Does ViralBot Get Instant Google Page 1 Ranking & Free Buyer Traffic?

Rudy Rudra is the vendor of ViralBot and he asks you if you have tried to spend a lot of time in creating backlinks for blogs and websites for higher rankings; are you spending too much money to hire backlink creator but no success?

Attention, he announces, the worlds first backlink creator that delivers real results.

He says to imagine if you can get everything in just one software without paying any monthly recurring fees.

The best thing is, he continues with, you can save thousands of dollars.

He claims you need imagine no longer because they’ve made it possible, yes, loved by millions of entrepreneurs, business owners, and everyone.

Rudra goes on to announce that he is the top internet marketer and that he came with solid software that helps you get instant billions of backlinks and higher rankings in just two clicks.

He claims that there is no need of a domain or hosting and that there is no need for content creation.

He shouts out to listen up, that they are building a backlinks automation software with exclusive training and where you can easily create high quality backlinks and higher rankings in just a few clicks, never seen before.

Rudra claims that ViralBot will get you on Google Page #1 without any extra efforts, and that it drives laser targeted traffic for any offer in any niche.

That you also get automatic updates with no extra installation hassles, and its cloud based, and newbie friendly.

My review of ViralBot entails the following:

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What is ViralBot?

screen print from vendor's landing page

Program Name: ViralBot


Price: $17 US funds + 5 Upsells and 6 Downsells

Recommended? NO


Rudy Rudra claims that ViralBot creates unlimited, high-quality backlinks and gets you high website rankings easily with millions of backlinks data.

He says to:

  • create high quality backlinks instantly for your blogs, website, etc., and
  • reach fast on Google page number 1 with no extra effort,
  • get faster indexing for your web pages,
  • drive laser targeted traffic for any offer in any niche,
  • automatic updates with no extra installation hassles,
  • 100% cloud-based,
  • newbie friendly technology,
  • beginner friendly,
  • step-by-step training and videos

Rudra says, here is how it works…

Step 1: Grab a copy before the price increases

Step 2: Log in and access dashboard

Step 3: Great, you’re all set

Now, sit back and relax while they focus on driving real results for your business. Rudra claims that ViralBot is making life easier for thousands of people globally, every single day.

He says that the possibilities to profit with ViralBot are totally endless.

Rudra goes on to say that when you act now, you will also get five custom, money-making bonuses that are worth thousands, absolutely free.

Here are his details

Bonus 1: EmailScraper Bot Premium – claimed to be worth $1,997

Bonus 2: Expired Domain Bot Premium – claimed to be worth $2,997

Bonus 3: $100 Day Income System – claimed to be worth $997

Bonus 4: Internet Download Manager – said to be worth $997

Bonus 5: Keyword Finder + PBN Hunter – stated as being worth $1,997

Rudra claims that they are removing all of the risk and also offering a 30-day money back guarantee, so he says to hurry and act fast because the price goes up every 60 minutes and if you wait you will have to pay more.

He says to click the buy button right now to lock in your discount and get instant access to ViralBot at an amazing one-time price.

He signs off with, “we’ll see you on the inside.”

How ViralBot Actually Works

screen print of vendor's members area

Inside the ViralBot Members Area you will find the following:

Follow #1: Get Coaching By A 7-Figure Marketer, where you are provided with a large button titled: CLICK HERE TO GET TRAINING NOW, which is an affiliate link to another vendor’s landing page… Jono Armstrong’s product.

Follow #2: Win $500 Instant, where you will see a text message explaining that if you share the following link with text on Facebook, Twitter or Quora, then take a screenshot of the post and send it to a specified email address, that you MIGHT be selected as the random lucky person.

Follow #3: Access Your Purchase ViralBot Account Here, with a large button titled: CLICK HERE TO CREATE VIRALBOT ACCOUNT that when clicked on takes your browser to the sign-up form, as shown in the screen print below.

screen print of ViralBot create a new account page

Follow #4: We have Done For You Business Solution, with a large button titled GET DFY EDITION RIGHT NOW, which is a broken link at the time of my reviewing.

Follow #5: If You Buy Reseller Licence Then Only You Can Do, with instructions to Request Your Link Here.

Follow #6: Additional Discounted Offers For You, as shown in the screen print below…

screen print from vendor's members area page

But there are no links provided to these.

Follow #7: Download ViralBot Bonuses Here, with a large button titled: CLICK HERE TO Download Exclusive Bonuses that when clicked on takes your browser to a Google doc with links provided to the bonuses.

Follow #8: Download ViralBot Extra Bonuses Here, which is an affiliate link to a vendor’s product page.

Below Follow 8, are instructions that you need to follow if you need help, and you are warned about the followings:

  • If you open a dispute, it will automatically void their money-back guarantee.
  • If you have a support query kindly don’t go to PayPal it will void your guarantee. Use support desk and open a ticket instead.
  • An assurance to respond within 24-46 hours.

The support URL is provided below these warnings.

Back to Follow #3, ViralBot, I created a new account.

screen print of ViralBot dashboard

API Training consists of a 7 minute 33 second video by Rudy Rudra, showing you how to create an API key from YOUR Google account.

Software Training consists of a 4 minute 23 second video by Rudy Rudra, where he shows you where to add your API key to your ViralBot account on his server.

In the ViralBot Guide video below, Rudra demonstrates how to use ViralBot.


NONE were found.


The members area web page is identical to Rudy Rudra’s VidVoice offer right down to the bonuses included, except the VidVoice login of course, as that was changed out to be ViralBot.

Pay close attention to quality of those comments that Rudy Rudra clearly displays on camera in his ViralBot Guide.

They are spam comments and not honestly thought-out comments. What a great way to destroy your online reputation if used!

The training offered is so sparse that most users would struggle figuring out how this software might benefit them. There should have been an over the shoulder video offered.

My Take on ViralBot

First, I must confess that I purchased ViralBot by mistake when I became overly excited after learning of Rudy Rudra’s launch of VidVoice, thinking that product sounded awesome.

thumb pointing downward in disapproval

Oh my, but if the members area isn’t setup nearly exactly (Follow #8 wasn’t on VidVoice) to that of VidVoice, up to and including the bonuses!

Due to the low quality of comments (spam comments, actually) offered by ViralBot, I believe that ViralBot would NOT get your website instant Google page 1 ranking.

In fact, publishing spam comments like those shown in Rudra’s guide will only work to destroy your online reputation really quickly.

Below is my video review on ViralBot by Rudy Rudra

get my free making money online guide here button


For those of you looking to make money online, the best way that you can do that is to learn how to start your very own online business from scratch, so that you build it properly, and gain a good reputation.

If you are serious about learning to start your very own online business, I would like to introduce you to a learning platform that I have been a member of since 2016.

The best part about this platform is that you can sign up and start for FREE!

Yes, I said FREE… and, you won’t even be asked for a credit card.

Try finding THAT sort of offer ANYWHERE off or online! BET you can’t.

You will have 7 days in which to take the first 10 lessons FREE!

Plus, you will have FREE access to all the necessary tools to build your own online business as you learn.

That’s right, you will be able to create your very own website FREE.

You can even turn on a SSL certificate FREE, making your website safe for your website visitors.

Google loves sites with HTTPS (SSL certificates) because the certificates protect THEIR customer’s devices!

If you’re serious and want to know more about this platform, simply click the link to get access to my FREE GUIDE.

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Should you have any question(s) regarding does ViralBot get instant Google page 1 rankings and free buyer traffic, please leave them in a comment below and I will respond to them in a timely manner.

Learn How to Stop Wasting Money,

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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