Is WP Profit Tab for Real or Will it Really Help Me Make More Money?

Internet marketer Mark Hess literally guarantees that once you install his Profit Tab on your website you will make more money.

He claims that this plugin will not ruin your bounce rate on your website, nor the performance of your website, and that it will get offers in front of people in an easy way.

Hess states that whether you are into building a list, affiliate marketing or simply wanting to gain reviews for your local business you can do that inside his WP Profit tab.

He then proceeds to provide an example by showing you how you can make the necessary settings to order to get the results you want.

A 30-day guarantee is provided to his buyers.

If you do not make more money with his plugin, Hess says that all you have to do is submit a ticket to his help desk and he claims that he will give you a refund.

My review of this product will cover the following:

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What is WP Profit Tab?

screen print of vendor's Thank You page

Program Name: WP Profit Tab


Price: $14 US funds + 1 upsell

Recommended? YES, with reservations mentioned below


WP Profit Tab is a WordPress plugin, and Mark Hess claims that it will take you under 30 seconds to add a small tab to your website and all of a sudden you will be making more money.

His plugin places a tab to the left-hand side of your website (which he claims is a “proven position”) that when the tab is clicked on, a page will appear.

The page that appears can be anything you want it to be. Almost every website address will work, even if the website you want to use is not your own.

Hess states that you can use WP Profit Tab to:

  • build an email list by placing a link to your landing page in the URL field,
  • promote affiliate products by using an affiliate link in the URL field,
  • promote your own products by placing a link to your sales page in the URL field
  • help gain or display reviews on a local business website
  • promote bonus offers,
  • coupons codes,
  • cost per actions (CPA),
  • gain signups for webinars
  • literally anything you want to do by simply placing the relevant link in the URL field.

The WP Profit Tab settings, Hess says is very simple and that you will have it up and working in less than 30 seconds.

Then, when someone clicks on the tab, the page or offer you provided a link to will show your visitor the page by appearing animated over top of the page or post they were on, and a large close button will appear on the top right-hand corner that when clicked will take them back to the page or post they were on when they clicked on the tab.

Hess says that this is an unobtrusive method of putting your offer in front of people and to get them to take the action you want them to.

Hess also states that you can:

  • Install the WP Profit Tab plugin on your client’s existing websites if you want to.
  • You can include the WP Profit Tab plugin on websites that you sell to others.
  • You can offer to install the WP Profit Tab plugin as a standalone service on freelancing sites or sites like Fiverr, and make extra money.
  • All this and a promise to provide you with the BEST support service for this plugin, should you EVER need it.
  • Plus you have 30 days risk-free to trying his plugin and if you do not make more money or you are unhappy with the WP Profit Tab plugin for any reason, once you submit a ticket to that affect to his support or help desk, a refund will be granted to you.
  • And a promise of keeping the plugin constantly updated in order to meet any type of changes in WordPress.

How WP Profit Tab Really Works

Though the guarantee that you will make money when using this plugin is a bit overstated, as you will soon discover the disclaimer at the very bottom of Mark Hess’ website clearly states: “There is no guarantee that you will make money.”

I have to admit, this plugin is intriguing and easy on website resources once installed and setup.


In testing my website for loading speed using PageSpeed Insight BEFORE installing the WP Profit Tab plugin and then again AFTER the installation and setup were completed, there truly was NO difference in the performance of my website.


Hess clearly informs his buyers of the WP Profit Tab plugin that certain browser’s security features won’t allow you to show certain websites within your website.

Websites such as Facebook, Amazon, Warrior Plus, and Twitter are some of the main websites that will not allow you to iframe their websites within your website.

That Hess explains, is NOT a restriction of this plugin but rather any plugin that uses iframes.

For example: if you do try to add your Facebook fan page to the URL field of the WP Profit Tab plugin settings, you will receive a prompt such as that shown in the screen print below.

screen print of prompt stating "refused to connect"

Hess suggests a way around this issue is to build a page on your website similar to a landing page and then put a link to your Facebook fan page on that landing page.

This way, when a visitor to your website clicks on your WP Profit Tab, they will be directed to your landing page with the link you want them to visit.

The other issue you need to be aware of is that if your website has a SSL certificate (HTTPS) then you will not be able to use a website that is NOT protected or displays HTTP only. However, if your website does NOT have a SSL certificate (HTTP), you CAN link to a website with a SSL certificate (HTTPS).

There is a very low limited number of characters that you can use to attract your website visitor’s attention with when setting up your WP Profit Tab.

Remember, a space is also a character.

When linking reviews, only Yelp Reviews were mentioned by Hess as an option. When I tried Google Reviews, I could not get them to appear so am guessing that Google Reviews are provided in an iframe.

Is WP Profit Tab for Real?

thumb pointing up in approval

Yes, I believe that the WP Profit Tab plugin is for real, which is why I gave it a rating of 4 out of 5.

Do I believe I am going to make money instantly using this plugin?

Hardly, but I am hopeful that the inquisitive website visitors will find their way to my affiliate offer from the website I installed this plugin on.

Between the price of this plugin and the intrigue it may create for my website visitors, it is an easy decision for me to recommend your purchasing this plugin.

How to Make Money Online, FREE

If you are serious about making money online than I have a great platform to share with you.

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In review of all that you receive when signing up as a starter member:

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Should your curiosity about is WP Profit Tab for real need further discussion, please feel free to leave me a comment below.

Even if you only want to comment by comparing notes after you have purchased this plugin… I would LOVE to hear from you.

Ready to Make Money,

photo of Trish with her name below that
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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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