Can LoopholeLink Actually Mass-Promote Any Link for Free Buyer Traffic?

Bransom Tay is the vendor for LoopholeLink, and his landing page video has an unidentified male narrator that asks you,

“What if you could click your mouse and instantly mass-promote any link to billions of hungry buyers for unlimited, free buyer traffic within seconds; Could you finally make money online?”

If you like the sound of that, then it is important for you to pay close attention to their short video.

You see, says the narrator, as a successful seven-figure marketer, he understands how much you need traffic right now.

The narrator claims it is the lifeblood of any online business and without it, you are dead in the water.

And not just any traffic, he says that a million broke people who visit your link or website won’t make you any money.

You need buyer traffic who have cash in hand and are willing to spend money on what you’re selling.

He claims that is why his expert team and he developed LoopholeLink.

In other words, the narrator claims that you are basically getting one of the largest companies in the world to mass-promote your link to their existing $436 billion-dollar buyer pool, worldwide for free with just the press of a button.

He says it is:

  • 100% legal
  • 100% anonymous
  • 100% untapped,
  • 100% unique

The narrator states that it is completely passive and fully automated, that it completely eliminates the need of:

  • Paid ads
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Making videos
  • Creating content
  • Writing emails
  • Or anything that’s old, slow and outdated.

He claims there is:

  • No headaches,
  • No nonsense
  • No hard work

That’s right, the narrator says that you will be able to generate all the traffic you need without spending a dime.

My review will cover the following:

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What is LoopholeLink?

screen print from vendor's landing page

Program Name: LoopholeLink


Price: $17 US funds + 5 upsells and 5 downsells

Recommended? NO


The unidentified male narrator says that LoopholeLink is the world’s first breakthrough app which taps into a $436 billion dollar traffic loophole.

He claims that it lets you legally siphon traffic and sales from a multi-billion-dollar company.

“So, how does it work?”, asks the narrator, “Simply activate the app and let it know which website, affiliate offer, funnel or link you want traffic sent to and watch as the traffic starts pouring in as little as 30 seconds.”

He claims that LoopholeLink is easy to use, newbie friendly and you don’t need any tech skills, experience or existing audiences to get results with it.

And, apparently it works on any device as long as you have an internet connection.

The narrator says that it works in all countries in the world, and it lets you dominate any platform or network including:

  • Warrior + Plus
  • Clickbank
  • JVZoo
  • Shopify
  • Amazon
  • Digistore24

He says that basically anywhere you want traffic sent to, LoopholeLink can do it for you, and do it better than anything else.

Then he says to WAIT… that it gets even more exciting.

The narrator says that this traffic loophole comes with a built-in dual-profit mechanism.

Not only do they send you traffic and sales to any of your links, he claims that you get paid upfront even before you receive any traffic or even before any sales happen.

He says that they have been consistently getting paid up to $37 a pop in passive profits over and over again from this $436 billion dollar loophole, without selling anything.

The narrator claims that you have basically unlocked yourself an additional stream of passive income, and getting paid upfront, without even making a sale.

Not to mention all the free buyer traffic which will then hit your link repeatedly on a daily basis, which in turn gives you passive sales on autopilot.

He claims there’s no more waiting years for results that with LoopholeLink, you get to make money first, make money now and make even more money later.

Which according to him, nothing else in the marketplace has ever done it before.

That’s why he says that they call this the $436 billion dollar traffic loophole; The next biggest profit wave.

The narrator says to just look at what they’ve been able to earn, that’s $273,787.97 in his WarriorPlus account that he can withdraw to his bank account at any time.

The narrator says to imagine how you would feel if you woke up and saw that amount casually sitting in your account.

And, he adds that this is just one of the money accounts he has that looks exactly like this.

He goes on to say that you are probably thinking that this never-before-seen, 100% fresh and new, free buyer traffic app is going to be very expensive.

Well, he claims that they originally planned on charging $197 a month for access to LoopholeLink, and it’s completely fair too, considering the amount of traffic he claims that you could generate.

But, he adds, they won’t because they want to level the playing field so you too can get results.

For a limited time only during their special launch period, they have decided to slash the price to something anyone out there can afford.

screen print of what is included

You won’t have to pay monthly at all.

You will get instant access to LoopholeLink at an unbeatable low one-time price that according to him, is the same as a cheap dinner.

When you act now, apparently you will get 5 exclusive money-making bonuses worth thousands absolutely free.

Details in the screen print to your viewing right.

He says, to make this an absolute no-brainer for you they will remove all the risk for you and allow you to test drive LoopholeLink for a full 365 days to decide if it’s right for you.

They don’t stop there.

According to the narrator, it you put the app to use, and you didn’t get results not only will they send you a full refund, but they will send you $200 out of their own pocket for wasting your time.

He claims that the only way you lose is if you don’t take action on their, what he deems is an incredible deal right now.

Apparently, you must hurry and act fast because he claims the price goes up every 60 minutes, and he says that if you wait, you will end up paying more. He says, why pay more when you don’t have to.

He goes on to say that if you want to use the world’s most powerful traffic loophole discovery to get free buyer traffic to any website, link or funnel of your choice, in as little as 30 seconds, then click their buy button and lock in your special discount and get instant access to LoopholeLink.

And apparently, when you order today, he claims that you will also get VIP access to the mysterious LoopholeSuite Mega Bundle for 100% free.

He claims that this is what they use to make an extra $30,000 per month alongside with LoopholeLink.

He says that this “deadly combo” is going to give you faster and quicker results, more buyer traffic and sales on autopilot, and it’s just their way of saying Thank YOU for trying LoopholeLink.

How LoopholeLink Actually Works

screen print of vendor's software dashboard

Loophole Link Dashboard – Tutorial video (00:04:47 minutes) Branson Tay briefly discusses the benefits of upgrading and then introduces you to his online software.

Below this video, you will find sections that appear to eventually display your progress when using this software.

  • Campaigns Monthly
  • Campaigns Last 30 Days
  • Ebooks Last 30 Days
  • Funnel Last 30 Days
  • Last 5 Campaigns

The next left-hand sidebar option is Create Campaign – you are provided with a textbox in which you can Name your campaign and click the SUBMIT button. No training here.

Loophole Campaigns – appears to be where you will find your campaigns once you’ve created them.

Submit Your Campaigns – There is a video (00:03:07 minutes) in which Tay explains that you can submit your campaign to all of the links he provides for you to use in signing up with any of these top websites, below his video.

  • Amazon Kindle
  • PayHip
  • Gumroad
  • InkShare
  • SmashWords
  • Rakuten Kobo
  • Infinity Publishing
  • TradeBit
  • Selz
  • E-Junkie
  • Wasteland press
  • Feiyr
  • Booktango
  • Clickbank
  • Warriorplus
  • JVzoo
  • Draft2Digital
  • Unbound
  • Scribd
  • EbookIT
  • Shopify
  • Myebook
  • BookBaby
  • PayLoadz
  • Click2Sell
  • LifeRich
  • iUniverse
  • eBook Partnership
  • PressBooks
  • Apple
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Books Partner Center
  • LuLu
  • Blurb
  • InstPublisher

This Tay explains is where you will post your eBook for sale in which you will place your links inside.

Create Ebook – This is where you place your Main Topic by following the instructions below the first textbox: “Please enter at least 4 keywords, comma separated”.

The second textbox is titled Select Content Source, and you are provided with a drop-down box, listing article marketing sites, such as: Ezineatricles, Youtube transcript, their library, and Google Blogs.

Once you have selected your chosen source of information to use, the next drop-down list that is revealed, you will be offered topics in which to choose from, such as: BusinessAndFinance, BusinessAndMarketing, ComputersAndTechnology, Copywriting, HealthFitness, and Landscaping.

Then the next step you would be offered Formatting, followed by Cover page, and CTAs (call to actions) and Footer.

My Ebooks – appears to be where you will find a list of your completed eBooks.

Create Funnel – is said to be where you will find several landing page (Tay calls squeeze pages) templates in which to choose from.

Once you have selected your chosen template and clicked on it, you will then be able to edit by adding your information, using this software.

My Funnels – is said to be where you will find a list of landing pages that you create in selling your eBooks.

Setup – is where you will find login forms for your accounts, such as: Twitter, Instapaper, Folkd, and login form for your WordPress website.

Post – is unavailable.

Extra Traffic – offers another video (00:03:17 minutes) in which Tay explains how his search feature will allow you to scrap information from the most recently shared information on the internet.

Their upgrades are offered here, under a subtitle that becomes available once you click on Extra Traffic, as is the Bonus (which is a link to a Google doc with links to the bonuses), and their Support.

Tutorial – is where you will find the training.

  • Creating campaigns (00:03:46 minutes)
  • Creating Funnels (00:03:30 minutes)
  • Social Traffic (00:02:22 minutes)
  • Pages Overview (00:03:45 minutes)


I could find none.


When trying to create an eBook over several days, using their Library and Google blogs at different times as the source being scrapped, but nothing happened.

Can only assume that this software is NOT browser compatible.

Can the scraped content be edit? I do not know as the software did not work for me.

Can you easily change an image you would rather use? Again, I do not know as the software did not work for me.

Using other’s information that is offered online already… that would be a great way for you to damage your reputation as a trusted source… IF you actually take Tay’s offer and use other’s content that is out there on the internet, when creating your eBooks and selling them on major websites.

My Take on LoopholeLink

thumb pointing downward in disapproval

Going back over the promises made regarding their software as “never-before-seen” … that statement is an exaggeration in my opinion.

For example, if you know how to use Microsoft’s Word, you can easily create your very own eBook, using your own content.

Advising newbies to scrap and use other’s content, in my opinion, is violation of a newbies trust.

Any serious online marketer already knows full well to NEVER use scraped content… ever.

Considering that many different websites such as the most popular offers their users their very own FREE online eBook creator software. Canva even provides you with detailed instructions, along with a library of templates to choose from. This way, your eBooks will stand a better chance of looking different from other’s.

If you were to chose a niche along with the best ever content …and… it was to be “hottest topic” online, then you MIGHT get free traffic, but in my opinion, it is rather doubtful that you would be making money from your links within that eBook ever 30 seconds.

You would only get “buyer traffic” from a small percentage of those who might actually click on any of the links you place inside your eBook.

So, in my opinion, you really have no need of wasting your money buying LoopholeLink.

My honest review video on LoopholeLink is below.

get my free making money online guide here button


If something seems to be too good to be true it probably is, comes to mind with this product.

Whenever you come upon an inexpensive offer like this one, always do an internet search to see if you can find an honest review of their product.

Once you learn information like what I have shared with you here regarding Canva’s FREE offer, you will discover that these low-priced gimmicks are just that… gimmicks to make you part with your money, as well as your email address… so they can continue to email you about other’s low-priced gimmicks.

The male narrator claims that what they are asking for LoopholeLink isn’t all that much money.

And perhaps he is right… but ONLY when referring to the many North American working-class people.

But what about those in other countries where $17 US funds might be more than a week’s wages?

The narrator also promises you they will give you $200 if this gimmick doesn’t work for you.

Lots of luck trying to get that promise fulfilled, especially if you are outside the vendor’s own state, never mind country.

I do hope that I have answered the question; can LoopholeLink actually mass-promote any link for free buyer traffic.

Should you have any question(s) regarding my review on LoopholeLink, please leave them in a comment below so I can assist you by answering them.


photo of Trish with her name below that
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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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