Is SweetSpot for Real or Can This Bring in a Deluge of Sales

The female narrator asks you if your website is gathering dust, and are you getting no traffic, clicks or sales.

Then she says, if your answer is yes, then she has the solution for you; it’s a software called SweetSpot, and it turns every image into an eCommerce store.

She goes on to explain that if you have a golfing blog, you probably have a few images of people playing golf.

What if you could make those images interactive by adding clickable sweet spots.

Apparently, these spots can be added in any colour, any size and with or without animation.

The narrator states that you could add a sweet spot to a golf club and then when your visitor clicks on it, they would be transported to a web page of your choice.

She claims this could be a check out page, an Amazon affiliate link, or even a demo video of the product.

Then, she states that you could do the same for a golf cap, balls, tees… you get the picture.

She goes on to say that shoppable images are all the rage and they have transformed the likes of Instagram from a social media platform to an eCommerce giant.

She claims that now you can do the same and that SweetSpot is really easy to use as you can tell in the demo on their landing page.

My review here will cover the following:

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What is SweetSpot?

screen print of vendor's website

Program Name: SweetSpot


Price: $19.95 US funds + 1 upsell

Recommended? NO (due to unresolved issues – see below)


Claims are made that you can transform your images (and videos!) into affiliate stores by adding sweet spots to any image, which makes them interactive.

The SweetSpot software claims to be fully customisable in colour, background image and text used, and that you can make it animated in order to gain more attention.

They even claim that they offer millions of copyright free images for you to use. As well as providing full training.

Promises are insinuated that there are only 3 steps to take you from being a newbie to becoming a successful affiliate marketer.

Then they claim that you can start creating interactive buyable sweet spots like those shown on their animated images on their landing page.

These images are GIF files that fully disclose to the website visitor that once clicked on will provide them with more information, be it your shopping cart, a link to your affiliate link, or a web page with more information on the product.

Three internet marketer’s comments are boldly shown to be in favour of SweetSpots, but no actual increase experienced in sales is mentioned.

The landing page claims that “most people treat their images as an afterthought.”… which may or may not be true, as images SHOULD be / NEED to be relevant to your content else what is the point of having images in your content.

Claims are made that this software provides you with the following:

  • Training
  • Plugin software
  • Clickable images
  • Shoppable content
  • Sweet spot editor
  • Choice of colour
  • Choice of size
  • Choice of 77 animation styles
  • Product information editor
  • Choice of information window colour
  • Choice of background colour
  • Choice of background image
  • Buy Button Editor
  • Social media syndication
  • 50,000 royalty free images
  • Take buyers to a link

They claim that SweetSpot makes your content shoppable, making it irresistible, and interactive by making purchasing simple for your website visitors… making your conversions soar.

59% of smartphone users prefer businesses that make purchasing easy and quick

So, it is said that shoppable posts can help decrease those barriers your visitors may have in buying the products you provide them information on.

\They claim that shoppable social media posts can take a load off visitors by not overwhelming them with too many choices.

Claims are made that on Instagram 75% of their users take action from seeing a shoppable image, therefore SweetSpot can enable your visitors to take immediate action on YOUR content.

Apparently, SweetSpot software will pull traffic and sales with attention grabbing, interactive images that adds clickable hotspots to any image; that SweetSpots is fully customizable to match your website theme, and can add images and text to information windows that open when you click on the hot spots.

By social media syndication apparently, they mean that you can post, not only on your blog but on your social media accounts too for maximum traffic.

Below is a video demonstrating how to use the SweetSpot plugin.

The following claims are made:

  • More than 41% of big brands have chosen to adopt shoppable content
  • eCommerce is becoming increasingly popular across social media platforms and it is being touted as “social commerce”
  • Shoppable images are perfect for anyone selling products as it enables impulsive buying

How SweetSpot Actually Works

screen print of vendor's Thank You page

When I followed their instructions to download the SweetSpot plugin, it was titled, but I tried uploading it as a new plugin anyway.

It took a longer time than most plugins to install (about 2 minutes) but once I clicked on Activate Plugin, I was ready to begin.

screen print of missing image and icon inside my WordPress Dashboard

Now, on the left-hand side of my WordPress Dashboard, I can clearly see that SweetSpot has now been made available to me to use.

The SweetSpot icons were missing, I noticed that straight away but thought perhaps they would be displayed once I entered my license number.

However, that was not the case, so I will need to reach out to their support staff to discover why that happened.

Once my license was activated, I had full access to all of the options provided.

Now I need to return to their demo video to see how it works, so that I can start to set it up and provide you with what I discover.

While going through the demo video, once I got to Social integration (Optional) option, I was presented with a button to address first. See image below.

Once I clicked on the “Connect” button, I received the following error prompt.

screen print of error received from when trying to connect this plugin

So… now I’m off to send support yet another email asking for help with this issue. I’ll be back to complete my review once I have heard back from their support staff.

Then I decided to go ahead and followed their demo by taking one of my images and adding the pertinent information to it, including my affiliate link.

A shortcode was then created, so I simply highlighted, copied and pasted that shortcode where I had my image on a post previously published.

So, as of this review, I can use this plugin for my post images, though animation is not working as promised and I canNOT use my image on social media, Instagram as promised by the vendor.

Well, not until that error message has been dealt with anyway.

It has been several days since informing the developer of this issue and still no resolve.


It will take some time to be able to list any pros here folks. So please, bear with me on this.

Support was quick to respond though no resolution has been provided to-date.


Though I selected my icon to have a “HeartBeat” for my first image, the tag animations do NOT work.

When adding the icon to tag on your image, once you click the spot for the icon to appear, there is NO moving it over a bit.

If it is not place exactly where you want it, you will need to click on the Back button to go back to adding the image, and starting all over again.

Cannot use these images for Featured Images which is what I was hopeful for when purchasing this. It appears that not even the PRO version offers that option.

So far, the images with these SweetSpots added, REFUSE to be aligned center.

When first trying to reach their support using the email address the vendor supplied to use, instead of helping me, I received and automated message stating that I need to go a web page and repeat my issue there (see next image below).

Not what I consider to be very customer friendly at all!

screen print of email received

If you run into this issue, be sure to simply click on New Ticket option, or you will be sent in circles like I was.

Their 50,000 royalty free images IS rather misleading to say the least, as they are images that appear on free image websites like Pixabay, so in fact are NOT those belonging to SweetSpot.

The bonuses appear to be old (some even outdated) PLR products.

Is SweetSpot for Real?

thumb pointing downward in disapproval

Yes, SweetSpot is definitely for real, as I am sure the product developer does appear to have a serious intend that all of the options are to work correctly.

And, I’m sure once their support staff have had time to resolve these issues that I have experienced, this plugin might work well.

However, only time will tell. At this point in time my recommendation is a NO! due to all of the unresolved issues.

UPDATE: 04 January 2020, and I have never heard back from the vendor with a solution to fix this issue, nor an offer of a refund, which I feel entitled to. Have now removed this plugin.

Make Money Online Without Advertising

Yes, making money online without advertising is possible, and you can learn how to do this with the right training.

The training platform that I would like to introduce you to is one that I have been a member of since 2016.

In this platform, you will find support 24/7, along with all of the business tools you will need to help you create a profitable online business in a timely manner.

Do understand this right here and now… this is NOT a get rich quick scheme. So, if you have no wish to learn and no patience, please… stop reading this and leave now.

If you are still here… let’s keep going as I have a lot more to share with you.

This training platform is literally world-renowned for their training and business tools. You will truly find that all of the necessary business tools are made available to their members.

You can even sign up as a member for FREE with full access to the first 10 lessons, and you won’t even be asked for a credit card either!

So, what are YOU waiting for?

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Once you start the training, you will soon discover the technique for attracting buyers without having to pay so much as one penny on advertising. It is the same as what brought you here to my post right now.

If you would like to have an entire community available to you 24/7, one where you could ask their opinion on anything you want help with, or for help with technical issues, then this training platform is right for you.

So, if you are ready to start, all you will need to do is sign up as a starter member, complete your user profile so members will know who they will be speaking with, and do be sure to use a photograph of yourself.

Always nice to put a face to a name, wouldn’t you agree?

Now, if you are ready to learn more about this great platform, simply click here to get full access to my free guide.

get my free making money online guide here button

Oh… and before I forget… there is additional information in my guide that may interest you. You can discover how YOU can have ME as your premium coach.

Glad you stopped by to read my review here, and if you should have ANY question regarding is SweetSpot for Real, you have only to leave me a comment below and I will respond.

Looking forward to meeting you,

photo of Trish with her name below that
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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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