Is Bulletproof Profits Fake or Can I Start Making up to $3,750 Today with Just 7 Simple Clicks?

Viewers are promised “an exclusive gift” that is supposed to be “right here” on his page so you are supposed to “stay tuned”. This he stated, before even starting to tell you what his offer is all about.

I’m guessing that is meant to intrigue you into sticking around and listening to his spiel… and, I never did see that “exclusive gift”.

Justin Tyler claims that you are lucky to be on his landing page right now, and that just by watching his landing page video, you are going to get cash into your bank account by tapping into his secret online goldmine.

He claims this goldmine is worth over $685 billion dollars worth of profits generated year after year. Then he says for you to imagine your getting a tiny slice of that $685 billion dollars as your annual income.

Then Tyler goes on to say that you an easily make up to $2,000 a day or $14,000 per week, and over $50,000 dollars every month. He claims that there are over eighty five thousand people from around the world leveraging on this “little-known” online goldmine.


Well, my review here covers the following topics:

See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:

get my free making money online guide here button

What is Bulletproof Profits is About?

screen print of Bulletproof Profits' popup window on their website

Program Name: Bulletproof Profits


Price: $9 US funds + 2 upsells + 2 downsells

Recommended? Yes, conditionally


Justin Tyler goes on to promise you that you are about to find out exactly what this goldmine is and how you can get access to it.

Then he claims that he was able to generate over $45,000 in just 21 days, and his screen print clearly shows the statement of some sort that is date as 30 May 2016.

Then Tyler offers an absurd statement claiming that you could be completely computer illiterate and still be able to take advantage of this special opportunity.

H then goes on to assure you that this offer has nothing to do with bitcoin, Shopify, or anything illegal.

Instead, Tyler says, you are about to discover something so easy that even a 63-year-old lady can profit from it (really?!).

However, he does say he won’t promise you that you will become a millionaire overnight just by watching his presentation, because… he claims… he does not want to give you unrealistic expectations.

But, Tyler goes on to say… if making income that can replace your full time job is good enough for you, than continue watching.

He claims the secret is the goldmine he discovered has a limitation.

If he allowed too many people to know about this there would be less profit to go around for everyone, and that is why he is limiting the number of people who can watch this presentation.

Then Tyler says that this MIGHT mean the site may be gone tomorrow, and you will no longer have the chance to access it again.

How Bulletproof Profits Actually Works

screen print of Bulletproof Profits' membership area

Level 1

  • Private Label Gold Rush – 31 page PDF eBook
  • Setting Up Your System Video Course – 3:53 minutes
  • Video 1 – What Is FBA? – 2:44 minutes
  • Video 2 – How Does FBA Work? – 3:33 minutes
  • Video 3 – Setting Up Your Seller Account – 7:03 minutes
  • Video 4 – Choosing Your FBA Account – 3:23 minutes
  • Video 5 – Can Your Item Be Sold? – 6:02 minutes
  • Video 6 – Requiring Approval – 2:26 minutes
  • Video 7 – Amazon Fee Example – 3:13 minutes
  • Video 8 – Amazon Seller Tools – 3:48 minutes
  • Video 9 – Best Practices For Listing – 8:22 minutes
  • Video 10 – Preparing For Shipping – 5:20 minutes
  • Video 11 – FBA Shipping Tips – 12:38 minutes
  • Video 12 – Conclusion – 8:39 minutes

Level 2 – Training by Alex Genadinik

Overview – 1:37 minutes

  • Case Study – 1 Million Dollar Sales Formula – 1:09 minutes

Module 1 – Keyword Search & Amazon Listing (7 videos)

  • Video 1 – Most products are found and sold through search – 3:17 minutes
  • Video 2 – Three components of any successful SEO campaign – 4:26 minutes
  • Video 3 – Examples of keywords for two different products – 3:56 minutes
  • Video 4 – Many ways to get keywords – 10:10 minutes
  • Video 5 – Example of a finished list of keywords – 4:44 minutes
  • Video 6 – Boost in conversion and recommendation algorithm – 9:33 minutes
  • Video 7 – The keyword field in Amazon seller account – 3:41 minutes

Module 2 – Getting Reviews on Amazon (7 videos)

  • Video 1 – Introduction – 1:58 minutes
  • Video 2 – Verified vs. Non-verified reviews – 4:46 minutes
  • Video 3 – Getting reviews – 4:26 minutes
  • Video 4 – Improving reviews and boosting sales – 4:23 minutes
  • Video 5 – Contacting reviewers and reversing the bad reviews – 2:34 minutes
  • Video 6 – Reversing potential bad reviews and getting good reviews – 5:02 minutes
  • Video 7 – Winning ways to get more and better reviews – 4:36 minutes

Module 3 – Amazon Ads (5 videos)

  • Video 1 – Introduction – 4:06 minutes
  • Video 2 – Sponsored vs Displayed Ads – 4:27 minutes
  • Video 3 – Example of a Successful Sponsored Ad – 9:55 minutes
  • Video 4 – What To Choose – 5:17 minutes
  • Video 5 – Generate The most profitable ad clicks – 4:26 minutes

Module 4 – 1k/day Social Media Strategy (8 videos)

  • Video 1 – Introduction – 00:36 minutes
  • Video 2 – Twitter Marketing – 5:29 minutes
  • Video 3 – Selling on YouTube – 2:05 minutes
  • Video 4 – Selling on Facebook – 4:59 minutes
  • Video 5 – Troubleshooting situations where your product doesn’t show up in searches – 6:06 minutes
  • Video 6 – Pitfall – 3:41 minutes
  • Video 7 – Tracking Ranking Excel – 4:07 minutes
  • Video 7 [should be 8]- Evaluating Product Categories – 6:46 minutes

10X Sales Profit – Alex Genadinik

  • Introduction – 1:06 minutes
  • Why Millionaires Are Millionaires
    • Seth Godin and the purple cow – 4:58 minutes
    • Steve Blank and customer development – 4:50 minutes
  • Pricing Strategies
    • Pricing For SEO – 2.28 minutes
    • Charging Premium Prices – 2:41 minute
    • Giving Free or Discounted – 2:24 minutes
    • Use the elements of freemium business when you can – 1:5 minutes
    • Experimentation is Key – 2:10 minutes
  • SEO & Selling Products That People Search For
    • Google Plus post to the boost your SEO – 5.51 minutes [no longer relevant]
    • Ranking any product on google for MORE SALES – 8:18 minutes
    • Top Tips From 150 SEO Experts – 11:00 minutes
  • Effective Copywriting That Sells
    • Headline – 7:29 minutes
    • AIDA: How to convert prospects to Buyers – 10:55 minutes
    • 10x your sales – 7:05 minutes
    • 10x your sales – Part 2 – 5:55 minutes
    • Increasing sales using scarcity – 2:48 minutes
  • The Perfect Sales Page That Converts & Get SEO Traffic
    • Product Reviews That Get People To Buy – 7:59 minutes
    • Product Reviews That Get People To Buy – Part 2 – 6:52 minutes
    • Ideal Thumbnail That Boost Sales – 6:25 minutes
    • Reviews Matter – How to Get Awesome Reviews To Boost Sales – 4:59 minutes
    • Adding Social Proof To Your Product – 3:37 minutes
    • Making It Easy To Buy – 2:22 minutes
    • Super Advance Keyword Strategy To Outrank Your Competitors – 4:32 minutes
  • Online Platforms You Can Sell
    • Selling From Your Website Vs Online Platforms That Have Millions Of Shoppers – 4:03
    • The Right Shopping Cart – 9:39 minutes
    • Paid vs Free Traffic – 6:09 minutes
    • Sell On Facebook For FREE – 4:16 minutes
    • Best Hacks To Sell On Facebook For FREE – 8:03 minutes
    • Selling On Facebook With Paid Advertising – 7:27 minutes
    • Selling On Facebook With Paid Advertising – Part 2 – 6:31 minutes
  • FREE Traffic Sources
    • How To Sell On Quora – 6:15 minutes
    • How To Rank Your Products & Sell On Amazon – 9:06 minutes
    • Selling On – 1:34 minutes
    • Selling on – 1:42 minutes
    • Selling On – 1:48 minutes
    • Selling on FB Marketplace 2:34 minutes
    • How to sell on Coupon Sites – 10:35 minutes
    • Hacks to sell in Forums – 3:56 minutes
    • Creating a physical product even if you don’t know how – 4:49 minutes
    • Advanced Twitter Marketing Strategy – 10:30 minutes
  • Selling Books On Amazon
    • Amazon Kindle Keyword Research – 9:53 minutes
    • Amazon Kindle Keyword Research – Part 2 – 8:25 minutes
    • Making Your Book A Best Seller – 9:08 minutes
    • Kindle Countdown deals to boost sales – 8:28 minutes
    • Using Kindle Free Days To Promote Your Book – 9:37 minutes
  • Extra Strategies
    • How to sell a food item – 6:53 minutes
    • How to build an audience and sell them for the long term – 2:03 minutes
    • Increasing Sales Through Email Signatures – 2:12 minutes
    • Increasing Engagement & Sales for FB Ads – 4:01 minutes
    • Selling On Facebook In an effective & Legitimate way – 4:01 minutes
    • Using Pinned Post on Facebook to sell – 1:52 minutes

Bonus Strategies

  • Introduction – 1:27 minutes
  • Video 1 – Sourcing Tips – 8:54 minutes
  • Video 2 – Tips & Recommendations – 6:43 minutes
  • Video 3 – Local Sources – 6:20 minutes
  • Video 4 – Leveraging On Cragslist – 7:53 minutes
  • Video 5 – Leveraging On Local Auctions – 5:02 minutes
  • Video 6 – Police Auctions – 3:35 minutes
  • Video 7 – Storage Unit Auctions – 4:47 minutes
  • Video 8 – Rebates & Coupons – 2:05 minutes
  • Video 9 – Online Auctions – 2:23 minutes

10K Affiliate Plan

  • Amazon Affiliate Profits eBook – 49 page PDF file
  • Video 1 – Introduction – 3:04 minutes
  • Video 2 – Making Money – 3:02 minutes
  • Video 3 – Why Amazon Is Your Best Choice – 2:52 minutes
  • Video 4 – How To Pick A Niche – 3:59 minutes
  • Video 5 – Selecting The Best Products – 3:32 minutes
  • Video 6 – Creating Your Website – 8:01 minutes
  • Video 7 – Creating Content 5:52 minutes
  • Video 8 – Creating Your Amazon Associate Account – 3:44 minutes
  • Video 9 – Linking Your Amazon Affiliate Links – 4:10 minutes
  • Video 10 – Promoting Your Website – Part 1 – 2:42 minutes
  • Video 11 – Promoting Your Website – Part 2 – 2:53 minutes
  • Video 12 – Scaling To 10k – 3:36 minutes
  • Video 13 – Amazon Native Shopping Ads – 3:13 minutes
  • Video 14 – Amazon & Facebook – 4:57 minutes
  • Video 15 – Other Affiliate Marketing Strategies – 3:28 minutes

5 Passive Income Methods

  • YouTube Profits – 3 eBooks in PDF format + software + 6 training videos
  • Instagram Profits – 1 eBook in PDF format (NOT FOUND) + 12 training videos
  • Crypto Profits – 1 eBook in PDF format + 10 training videos
  • Kindle Profits – 1 eBook in PDF format + 10 training videos
  • Pure Affiliate Profits – 0 to 10k PURE Affiliate Profits Masterclass (1 intro + 37 training videos)

Income Maximiser – Bonus Ways To Generate More Traffic & Sales

  • Keyword Research Ninja Software
    • Keyword Research Ninja Software
    • Keyword Research Ninja User Guide
  • Easy SEO Software – Discover A Brand New Ninja Software That Finds The Best Keywords… So You Rank On The First Page Of Google Every Single Time
    • Software
    • User Guide
  • Getting FREE Traffic From Pinterest
    • Guide
    • 6 training videos
  • Generating Traffic From FB Bots & Messenger
    • 9 training videos
  • 30 Ways To Get FREE Traffic
    • Affiliate Power Group eBook in PDF format

Wealth Hypnosis

  • Powerful Healing Theta Meditation ~ 528Hz – mp3 file
  • Wealth Hypnosis Track ~ 758Hz mp3 file
  • Deep Sleep Karma ~ 883Hz mp3 file


Alex Genadinik definitely OVER delivers in this training package when it comes to the eBooks and training videos offered on Drop Shipping.


Level 2 CourseModule 2 – Getting Reviews On Amazon is incorrectly linked and in order to actually see those videos, you will need to amend the end of the link to be “day2” instead of day1.

10X Sales Profit – first video, the link above the video; Seth Godin and the purple cow is a dead link that is also being used as a title for one of the two videos. [be sure to Google search this title]

Google Plus post to the boost your SEO, 5:51 minute video no longer relevant due to Google discontinuing Google Plus accounts.

5 Passive Income Methods – 2) Instagram Profits – eBook NOT FOUND (instead, the Bitcoin ebook was offered)

No other tools beyond 3 small software programs and a few eBooks. As a customer, you will be informed under “Contact Support” to expect to wait 24 to 48 hours for a reply.

Is Bulletproof Profits Fake?

thumb pointing up in approval

No, I do not believe Bulletproof Profits is a Fake nor a scam, but rather a well put together training package for those interested in learning to do drop shipping.

However, I would NOT suggest that you only use this training to learn drop shipping as I am certain there are other courses available too.

Years ago now, I had an instructor tell me that if I paid $1,000 for a course that taught me ONE new thing that could save me money (in this case make you money) then I should consider the course paid for in full, as it would cost me much more than one thousand dollars for a university course that might teach you how to make money.

Because of this, I have to conclude that I can only recommend Bulletproof Profits with condition that you seek further training and that you understand you will not have access to creating the most important tools necessary to help you make money online.

A Worldclass Method of Making Money Online

That’s right; I have a world-class method I would like to share with you that will provide you with the important tools necessary to make money online. It is a training platform with top-notch tools that will amaze you, I’m sure.

This training platform I have been a member of now close to three years and it is one that I would not want to be without.

This platform has the most important tools, as well as an entire community of like-minded individuals who work together helping each other out whenever anyone might have an issue they need help with.

Imagine having help with your online business 24/7!

You can find out what the online business tools is about and how it all works in my free guide here:

get my free making money online guide here button

The best part about this training platform is that you can join for FREE. That’s right, I said FREE!

As a Starter member, you will have access to 10 lessons as well as be allowed to create a free website.

Though I recommend you create one of those websites as you follow along with the 10 free lessons so that you will be on your way to creating a website that will rank well.

When you sign up for the FREE lessons, you won’t even be asked for a credit card. How’s that for a great offer.

You really do get to take the training for a test drive.

And, should you decide that you don’t like it, if you don’t feel this platform is what you are looking for… then you can take your free websites with you and leave with no hard feelings.

But, I’m betting you will decide to stay, and be glad you joined.

Nowhere else online have I ever been able to find such a large group of like-minded people ready to help each other out so that your business will have a running start.

Not only that but the training will have you gaining new customers without your having to spend money on advertising.

Yes… that’s right… you will NOT need to spend money on advertise when you follow the training offered by this platform.

So… what are you waiting for… don’t you think it’s time to stop wasting time and start building your future today?

GET my FREE guide NOW!

get my free making money online guide here button

One more incentive that I have to offer you is this… ME as YOUR premium coach. This too, you can find out how, in my free guide.

If you have any questions regarding whether Bulletproof Profits is fake or let’s say you simply want to share your thoughts, then please don’t hesitate to leave me a comment below.

Responding to comments in a timely manner is a habit of mine. 🙂

Time to Make Money Online!

photo of Trish with her name below that

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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