Use Your Passion in Starting Your Own Business

You’ve heard of Follow Your Passion, right?

Well, my suggestion to you is to USE your passion to start your very own business. In this way you are more apt to succeed than simply starting just any old business. Your passion will carry you through the tough times that are sure to come your way, and it will provide you with the necessary drive to carry on.

Your passion tends to be infectious (to say the least), meaning others around you will feel drawn to you (like you’re a magnet!) and your business because passionate business owners loooove to help other understand your passion … and customers love that attitude, plain and simple.

It wasn’t all that long ago that I decided to learn Desktop Publishing so I could then publish my finished work of researching my family’s history … genealogy being one of my passions.

Well, don’t ya’ know, learning to work on a computer was so enlightening that this too became a passion of mine, and THIS new passion drove me to start my very own publishing business.

Huh! That’s how Canada’s Family History News got started. Though, five years later … well … the subscription rates were dropping instead of increasing so I decided to STOP THE PRESSES!


And, I changed my business over to helping business owners with their online presence. Back then, businesses were just starting to embrace the internet as a means of generating leads for their business. Years before this, many businesses scoffed at the idea of creating a website as being total nonsense.

All my business training … on the job learning … and helping others gained me another advantage.

By Asa Wilson (CubeSpace) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

My regular day job took me from a factory room, floor job up into an office cubicle. This hourly employee (in that company that was a dirty word) then became an administrative (and then on further to being an executive) assistant.

Creating and tending one of this company’s best websites (5 different sites!) within North America (so I learned later on from the internet team in Michigan) was among part of my new responsibilities … and I LOVED this job.

With the major downturn we all experienced one way or another with the economy in 2009, I am no longer employed with this company.

However, I am still helping local businesses with their online presence … mostly by creating and managing their websites on a yearly basis.


My passion has me working around the clock for a new customer (and enjoying it!), while getting their new website up and running. I did the very same thing for EVERY one of my customers whenever necessary … even the factory website when they had executive inspector coming in to see what had been accomplished.

Challenges like this only serve to motivate me to complete what others may deem “the impossible” … as you too will find out if you use your passion to start your very own business.

Go ahead … use YOUR passion and see what business offline ideas and online ideas you can come up with. Many businesses can be started right from your very own home!

Use your passion in starting your own business
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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

4 thoughts on “Use Your Passion in Starting Your Own Business”

  1. Hi Trish,
    I love that you provided me with a background on how you got involved in becoming an internet marketing specialist. Starting your own business is not easy and it does take time. Today there are so many platforms to take into consideration like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and so forth. I myself can use some assistance because it is a lot of work and very time consuming. I am sure your services are well appreciated thanks for the tips.

    • Thank you Lisa, very much for your compliment … though I do need to make a minor correction with what you understand as my training title. I am an Internet Specialist … no “marketing” in my certification.

      Having continually studied, keeping up-to-date with website changes and learning the many different marketing techniques over the years, I would LOVE to be able to insert the word “marketing” into my title, but that wouldn’t be honest. 🙂

  2. Hello, thank you for publishing in-depth article about how to use your passion in starting online bussiness. I have to point out, you really explain in detail everything we need to know about starting an online business. This article was very helpful for me, I’m glad that I came across your website. Keep up the good work and have a nice day.

    • Well Thank YOU Karlo for your compliment. This is exactly why I shared the information on this post, as my passion is helping others. And, Thank YOU for taking the time to comment. Much appreciated!


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