Does Promote Your Offer Really Get Free Daily Traffic Forever

Dawud Islam and his business partner Jason Taylor present you with Promote Your Offer. Islam says that the one thing that any online business needs is quality traffic.

He claims that it doesn’t matter how good the offer or service is that you are promoting because if nobody sees it then you are not even in business; but getting quality buyer traffic can be tough.

Islam claims that it is going to cost you time or money… or both.

He then asks you… what if there was a way that you could just sit back and watch as a daily stream of traffic flows to a URL that you want to promote.

Well, Islam claims, now you can with Promote Your Offer.

He claims that over the past three years, he became something of an expert when it comes to traffic generation.

He goes on to say that he knows what works and what doesn’t, and that he knows that good quality traffic is the one thing that all new and experienced marketers crave.

Islam goes on to claim that he is now doing pretty well in this industry, and so you are to think of Promote Your Offer as his way of putting a little something back to the people who have been loyal to him and his products.

He claims that he created a brilliant free of charge training website that teaches newbie marketers all they need to know about starting out on the internet and affiliate marketing business.

And, he quickly adds that all of his own 30,000 members will be able to join for free.

Islam says that you can join and give away free memberships of this site yourself.

Once you are there getting some what he deems as excellent free training, members of the site are going to be shown your offers.

My review of Promote Your Offer will cover the following:

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What is Promote Your Offer?

screen print from vendor's landing page

Program Name: Promote Your Offer


Price: $12.95 US funds + a popup offer of $3.00 off if you go to leave + 5 upsells + 5 downsells

Recommended? NO


Dawud Islam says that not only are their free training students going to be shown the link to any URL of your choice, but that he is going to incentivize them for taking action.

He claims that if they sign up to your offer or buy the product that you are promoting, then he will give them a free VIP membership at one of his own websites, along with a package of free credits and solo ads.

All that his students will have to do is send him their receipt or prove that they have joined your membership site by sending him a screenshot.

However, Islam says that it really is important that you take action fast. He goes on to say that not only will the price be more than doubling at the end of the launch of Promote Your Offer, but those who get in first will have their offers exposed to more and more people.

He goes on to explain that those who join in the first one or two days of the launch really will benefit from up to 10 times the results of those who join later, because their links will face almost zero competition from other marketers.

Islam says for you to be sure to take action today.

Step One: Pick up a copy of Promote Your Offer before the price goes up.

Step Two: Submit your URL for any offer or products of your choice.

Step Three: Sit back and relax as you enjoy free daily traffic to your link, now and forever.

He says, now it’s up to you. He then asks you… if you carry on spending time and money on traffic generation methods that don’t work, or do you take the much easier option of letting him and his team do all of the work for you with Promote Your Offer.

Either way, Islam says to have a great day but he and Jason hope to see you on the inside.

Below is Dawud Islam’s demo video.

How Promote Your Offer Actually Works

screen print from vendor's member's area

Inside the members area you will find a Welcome section to start in. Their support link is found at the top, right of the members area web page.

Welcome to PROMOTE YOUR OFFER… Welcome From Dawud Islam video (00:02:08 minutes) – Dawud Islam introduces himself and his partner Jason Taylor, and asks you to be sure to watch Taylor’s welcome video below this.

Below this video are two button links

1.) Elite Tigers Group YouTube Channel

2.) Elite Tigers Group FB Group, with secret password offered below this link

Welcome From Jason Taylor video (00:02:24 minutes)

OVERVIEW of Promote Your Offer video (00:02:34 minutes) – Islam explains how Promote Your Offer works and how you can promote The Offer Hub.


Introduction to the Training video (00:02:16 minutes) – Islam briefly explains the training.

Submit Your URL video (00:03:44 minutes) – Islam explains that you need to use the email address shown below this video;

  1. using a specific statement as your subject line that he provides
  2. ALONG with a copy of your receipt from Warrior Plus for Promote Your Offer,
  3. with the URL you wish to have promoted.

Forget one of these steps at your own peril, as NO link will be placed without your having complied with all steps mentioned.

The type of offer is also discussed. You’ll want to pay close attention to that warning, as it is cold traffic, as Islam clearly states.

High ticket offers are not recommended, freebies (or low cost) offers ARE recommended.

Join The Offer Hub video (00:00:43 seconds) Islam briefs you on the free training offer inside The Offer Hub.

Below this video is a button link to The Offer Hub.

How to Promote The Offer Hub video (00:01:57 minutes) – Islam gives you some quick insights as to how to promote The Offer Hub.

Below this video they offer Free Artwork For You to Use.


Special Squeeze Pages – you will find four options that you can download:

No. 1: Leads Leap Funnel System – Step by step set up… – you’re offered an affiliate link to setup an account with

No. 2: Leads Leap Profit System – Another great system for you… – you’re offered an affiliate link to another offer of FREE System Earns Traffic and Commissions Daily.

No. 3: Mailer Profit System – A system for using with mailers… – this is another affiliate link to yet a 3rd offer on This time for FREE System Turns Clicks Into Cash

No. 4: TE Profit System – Profit by using traffic exchanges… – and, here’s a 4th affiliate link to yet a fourth offer from

Regular Squeeze Pages – you’re offered a link to “Extra Squeeze Pages: Provided by Martin Chantler…” which is a link to setup an account with domain to receive 60+ free lead generating capture pages like the simple one used to get you to sign up with them now.

CONCLUSION video (00:00:59 seconds) Islam says this completes the training, and not to underestimate the simplicity of this product because he claims that it is something that will be delivering traffic to you for months and even years to come.


How to Access Your Promote Your Offer Bonuses video (00:03:10 minutes) Islam goes over all the bonuses he is offering you within the website.

Below which there is a button link titled “Access Your Bonus Bundle Here” (another affiliate link!) which takes you to website where you need to create an account.

UPGRADES (links to their upsells)

Promote Your Offer 10 X Booster Bundle

Buyers List Solo Ad (Restricted to 10 Only)

Reseller Rights

DFY Weekly Campaigns

Become a BETA Tester for the Elite Academy


More affiliate links:

Eric Hammer – Durable

James Kennedy Bonus

Mike From Maine Bonus

PROS: This might be a great led generator… if it worked.

CONS: This offer sounds so similar too a previous product released not long ago from this vendor, titled: Place Your Link that I reviewed back in August this year.

So far, I have only ever received ONE sign up that MIGHT have been from that service to my free offer, and then the person unsubscribed once they gained access to my freebie.

Because Promote Your Offer HAS to be paid by credit card ONLY, I did NOT receive a receipt upon payment.

Therefore, I needed to contact Dawud Islam by email asking for a receipt, in order to have a receipt to use in submitting my URL to THIS offer.

I finally hear back from his support staff member (detailed below).

Affiliate offerings masked as bonuses do not impress me, as I NEVER sign up for those in hope of not suffering from even MORE junk email.

If you have read any of my previous reviews where a vendor recommends Solo Ads then you are already familiar with the warning that I received (and abide by); that being… if a vendor EVER offer me Solo Ads… RUN!

My Take on Promote Your Offer

thumb pointing downward in disapproval

Because of the lack of promised traffic from this vendor’s previous product that I purchased and participated in that is very similar to this one, I would hazard a guess that Promote Your Offer may not preform any better than the previous product did.

When contacting Dawud Islam’s support, I provided a screen print of my Purchase Details from within my Warrior Plus account making sure that it showed the Warrior Plus URL, my Warrior Plus name, date of purchase of Promote You Offer, and my email address.

Not 24 hours later, a person calling themselves Hajra said that my screen print was fine as my receipt, and to please submit my link to be added to the rotator, which I did when replying to their email.

A few weeks later, Jason Taylor issued an email asking his customers to join him in Facebook.

I decided to take this opportunity to ask if they would supply me with proof that they actually added my URL issued to them, to their rotator.

Jason asked that I submit a ticket to their support, which I did, using the SAME email address I asked about the proof of purchase.

Several days later, I received an email from Hajra asking me to provide proof of purchase (AGAIN?) in order for him to reply to my query.

I’m still waiting for their proof at the time of writing this. I have to admit, I’m not holding my breath that my URL was actually added.

Below is my video review of Promote Your Offer by Dawud Islam and Jason Taylor

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Whether you are seeking FREE training on learning how to do affiliate marketing the right way or you simply want to learn how to create a first-rate website that ranks well, then I would like to introduce you to the platform that I have been a member of since 2016.

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You will even have access to some PROFESSIONALS on this platform who are anxiously awaiting to help you whenever you run into any difficulty with the lessons.

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The lessons are world-class and there are 5 different levels of lessons.

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I’m sure you will be every bit as impressed with this training platform as I am.

If you’re ready to learn more about this platform, click here for my free guide.

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Do hope I’ve answered the question, does Promote Your Offer really get free daily traffic forever, to your liking.

Should you have any question(s) regarding my review of Promote Your Offer, I do hope that you will leave them for me in a comment below so that we can discussed this further and at your convenience.

Thanks for stopping by,

photo of Trish with her name below that
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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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