Is Rankr 1-Click SEO Software That Unlocks Google Page 1 Rankings?

Trevor Carr says, here we go again with another shiny object for you to get excited about. Bold claims… push button riches… and all achieved in what, a few minutes.

Well, not today. He claims that they know that you are sick of all that.

Carr says that he’s going to cut to the chase, skip the BS and give it to you straight.

He says that he is an internet marketer and that he makes money online. He claims that he also launches BS free products that get you results.

And, Carr claims that he is very proud to announce the launch of his latest solution for anyone who wants to make money online.

Then Carr asks you if you are tired of wasting your time optimizing your website and posts in a way that is not producing page 1 ranking.

He claims that if you have been struggling to get your sites and posts on page 1 of the major search engine like Google and Bing, it’s not your fault.

First, Carr says you need to have a good knowledge about SEO and that Google is forever changing the rules all of the time.

Second, he explains that there is so many ranking factors that it is easy to be overwhelmed, lost and even confused.

And third, Carr says that if you decide to outsource all of the SEO work, you will end up spending a lot of money.

He then says to forget all of that.

Forget about the steep learning curve, the hours of work and the endless money you usually need to spend to get your pages ranked well in search results.

Carr claims they have blown that all out of the water with Rankr.

My review here will cover the following:

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What is Rankr?

screen print from vendor's landing page

Program Name: Rankr


Price: $7.95 US funds – PROVIDING YOU CLICK ON the popup discount “Click Here Now for Your Discount”, else you will be charged $12.97 US funds when clicking the buy button… PLUS there are 5 Upsells and 5 Downsells

Recommended? NO


Trevor Carr says that Rankr is a powerful, WordPress plugin that allows anyone (even complete newbies) to rank their websites on the first page of Google.

He claims that with Rankr, you will be able to:

  • Get on Google page 1 easily and quickly,
  • Unlock free buyer traffic from Google,
  • Optimize any post you want in seconds,
  • Find THOUSANDS of keywords that you can rank your content for,
  • Create backlinks for your websites,
  • Get visitors with buyer intent to your sites,
  • And so much more.

Beyond all of that, Carr states that for the launch week only, you are getting a full, unlimited sites license, meaning that you can install Rankr on unlimited sites that you own.

But… wait.

Carr then asks you; how do you know that this isn’t just another BS shiny object?

Well, he claims that they have been using it themselves to rank and bank.

He goes on to say that Laun ranked Google page 1 and made $298.43 from one page and one product, in only 10 minutes.

Apparently, he also achieved page 1 on Google for the highly competitive keyword “doodly review”, which has over 9 million results.

Carr states that this offer won’t be available for long, so you’re to make sure that you click on his buy button now and start getting page 1 rankings with ease.

He says that for the first 100 buyers, they are giving away their award-winning software Zappr and the upgrade as well as the PRO version, completely free.

screen print of Zappr

Carr says for you to go ahead and click on their buy button now and lock in Rankr, Zappr and Zappr PRO for this one-time special low price, and he’ll see you on the inside.

How Rankr Actually Works

screen print from vendor's members area

Step 1: The link takes you to another webpage to watch a webinar replay titled: FREE Training Show You How to Make Money Online Easily and Quickly (01:17:35 minutes), which offers you a means of purchasing another of Trevor Carr’s products.

Step 2: Starts with a short video titled Thank You Rankr FE (00:01:35 minutes) in which Laun Henrique speaks to you.

Then you will find a link to the Rankr plugin.

Followed by a link to another page with Rankr – Training Videos – 4 videos, all of which Laun Henrique is the instructor of them.

  1. Optimize Your Posts / Post Tags / Find Keywords (00:05:33 minutes)
  2. Backlinks (00:00:47 seconds)
  3. SEO Tags (00:01:06 minutes)
  4. Social Signals (00:01:03 minutes)

Below this again, you will find a link to click on in order to access Zappr Front End & Pro Version (BONUS)

Followed by Laun Henrique’s support email address.

Step 3: is a list of their Upsells:

  • Get the Pro Version Upgrade
  • Get the Rankr Academy Upgrade
  • Get the Agency Upgrade
  • Get the Resellers Upgrade
  • Get the 21 VIP Upgrade

Step 4: you get to download their bonuses as they provide you with UNANNOUNCED BONUSES – Bonus from Partners, in which when clicked on will take you to another web page with affiliate links to other vendor’s offers.

Step 5: Special Deal For Customers Only! You are provided with a link that is most likely to be another affiliate link, this time to Get Unlimited Site Hosting for a Small One Time Payment, that takes you to yet ANOTHER vendor’s product, once clicked on.

Below is their Rankr demo video (00:05:11 minutes)


If this were to work, GREAT… everyone would use it!


Installed this on a test website due to the way the backlinks option works. I felt it was too likely to be spam-type backlinks and I wanted to be able to check the backlinks out for quality as part of my review.

My Take on Rankr

thumb pointing downward in disapproval

After taking this plugin for a test drive on my test site, I have to say that I do not recommend anyone using the Rankr plugin to create backlinks to your website, providing you want to rank well in search results for long term.

The backlink option, I believe will be a short-lived ranking at best, followed by a major slap from Google. The following is why I say this.

The Rankr Backlink Maker takes your website to’s backlink creator tool.

Once you add your main domain to the textbox you are provided with, and then click on the Submit button, their backlink maker gets to work adding backlinks.

Once the list of backlinks has been completed, you can click on their Generate PDF so that you will have a complete list of the sites their backlink maker created for you.

If you scroll to the bottom of your list within their backlink maker (my test provided 48 different backlinks), you will see a button titled Try New URL, which leads me to believe that you could add another website without even using the Rankr plugin inside THAT website.

Click here for a list of backlinks that were added to my test site (when clicking on this link it will open in a new tab).

How to Determine if a Backlink is Good or Bad

For obvious reasons, you should NEVER accept backlinks to your domains blindly, as this is considered as being BLACK HAT SEO and if caught, Google punishes such sites using any Black Hat SEO techniques to gain rank.

Google search featured snippet on black hat SEO

Good quality backlinks will improve your search engine rankings and drive targeted organic traffic to your website but using Black Hat backlinks WILL get you in trouble.

Once the word is “out” it will be easy enough for Google spiders to determine if a website is using the Rankr plugin backlink option.

So, use this plugin option at your own peril.

Now for the test results on the quality of those backlinks, using the free version of Ubersuggest. was listed first on my PDF list (linked above), and below is a screen print of the summary of the results found.

Ubersuggest test results #1

Part way down the list, I found and decided to use this domain as the 2nd of my 3 free trial uses of Ubersuggest.

Below is a screen print of the summary of the results found for this domain.

Ubersuggest test results #2

And, now for my very last free test using Ubersuggest, I have selected the second last domain (the archive website is the very last URL listed!… REALLY?!) …hey, wait a minute… isn’t THAT a search engine?


No it is NOT a search engine website.

Visiting the main domain… I received the following prompt:

screen print when visiting

Without the domain existing, a sub-domain cannot exist.

Below is a screen print of the summary of the results found for the subdomain that was used to provide a backlink to my test site.

Ubersuggest test results #3

Then there is the question as to whether this list of websites actually KEEPS any of those backlinks added.

For example, my test site would be a really low-quality site to be linking to. Bets they delete ANY unrelated backlinks created on a regular basis.

QUESTION: Are those backlinks retained and if so, for how long?

That was NOT covered in the training and should have been.

Here’s my treat for those of you who want to get high quality backlinks!

When it comes to adding Tags for SEO purposes like the Rankr vendor states, you may find reading the following post enlightening, to say the least: Google Discusses Impact of Tags on Rankings.

Social shares may work well, providing you have setup your website to compliment your posts when shared on social media. Example: adding a Twitter card.

As for SEO plugins, there are two very popular FREE versions of WordPress SEO plugins that would be safer to use.

Those are: the AIOSEO plugin and the Yoast SEO plugin.

Below is my video review of the WordPress Rankr plugin by Trevor Carr and instructor Laun Henrique

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If you want to learn how to create a highly ranking website in your chosen niche, then I would like to introduce you to the platform that I have been a member of since 2016.

This platform is well-known for providing world-class training.

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Should you have any questions regarding is Rankr 1-click SEO software that unlocks Google Page1 ranking, please leave them in a comment below.

I respond to all comments in a timely manner and look forward to helping you further should the need arise.

See You on the Inside,

photo of Trish with her name below that
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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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