The Truth About Creating Wealth Without Risk – Is There Really a Loophole in the $787 Billion Stimulus Bill?

Steven E. Waters, promises you that he will detail a strategy used by investors and Wall Street insider to exploit a “loophole” in the $787 Billion Stimulus Bill, allowing them to capture digit profit rates of 16% to 36% mandated by US law.

Waters goes on to remind us that the US banks were given bailout money years ago that was SUPPOSED to be used to help their customers avoid foreclosure.

Instead they used the funds to line their own pockets and now the top banks are 232% bigger than they were before that crisis.

Apparently, the primary goal of the $787 billion bailout was to help the banks that were struggling that were hurting from the mortgage crisis.

Then Waters says that the US government criticized the US banks for taking bailout money and not doing much (if anything) to help their customers.

Waters goes on to say that the US Treasury Department has now taken steps to hold mortgage servers accountable by vowing to without bailout incentive payment to three of the largest banks, being: Wells Fargo, Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase.

For decades now, Waters states, Wall Street has been using a strategy to build their financial empires.

That apparently they don’t want you to know this but for two hundred years now they have been using your money to game the investment strategy that Waters is willing to share with you.

He claims that the bankers give you one to three percent with low-yield savings and certificates of deposit (CDs).

Then they use your money to capture double digit profits of up to 36% that is guaranteed by US law.

Waters claims this strategy is virtually unknown to most people and only used by a small percentage of very wealthy investors… which is why the largest banks and hedge funds in the US are doing this.

In my review, I will be covering the following points:

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What is Creating Wealth Without Risk?

Program Name: Creating Wealth Without Risk


Price: $27 US funds + an upsell

Recommended? NO


Steven E. Waters explains the issue this way… mortgage lenders in the US typically are adamant that an escrow account be created to protect the costs of property taxes and mortgage insurance.

But… back in 2008, most of the subprime mortgages did not include and escrow account. Instead, lenders lured customer into those lower monthly payments and failed to mention they were not protected.

Many counties across the United States were let with outstanding property taxes as a result of the mortgage “meltdown” that occurred that year, creating a serious cash-flow problem for all the communities and cities involved.

With the absence of proper funding through property taxes, there were no funds left in which to pay for police services, public schools and yes, even emergency medical services.

Waters goes on to explain that recently The National Tax Lien Association has reported that delinquencies are now on the rise once again for annual property tax, to the tune of $15 billion nationwide.

To solve this cash-flow problem, apparently the local governments in the US are allowing investors to pay off a portion of these delinquent property taxes and in return investors get a tax lien certificate which is a claim for property taxes.

Apparently, the following states and/or cities are selling tax lien certificates:

  • Alabama
  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • District of Columbia
  • Florida
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kentucky
  • Maryland
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • New Jersey
  • New York (city)
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Puerto Rico
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Vermont
  • West Virginia
  • Wyoming

Buying these tax lien certificates generates revenue that is much needed as a means of paying for all of the essential services that taxes normally cover.

According to Waters, somewhere between seven and ten billion dollars worth of tax lien certificates are sold to investors yearly.

And, a tax lien certificate literally transfers the rights that come with being the owner of the real estate tax lien itself. In other works, it transfers the rights from the government to the investors.

This provides the investors with a claim against the property until the owner either pays their back taxes or fails to pay their debt.

And according to Waters, many municipalities are offering their tax lien certificates for sale online so that you won’t even need to leave your home in order to buy one.

He claims that you could find a tax lien certificate that fits your budget easily given the large variety of different types of properties that have tax liens on them. He claims they lean from as little as $6 to several million dollars, depending on the debt.

Waters claims that cities would need to declare bankruptcy if it were not for these tax lien certificates.

The Truth About Creating Wealth Without Risk

screen print of their course materials

In his video Steven Waters claims that thousands of people come to his website every day.

Most once they have discovered this option only need guidance as they begin their journey into these tax lien certificates.

Waters claims that he got his start a little over 15 years ago now, and that he first learned about this investment opportunity while taking his real estate license.

He was so excited when he learned of this that he made plans to attend his first tax sale auction.

While attending it, he purchased his first property for only the back taxes owed.

He then claims that he later sold that same property, literally tripling his initial principle investment, saying this was the easiest money he had ever made, so he repeated this process in several different states throughout the US.

Waters goes on to explain how what he was doing soon got noticed by several different people, and that he was eventually introduced to Robert G. Allen who New York Times bestselling author and the #1 all time bestselling real estate book titled Nothing Down for the 2000s.

Then Waters plays the audio recording that Allen created for him.

According to Waters, he created his Tax Lien University over 10 years ago and that he was convinced to create training that now has over 100,000 people have received Creating Wealth Without Risk, while learning how to maximize their profits with minimum risks with government issued real estate insured tax lien certificates.

Waters states that one of the things that he enjoys is the email and the feedback that he gets from people that really inspires him and really connects him to what it is that he is actually doing; that it really encourages him to see what this information does for people.


Can only surmise that if you are a gambler than purchasing a tax lien certificate might be a safer bet for you than purchasing a lotto ticket might be.

While writing up this review, I noticed that there is a FREE version of Waters’ home study course, so you may want to give that version a try if this sounds like something you would be interested in learning more about. The links on his FREE version are working, I did check them.

Though the paid version offered more goodies or so the non-functioning links suggested.


Waters suggests that you can even use your retirement account or 401(K) to purchase tax lien certificates but I think they would need to be a lot safer than I think these are before I would bet my retirement savings on them… simply because Waters failed to share with his viewers the costs of even one case where losses were incurred from investing in tax lien certificates (come on folks, this wouldn’t be an “investment” if there was no chance for a loss)… and you cannot convince me there would be zero dollars EVER lost.

When paying for Waters’ home study course he offers for $27 US funds, all of the links to his products were displaying an error message.

When I contacted the support email address he states for you to use in contacting him with any issues, my email was ignored.

Thankfully my purchase was made through Clickbank and they put in a ticket to the vendor explaining that I was having issues obtaining his product and that too went ignored.

Is Creating Wealth Without Risk Fake?

thumb pointing downward in disapproval

No, I do not believe that Creating Wealth Without Risk is a fake but I do feel that the paid version of this course is now being left unattended for support.

Due to the neglect I received from the support requested regarding the dead links in the paid version download page, I cannot recommend paying for Creating Wealth Without Risk.

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Should you wish to ask a question about the truth about Creating Wealth Without Risk please DO leave me a comment below and I will respond to your comment in a timely manner.

Stop Wasting Your Money,

photo of Trish with her name below that

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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