Jamie Lewis is the vendor or Selfie Cash, and, he says that if you are not at least doing a hundred bucks a day in affiliate commissions, then you need to immediately stop what you are doing and duplicate everything that you learn in this video.
He claims this is a public service announcement, and states that everyone who watches his landing page video is going to have their life significantly altered to the better.
So, Lewis says that you better brace yourself with what you are about to learn because this is big.
Lewis then says to let him back up for one second. Then he says, as you know marketing is impossible, right? That support doesn’t get back to you, the funnel doesn’t work, the webinars are too late at night… Lewis explains that he’s been there.
Although, internet marketing seems like it’s getting tougher and tougher for everyone, Lewis explains that his friend Jonny Rose… a brilliant marketing inventor and a new comer to the industry, is generating $500 to $2,000 a day using what he calls money mirrors.
Lewis claims that it is a weird strategy that is getting in 40% conversion rates and you guys gotta’ hear about this. He says it is super freakin’ easy.
He goes on to say that it is a business model that brings super natural conversion rates without the usual setup and technical difficulties.
And, he claims that he is going to reveal exactly how his marketing crash test dummy Jonny Rose is doing this and how you can duplicate the results without having to do what he did, to give to you.
Once introduced, Rose talks about seeing people who don’t speak English as a first language, young people, old people, uneducated people, people who have no time.
He claims this money mirrors method is so easy to do that any one can do it at any point.
That you can do it in the car, while in the bathroom, you can do it whilst out walking your dog.
This is apparently the easiest way to make money online whilst doing what you normally do in your every day life.
Then Lewis claims that “Jonny is a sweetheart”, that he’s brand new to the game and he’s doing huge numbers.
He then says that we’re going to play a game called I Bet You 500 Bucks a Day, at least that should be the goal.
On their landing page, Lewis claims that he outlines the terms and he’s sure that you’re going to dig it, because this method is apparently so easy to see conversions and commissions that he claims he’s ready to put it all out on the table.
My review of Selfie Cash will cover the following:
See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:
What is Selfie Cash?
Program Name: Selfie Cash
Website: https://www.selfiecash.net/live/
Price: $12.70 US funds + 7 Upsells and 7 Downsell popups
Recommended? YES
Jamie Lewis says that they are going to reveal this border line, super natural manifestation of a marketing technique to you, and that it is not very popular amongst the gurus.
In fact, he claims they are putting them out of business with this one.
Lewis claims that he knows what you are going through because he has literally worked with thousands of folks like yourself and that he’s helped them break out of the Tyson Farm Factory.
He then states that he can promise you that there is no way that you can fail with this if you put it to the test.
Lewis goes on to say that his goal and target is to release easier and easier methods to use, and that he is hitting his mark every time he does so.
He says that every release needs to be better, faster, easier for his students when he unmutes them on his webinars, when he reveals something… when he releases something.
And this one, Lewis exclaims, wins the award by far.
So, Lewis goes on to say that the key to online income is staring you right in the mirror because they are going to transform you into an online income earner immediately.
And, he claims that they are going to do this with money mirrors… and that this has nothing to do with funnels, technical site building, email marketing, or paid ads.
That stuff, Lewis states that this is absolutely history, that you’re not to think about it, that it is behind you.
He then starts explaining that he started to see a ton of sales through his Warrior Plus vendor account, and that he saw the affiliate ID from an affiliate called FiveBob and apparently, Lewis had never heard of him before that and that this was the person’s Warrior Plus ID.
Lewis claims that he said to himself, who the heck is FiveBob.
He goes on to say that FiveBob had one of the highest conversion rates in EPC [Earnings Per Click] that Lewis had ever seen, and that apparently, it was stated to be about 40% conversions, which meant that for every click that FiveBob was sending, he was generating $12 a click.
Lewis goes on to explain that if FiveBob sends a hundred clicks, he gets $1.200 in sales.
“Crazy, right?”, Lewis retorts.
He says that he had to figure out who this FiveBob is, so he started asking his other affiliates that he knows on Facebook, and no one knew. Lewis said that he even emailed Warriors Plus asking who the heck is FiveBob.
So, then Lewis gets a message from Sir Jonny Rose.
Lewis then starts to try and mimic Rose’s British accent, saying what he remembered of their chat about his looking for FiveBob. And, Lewis claims that this is when he retorted with, “Holy mackerel! Good to meet you”.
He goes on to explain that he told Rose that he was floored, absolutely blown away by how his EPC was $12, 40%, etc.
Apparently, Rose then explained to Lewis that what he was seeing was real in fact, and that Rose was only a six-month-old newbie. That Rose was using his money mirrors strategy.
Lewis says he wondered what the heck was he talking about, and that he simply could not believe what he had seen but once Rose explained further, Lewis claims he understood.
That’s when Lewis says he started incorporating it in with what he was doing, and he told Rose that they have to get this out to the masses because people are struggling from work at home programs that don’t work and this could be saving people’s lives.
So, Rose and Lewis joined forces and now releasing Selfie Cash.
Lewis claims that Selfie Cash is:
- totally innovative,
- never been done before,
- it’s easy to use,
- it’s beginner friendly, and
- it allows people to never get stuck in traffic ever again earning instant commissions from home.
He states that they handed Selfie Cash out to their Beta testers whom are of all ages and backgrounds.
They’re apparently seeing high conversions and instant commissions and Lewis states that this is a total winner.
Lewis claims that when you do use this method, you are tapping into a much different world with super natural commissions, using money mirrors that send commissions back to you automatically… and then you get paid over and over again.
Apparently, this drives ongoing traffic. Lewis repeats again that you can do it without any experience, funnels, building sites, you’re not going to get caught up with stuff that’s impossible to do with this one.
This one, he claims is so magical it’s incredible.
Lewis says its time for you to shine and that you gotta’ get in because this one is hot.
That their pre-release testers they learned quick, experiencing phenomenal results. He says that it’s time for you now.
He goes on to say that if you want:
- a never been done before system,
- a brand new for 2021, going into 2022,
- free targeted, evergreen traffic for instant commissions,
…then you should secure what they call Selfie Cash, immediately.
Lewis claims that you will be getting the money mirror cash system, step-by-step tutorials that he and Rose have done to make it easy for you.
He says that you can tell your boss to shove it and finally experience freedom. And, he claims that newbies are seeing awesome results but you’re next.
Lewis than asks that if you could put a real price on instant buyer traffic and high-ticket sales, then how much do you think his Selfie Cash would be worth?
Then he says that he would like to make a couple of comparisons here.
He goes on to say that Selfie Cash completes multiple tasks so in effect to get the same thing you’d have to buy a whole bunch of separate services then add up all these monthly fees such as:
- estibot at $47 US funds monthly,
- Click Funnels at $97 US funds a month,
- AWeber at $49 US funds a month, and
- HostGator at $89.98 a month.
This, he says, is going to add up and in fact, that would be $284 a month or $3,419 a year… that’s a lot of money.
Lewis said that if they charged $49 a month that you’d agree that this would be a bargain.
This he claims is your lucky week, as this is the official, grand release the week of October 3rd 2021, so they will be allowing licenses for a one-time fee, no monthly fees.
After the launch period is over, Lewis claims that it will be $49 US funds a month, so this is your last chance to get it for the one-time price.
He goes on to say that if you are among the first 50 registrants that you get to come to their live training where they will show you how they did $143,000 in 7 days.
People will be unmuted on there as apparently, it is a workshop.
Lewis says to let Selfie Cash transform your computer or your phone into an income force today with money mirrors.
And he adds that Selfie Cash gets results or you get it for free with their 180-day money back guarantee.
That’s a full 6 months to make sure that this is the best investment that you have ever made.
Lewis then reviews what all you get:
- The Selfie Cash software,
- The Selfie Cash system,
- The step-by-step videos
- The quick-fire map,
- The quick-start guide,
- And then you’re going to get 5 bonuses worth $5,921
Lewis says that the real question is, can you afford not to afford this. Then he invites you to join him and Rose in the members area.
How Selfie Cash Actually Works
Inside the members area you will have access to the Welcome Videos.
Welcome to SelfieCash – Introduction (00:05:08 minutes) – Jonny Rose from Push Button Profits says thank you and welcomes you to SelfieCash.
Then he explains why people fail at affiliate marketing when going it alone. Inside SelfieCash, he claims that you are going to be learning how to be an affiliate and make money promoting other people’s products.
The SelfieCash Method Explained (00:07:29 minutes) – Rose explains that SelfieCash is a method to earn money as an affiliate using your phone camera. He claims this is easy.
The Power of SelfieCash (00:04:50 minutes) – in this video Rose discusses this platform further.
Accessible from the left-hand side bar are the following:
Dashboard – the 3 welcome videos detailed above.
Jonny’s Video Training
- Introduction to SelfieCash – 3 videos (the very same videos detailed above)
- Below these videos is a button you can click on to SUBSCRIBE TO JONNY’S CHANNEL
- Finding Affiliate Products to promote – 2 videos
- How to find Affiliate Products to Promote (00:07:57 minutes) – Rose takes you to the Muncheye.com website that lists upcoming products about to be launched, and he mentions using Press Releases.
- How to get approved as an Affiliate (00:05:43 minutes) – Rose shows you 3 ways on how to get approved as an affiliate, as he claims that some are getting rejected.
- Creating Your SelfieCash review – 3 videos
- How to do a SelfieCash review (00:08:32 minutes) – Rose shows you how to do this using 5 steps that he leaves on camera for several minutes for you to see clearly, while explaining his methods. He includes a review of a product that he did.
- Watch me film a SelfieCash review (00:02:35 minutes) – this training is a sample review for SelfieCash by Jonny Rose.
- How to publish your review on Youtube (00:06:45 minutes) – Rose walks you through how to complete the fields when uploading your video to your YouTube channel.
Traffic Sources
Here is where you will find several sites listed as follows, and are linked for your ease of us:
- Craiglist
- Facebook Fan Page – link to create your fan page
- Udemi
- Traffic 4 Me
- Google Ads $150 FREE Credit
- Bing Ads
- Medium
- Mix
- SnapChat $375 FREE Credit
- TrafficJacker
- Facebook Blaster
UPGRADES – with links to each of their upsells.
- Done for you
- Partner with Jamie
- Ultimate Download
- Unlimited Autoresponder
- Marketplace
- Vendor Edition
- Guru For Hire
Bonus Spots – 2 affiliate links to other’s freebies.
Contact Now! – provides you with an email address to use when clicked on.
Hire Jamie Now – another upsell offer
- Great idea for anyone at any age
- Simple enough to implement for many,
- This truly IS newbie friendly,
- Easy enough to do, if you’re not shy,
- Good potential of providing you with cash quickly, if the right products are chosen, and if this is done on a regular basis.
In other words, do not sell your reputation by recommending crap.
- List of Traffic Sources comes with NO mention on best ways to us these sites in order to gain traffic.
- Their bonuses are affiliate links to other’s products, so not really bonuses at all.
- Jamie Lewis exaggerated his list of inclusions as I could find only the training videos along with a list of Traffic Sources with no instructions.
But don’t let that scare you from discovering this marketing method. - Found only 2 of the 6 bonuses mentioned on the landing page.
When clicking on the first one, my browser warned me of a potential security issue to that website.
My Take on Selfie Cash
Every so often I come across a gem of a product, service, or an idea from Clickbank, Warriors Plus and/or JVZoo, and this certainly is one of those gems.
So YES, I DO recommend Selfie Cash, as the training videos alone are worth the $12.70 US funds that are now being asked for.
Will this be a short-lived fad? It’s hard to say at this point in time. Perhaps it works so well for Jonny Rose because it is a new prospective on marketing.
Below is my video review of Selfie Cash by Jamie Lewis and Jonny Rose
Am so very impressed with Jamie Lewis and Jonny Rose’s SelfieCash, especially given how many low quality (crap actually) products are being launched every day. This one is a real nice treat to have discovered.
Do hope that I have been able to answer the question; Can Selfie Cash really generate $500-$2,000 per day, as I am certain that by following Jonny Rose’s training, without deviation that it would be possible to do just that over time.
Learning to Earn Can be Fun,