor of Lazy Commissions, and Tim says that they created this new course.

He was quick to add that most people are used to all this over-hype sales pages with lots of fake money raining from the sky, and rented sports cars, and young ladies who again have nothing to do with the product.

Then he says that they (he and his partner) are just two old, experienced affiliates sharing what they’ve learned over all these years, and the stuff they do every day to make their living online.

But Tim doubts this will attract people.

Then Tim welcomes you to a slightly different pre-launch of Lazy Commissions. And, he thanks you for being a part of this.

First, they say that they’ve got to talk about something very important.

Apparently, their industry is broken …and, that this is a real business.

In order to get to the money, they have to cover the online business basics.

If you want the money, you first need Lazy Commissions. Get started right now.

It’s 100% FREE during the per-launch.

Claims are made that this is proven and evergreen. no BS, no gimmicks, just a simple, professional way to get to $100 per day.

My review of Lazy Commissions will cover the following:

See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:

get my free making money online guide here button

What is Lazy Commissions?

screen print from vendor's landing page

Program Name: Lazy Commissions

Website: (my affiliate link)

Price: Free – PLUS 3+ Upsells

Recommended? YES


Tim Ikels clearly states that this course teaches affiliate marketing the right way, with a focus on your getting $100 per day online.

To repeat that… Lazy Commissions is a complete affiliate marketing training course that shows you how to get to $100/day with free, highly-targeted traffic.

Tim and his partner Paul claim that they are professional affiliate marketers and not just “serial product launchers” who create a new course every 2 – 4 weeks.

Apparently, they keep it updated too… and it is absolutely free, during their launch.

They claim that Lazy Commissions is NOT a PLR product but rather a video course that can show you how to make $100 per day with affiliate marketing.

Ostensibly, this course is said to be built on their experience as long-time, successful affiliate marketers.

However, they state that if you need to see a lot of fake proof and rented limos then Lazy Commissions might not be a good fit for you.

Apparently, the training covers mindset / execution, online business and marketing fundamentals, affiliate marketing basics, email marketing, lead generation (list building), traffic generation and much more.

They’ve even said to have included unannounced bonuses.

Lazy Commissions is said to be delivered to you via a user-friendly membership area that you can gain access to after purchasing.

They claim that you can follow their training on any device with a browser and internet access.

Apparently, you will have the ability to even search for specific topics within the training, and you will be supplied with an email address that you can reach their support with, should you have any problems.

It is also stated that you will be presented with 3 upsells but NO downsells, and that NOBODY forces you to buy any of their upsells.

Apparently, you can make the training work without purchasing any of the offered upgrades.

They state that they have created 3 extremely powerful and heavily under-priced upsells in order to get you started quickly, and see results faster.

Plus, for those who appreciate being part of an accountability group or wants a “live” chat option, they offer a friendly, family-like community upgrade.

AND… if you like their course inside Lazy Commissions, and want to make this your own offer, they also offer you the opportunity to purchase the license rights, as well as special license rights.

They then repeat the fact that you can make this free training work without purchasing any of the upgrades.

How Lazy Commissions Actually Works

screen print of vendor's members area

Inside their members area you will find the following:

Welcome – is where you get to meet Tim and get many questions answered.

  • Welcome To Lazy Commissions!
  • Follow Tim
  • Is This Training Really Free? (Pre-Launch Special)
  • Why Is This Training Free? Where’s The Catch?
  • Is This Just Another IM Product Launch?
  • But I Need More Help!
  • All Upgrades – Overview
  • Do I Absolutely Need The Upgrades To Make This Work?
  • Live Chat / Help / Support

Getting Started

  • Watch This First video (02:45 minutes)
  • Quick Start Checklist (PDF)
  • Want Faster Results? Get The Rapid Implementation Kit
  • Secret Affiliate Insider – Get All The Help & Support You Want
  • Make Lazy Commissions Your Own Offer, Get 100% Commissions & Your Clients’ Data
  • Next Steps
Quote by Theodore Roosevelt

The Foundation

  • Why 99%+ Of People Fail – Why 99%+ Of All People Are Destined To Fail At Making Money Online
    • Start Here audio (12:23 minutes)
    • Most People Will Fail At This
    • Everything In This Industry Is About Consumption
    • “Fast & Easy Money”
    • They Just Don’t Care
    • 9 Out Of 10 Product Vendors Just Want Your Money
    • “Serial Product Launchers”
    • Never Getting Scammed Again
    • How To Stop The Bleeding
    • The Real Problem With Shiny Objects
    • From “Opportunity Seeker To Business Owner” – The Missing Mental Shift
  • On Execution (Don’t Skip!) – Execution & Mindset
    • Start Here audio (13:16 minutes)
    • Doing The Right Thing
    • Doing The Things Right
    • Consumption Mode VS Creation Or Production Mindset (Important!)
    • Master Execution (“Mindset”) And You Will Win – Guaranteed
    • This Is A Highly-Profitable, Proven Business Model
    • Overwhelm & Imposter Syndrome
    • What Ultimately Gets You Results
    • Two Empowering Thoughts
    • Expectations & Awareness (Attitude / Mindset)
    • Additional / Supporting Material video (04:52 minutes)
  • Affiliate Marketing Process – How We Make Money: Understanding The Process
    • Why “Lazy” Commissions?
    • Why Affiliate Marketing
    • Advantages Of Affiliate Marketing
    • Disadvantages Of Affiliate Marketing
    • Why List Building (Lead Generation) & Email Marketing
    • Marketing Starts With Finding Problems To Solve
    • Step 1: Market Research / Niche Selection
    • Step 2: Build Your Website / “Hub”
    • Step 3: Choose A Core-Offer Or Offers To Promote
    • Step 4: Drive Traffic
    • Traffic & Conversion
    • Marketing Systems
    • On Providing Value
    • A Quick Word About Google & Facebook
    • Mindset: This Is A Real Business
    • Every Step In The Process Has One(!) Specific Purpose
    • Reminder: Truly Help People
Quote by Latin Proverbs
  • Value Ascension Model – The Ascension Model & Funnels
    • Value Ladder Or Ascension Model
    • Funnel – The Ascension Model Practically Applied
    • A Buyer Is A Buyer Is A Buyer
    • The First Purchase Is The Hardest To Get
    • The Ideal Funnel
    • Your Chosen Affiliate Core/Signature Offer
    • Very Common Mistakes Of Newbie Marketers
    • Reminder: Everything Is Based On Providing Value
    • Why You’re Not “One Funnel Away”
    • Quick Recap <– COMING SOON
  • Niche Selection – Picking The Right Market / Niche Selection
    • The Big 3: Health, Wealth, Relationships
    • Mistake 1: Niche Too Small
    • Mistake 2: Niche Too Broad
    • Mistake 3: Not Emotionally Invested
    • The Perfect Niche
  • Required Tools – Required Tools & Applications
    • You Don’t Need Anything Else As An Affiliate
    • (Near-)Zero Budget Option
    • The RIK – Speed Up The Process…
  • Core Offer Selection – Selecting Your Core (Affiliate) Offer
    • What’s The Core Offer?
    • What Makes An Offer Irresistible?
    • Criteria For Selecting Affiliate Offers
    • Testing Offers The Right Way
    • Criteria For Your Core Offer
    • Potential Core Offer Ideas
  • Affiliate USP & Bonuses – USP As An Affiliate & Bonuses That Work
    • Why Offering Bonuses At All?
    • What Makes A Great Bonus Package & How To Create One video (07:55 minutes)
    • Bonus Creation “Cheats”
Quote by Oscar Wilde

Email Marketing

  • Email Marketing ProcessEmail Marketing – The Process
    • Email Marketing At It’s Core: Building Relationships <– COMING SOON
    • Why Email Marketing Is Still Important In 2022
    • Email Marketing Pros & Cons
    • Will Email Become Obsolete Anytime Soon
    • How To Start An Email List?
    • How To Grow Your Email List?
    • How To Drive Traffic To An Opt-In Page?
    • How To Optimize Your Website For Opt-In Page Conversions?
    • How To Create Opt-In Pages?
    • How To Follow-Up With Your List?
    • How To Avoid Spam Filters?
    • Closing Thoughts On Email Marketing
    • Write To A Friend <– COMING SOON
  • Important Concepts – Important Email Marketing Concepts / Fundamentals
    • At It’s Core: Relationship Building
    • The Welcome Email
    • Value-Based Follow Up (Daily To Weekly)
    • Frequency – How Often Should You Mail Your List?
    • Segmentation – Keeping It Relevant For Everyone
    • List Cleaning & Deliverability
    • Closing Thoughts
  • Copywrite 101
    • Remember This Quote
    • Headline Formulas
    • Elements Of An Offer – Formula:
    • Classic Copywriting Headline Templates
    • Words That Sell & Power Words
    • Subconscious Words & Phrases To Get In Your Readers Mind
    • Additional Resources
  • Email Marketing Mistakes
    • Mistake 1: Mailing Too Often
    • Mistake 2: Not Mailing Often Enough
    • Mistake 3: Not Cleaning Your List
    • Mistake 4: Not Segmenting Your List
    • Mistake 5: Discussing With The Wrong People
    • Mistake 6: Not Providing Enough Value
    • Mistake 7: Not Making Enough Offers
    • Mistake 8: Forcing The Stats (Opens Or Clicks)
    • Mistake 9: Not Asking Questions (Often Enough)
    • Mistake 10: Freaking Out Over Making Mistakes
Quote by Jon Miller

Lead Generation

  • List Building Basics
    • The Role/Function Of Your Website
  • Lead Generation & Your Core Offer
    • Recap: What Is A Lead Magnet?
    • Recap: Choosing Your Core Offer
  • Leadgen Mistakes – List Building & Lead Generation Mistakes
    • Avoid These Typical Lead Generation Mistakes

Traffic Generation

  • Understanding Traffic – Understanding Traffic – Overview
    • Traffic Vs Targeted Traffic
    • The Buying Process / Customer Research Cycle
    • Traffic Temperature & Awareness Levels: Cold Vs Warm Vs Hot Traffic
      • Stage 1: Unaware
      • Stage 2: Problem Aware
      • Stage 3: Solution Aware
      • Stage 4: Product Aware
      • 2 Quick Examples
    • Types Of Traffic & The Owning The Traffic
    • Who Are You Marketing To?
    • The “Who” Defines The “Where”
    • Related Articles
    • Related Downloads
  • Organic Content Marketing – Organic/”Free” Traffic
    • Content Marketing On Your Website (SEO)
    • The Importance Of Keywords
    • Buyer-Friendly Keywords (“Buying Intent”)
    • Content Marketing On Third Party Websites
    • If You Want To Dig Deeper Into This Topic…
  • The Perfect Website
    • WordPress Quickstart Guide
    • The Perfect WordPress Setup video (05:25 minutes)
    • WordPress Themes
    • WordPress Plugins
    • Recommended Pages To Create First On Your Fresh Blog/Website
  • Traffic-Pulling Reviews & Launch Jacking
    • Competition video (05:10 minutes)
    • Where To Find Products To Review
    • Launch Jacking
    • What Makes A Great Review?
    • Elements Of A Review
    • Examples Of IM Product Reviews
    • Additional Resources
  • Paid Traffic
    • work in progress
    • will be added Jan 2022
    • sorry for the delay
  • JV/Affiliate Traffic – Joint Venture & Affiliate Traffic (Through Product Creation & Product Launching)
    • Marketing legend Jay Abraham video (03:01 minutes)
    • The Most Pre-Sold, Highest-Converting Traffic You’ll Ever Get
    • Product Creation & Product Launching
    • The Costs Of Getting JV/Affiliate Traffic – Product Creation
    • “Who In Their Right Mind Would Do All Of That?!”
    • The Big Upside Of Having Your Own Product
    • As An Affiliate, You’re Always Competing Against All Other Affiliates
    • “How Can I Create My Own Product?”

Conclusion & Next Steps

  • Getting Started, Now
  • Getting Additional Support
  • Say “Hello” Inside Our Group
  • Getting 100% Affiliate Commissions
  • You’ve Just Proven That “This Works!”
  • Making Your First Sale


  • How To Get Approved As A New Affiliate Marketer
    • How To Get Approved As A New Affiliate (On WarriorPlus, JVZoo, Clickbank, Digistore24, etc.) video (07:26 minutes)
  • Direct Response Secrets
    • Direct Response Marketing Secrets audio file (1:13:42)
    • Transcription
    • Related Links
  • Marketing Secrets Blackbook
    • Additional Resources
  • The Great Formula
    • Mark Joyner’s “The Great Formula”
      • Step 1: Create The Irresistible Offer
      • Step 2: Present It to a Thirsty Crowd
      • Step 3: Sell Them A Second Glass
    • The Only Three Ways To Increase The Revenue Of Any Business
Quote by Sir Winston Churchill
  • How to Sell Anything
    • How To Sell Anything To Anyone video (1:29:54)
  • PLR Workshop – PLR Training / Workshop
    • How To Edit & Rebrand a PLR Product video (2:14:06)
    • Topics Covered
    • Download The Video Or Audio
  • 5 Day Lead Challenge – 5 Day Lead Generation Challenge By Russell Brunson
    • Day 1 – Unlimited Leads video (43:10 minutes)
    • Day 2 – Creating Your “Onepager” video (54:08 minutes)
    • Day 3 – Your Lead Funnel video (41:07 minutes)
    • Day 4 – Follow-Up Funnels (emails)
    • Day 5 – Launch Your Funnel (traffic)
  • Direct Marketing Secrets
    • Direct Marketing Secrets By Gary Halbert video (1:10:08)
    • Download The Video Or Audio
  • Additional Resources
    • Dan S. Kennedy / Magnetic Marketing
    • Digital Marketer’s Lead Magnet
    • Jay Abraham: The Strategy Of Pre-eminence video (31:20 minutes)
    • Jay Abraham On How To Scale Your Business video (1:03:42)
    • Brian Kurtz & Jay Abraham video (1:02:56)
    • Get The Answer To The Single Most Important Question For Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs By Dan S. Kennedy video (05:11 minutes)
    • Questions? Suggestions?


  • Rapid Implementation Kit (link to landing page)
  • Secret Affiliate Inside (link to landing page)
  • License Rights & Special License Rights (link to landing page)

Affiliate Resources

  • Request Your Affiliate Link
  • The Best Ways To Promote Lazy Commissions As An Affiliate
  • Review Article Of Lazy Commissions
  • DFY Bonus/Bridge Pages, DFY Emails, And Much More…
  • Alternative Splash Page Style Sales Page
  • Banners & Graphics
  • Subject Lines (For Your Emails)
  • EPIC, DFY Lead Magnet (MMO/IM Niche)
  • Let Us Do The Telling & Selling For You

Changelog – Changelog For Lazy Commissions

  • Help / Support / Requests / Feedback
  • Special Thanks To…
  • Version 0.6 (Pre-Launch)
  • Version 0.5 (Pre-Launch)
  • Version 0.4 (Pre-Launch)
  • Version 0.3 (Pre-Launch)
  • Version 0.2 (Pre-Launch)
  • Version 0.1 (Pre-Launch)
Quote by Anthony Robbins

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I Really Need Tool XYZ To Make This Work?
  • How Can I See Results As Fast As Possible?
  • Do You Offer 1:1 Coaching?
  • Do You Guys Really Make Money From This? Are You Legit?
  • But I Don’t Want To Be On Video/Camera!
  • Can’t Find Your Question Here?

Support & Help – Help / Support

  • Email
  • Direct (Live) Help & Much More


I have never seen so much information offered within any freebie like this, EVER! Lazy Commission free version is jam-packed with helpful information that any newbie can learn from.


The lack of more time in my day to implement this with all of the other awesome affiliate marketing offerings. But I’m going to try!

My Take on Lazy Commissions

Is access to Lazy Commissions really free?

Yes, it is free during their launch!

thumb pointing up in approval

But do NOT buy Lazy Commissions if you are not ready to act on the information you are provided with inside this training.

Not only do I recommend the FREE version of Lazy Commissions, I also recommend purchasing their upsells, but ONLY if you are serious about making money online.

The first upsell has even MORE goodies inside that will definitely get any newbie online and earning money, as long as you act on the information provided inside Lazy Commissions.

Below you will find my video review of Lazy Commissions by Tim Ikels and his partner Paul.

get my free making money online guide here button


If you’re looking for a quick summary, all I can tell you is this, the initial access to Lazy Commission really is free during their launch. How long their launch will be is anyone’s guess.

Should you have any question(s) regarding is access to Lazy Commissions really free, please DO ask them in a comment below so that we can discuss this further.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

photo of Trish with her name below that
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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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