Is WP SEO Linker a Scam or Does it Reveal Toxic Links and Additional Traffic?

Mark Hess claims that this is essential if you are looking for a way to gain higher rankings, to prevent you from losing rankings, and also identify different tracking opportunities that are out there by tracking incoming links.

Hess goes on to say that any other site that is linking to yours will be tracked all the way to the backend of a WordPress site using the free Mozscape® API, and this is super easy to use.

He says that the report will be displayed in the backend of your website, where you can check it at anytime. Here, he claims, is where you can see which sites are linking to yours.

He goes on to say that this is especially helpful for providing SEO services for links from somewhere.

Apparently, you can see if the service is actually being delivered or not… which, Hess claims, is a big deal because there are a lot of people who just want to take your money, and not actually perform the service.

So, Hess says, all that you need to do is activate and then click on Report from your WordPress Dashboard, and their report will bring in every single site that is linking to yours.

This apparently includes whether the links are a Follow or No Follow link. And Hess says that it will also track if your images are being used on other sites, and the Report will provide you with the anchor text that is included.

My review will cover the following topics:

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What is WP SEO Linker?

screen print of vendors product

Program Name: WP SEO Linker


Price: $12.95 US funds, for Unlimited Site License + 1 Upsell

Recommended? NO


Mark Hess claims that this WordPress plugin will help you improve your website SEO (search engine optimization) by seeing which sites link to yours and are what he considers to be toxic, and causing your site ranking issues.

Once you know which of those links are doing that, then for these links Hess recommends you use Google’s Disavow option so these links will no longer affect your website in a negative way.

Hess claims that there is a bunch of different ways to use this plugin, he says it’s awesome if you want to try anything like discovering whose site is using your images.

He goes on to say that this is essential if you are looking for a way to see an overall picture of your site, as backlinks are important and that is why he claims that this plugin is so useful.

Apparently, there is a 30-day trial period that Hess claims is available, and that his plugin is super easy to use.

He goes on to say that all you need to do is activate it, put in your API key and you’re good to go, that there is no additional cost, as he claims that the Mozscape® API is totally free.

Hess’ landing page states the following:

  • you could have toxic sites linking to yours which could be killing your search engine rankings and that you don’t even know of these.

  • Using WP SEO Linker on your website, you can see if the SEO services are actually delivering the services you paid for.

  • WP SEO Linker is said to be newbie friendly and super easy to use. All you have to do is activate the plugin, copy and paste [but what you have to copy and paste was not stated], and a report is automatically generated for you.

  • Helps you discover sites that are linking to your site and possibly hurting your ranking.

  • And that WP SEO Linker is fully integrated with the Mozscape® API, which is being claimed to be free.

How WP SEO Linker Really Works

screem print of vendor's download page

Having already purchased a few other products from Mark Hess, and because the single site license was being offered for $12 US funds, I decided to buy the Unlimited Site License, which sells for all of 95 cents US funds more.

If this plugin worked as well as other products that Hess has sold to me, then I would definitely use this on all my sites.

But alas… that was NOT to be the case here.

Upon installing and activating Hess’ WP SEO Linker plugin in my local business site… the one website that I REALLY wanted to see if my SEO services were still honouring any of the backlinks that I had paid for a few years ago… I received the following prompt.

screen print of the prompt received

WP SEO Linker is unlicensed: No License Specified, and when I clicked on the WP SEO Linker from my Dashboard, I got the following prompt.

screen print of the options provided by vendor's plugin

Once I clicked on the Activate License, a popup window appeared, ready for me to sign into an IM Income Lab account… an account that I have never created, been asked to create and thus I have NO access to.

screen print showing popup window

So, off to email I went and I issued an email of which the following screen print will show you is to a Michael Thomas, who initially contacted me with his email which introduced me to this product.

screen print of 1st email sent

When that email was ignored, I issued a second email. Below is a screen print of my second cry for help.

screen print of 2nd email sent to vendor

Once I realized that this email too was being ignored, I then sent Mark Hess an email. Below is a screen print of that email.

screen print of email sent to Mark Hess

And… once that email too was ignored, I then went to the Support link provided to paying customers for this product…

screen print of Support page for this plugin

…and I submitted a ticket, for which I received an acknowledgement for having submitted.

screen pring of their server's acknowledging my ticket for support

When I click on the link supplied in email that is shown in the screen print above, the following is a screen print of what I saw the day I wrote this review.

screen print showing support ticket ignored too

As you can clearly see for yourself, there is NO response. It appears that this too is being ignored.

So… does this WP SEO Linker plugin work?

That is a great question that I cannot answer.

And, due to my having trusted Mark Hess from previous purchases I’ve made for his products, I delayed trying this plugin out.

This led to my delay in requesting their assistance.

Now this issue is to the point that even PayPal could not possibly assist me in obtaining a full refund for this product.

As you can clearly see in the screen prints supplied above. I purchase this plugin back in mid-March 2020.

A reasonable amount of time has now passed and I can kiss my near $20 Canadian funds bye-bye.

All I can say is, BUYERS BEWARE of WP SEO Linker plugin.

Is WP SEO Linker a Scam?

thumb pointing downward in disapproval

Having not been given full access to this product that I paid for I cannot honestly tell you if WP SEO Linker is a scam or not.

This should serve to prove to you that even a veteran internet marketer like me can be caught from time to time, in trusting the wrong vendor.

Due to my never being able to use this plugin, I could NEVER recommend WP SEO Linker.

The BEST Backlink Checker Plugin – and its FREE!

screen print of Backlink Checker plugin logo page

Save yourself the frustration AND lost money that I had with WP SEO Linker and try a FREE WordPress plugin, Backlink Checker by Sunny Verma.

It is said to be a plugin to analyze inbound links and… it too uses the FREE Moz API.

get my free making money online guide here button

Once a well-known Internet Marketer (IM) “stiffs” me once, I become a doubting Trish, and am never so quick to buy from that vendor again.

For obvious reasons, already explained above, Mark Hess will be among those IMer’s that I no longer trust their word for.

If you have any questions regarding is WP SEO Linker a scam, I do hope you will feel free to leave me a comment below. Once you do that, I will be sure to respond, and you will be notified of my response.

Save Your Money,

photo of Trish with her name below that

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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