The Truth About 24-7 Wealth Club – Don’t You be Like a Fish in a Barrel!

Can you really potentially earn as much as $13,127 in the next in the next 7 days, on your own terms and rules?

Early in the video, you are told that people from all over the world are using the 24-7 Wealth Club to earn hundreds or thousands of dollars or even more.

The male narrator then refers to a 35-year-old named Peter who has a wife and 2 daughters, who apparently is in the 24-7 Wealth Club.

Peter was said to have been a contractor from Topeka before he joined, and now he supposedly makes $11.571 a week.

Then a 26-year-old Lucy is spoken of who apparently lives in Huston, Texas… and it was stated that her first payment from the 24-7 Wealth Club was $10.953, which was said to have been transferred into her bank account two days ago.

And then David is mentioned as a 67-year-old retiree who apparently lives in Montana.

He was said to have earned $22, 175 last month in his spare time, which is said to help him make up for what he fail to save up for to cover his living expenses for the rest of his life.

After which claims are made that you don’t need to have a full time job to succeed, or to be enrolled in an expensive school, or have a long career to use the 24-7 Wealth Club to earn hundreds, thousands, or more every week.

The narrator claims that over the last 190 days, this business has helped 191 ordinary people to earn up to $13, 127 in a single week.

Many are said to have had no experience whatsoever and some of them apparently did not even have access to a laptop computer.

They simply relied on a Smartphone to get online and earn money online. Most of them apparently had done nothing like what 24-7 Wealth Club offers.

Then a brand new dream car is mention on how one of the members sent in a picture of their brand new Ferrari 488.

Followed by a claim that another member “tagged him” (the narrator) about their five star luxury trip to Maldives; followed by yet another claim that one of his members got their son into one of the most prestigious private schools in the country.

The male narrator claims that it is stories like this that spur him on.

He then asks the following question: “What would you do if you could earn more money easily and legally for as long as you live?

If you can’t answer his question, he says that he must ask you stop watching his video and leave “this potentially life-changing opportunity”, if earning more isn’t something you are interested in, in which case his 24-7 Wealth Club would obviously not be for you.

“So… are you still here?” the male narrator asks.

Then he promises that over the next 3 minutes and 15 seconds he is going to tell you how you can become the newest member of the 24-7 Wealth Club.

He claims it is a rare opportunity to join his elite group of less than 200 high earners; like nothing ever seen before.

Keep in mind; he still has not introduced himself yet.

In my review here I will be revealing the following topics:

See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:

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What is 24-7 Wealth Club?

screen print reads "Do NOT share this video with anyone"

Program Name: 24-7 Wealth Club


Price: $37 US funds

Recommended? NO


He goes on to promise you that this has nothing to do with online surveys (this is starting to sound VERY familiar).

Crypto currencies like Bitcoin or anything that could get you into trouble. This, he claims, is a year round opportunity to bring in income to change your life without requiring you to even leave your home.

The narrator then states that he wants to make something very, very clear; he claims that he has done everything that he could possibly do to ensure that his 24-7 Wealth Club is only discovered by the right people.

He then states that if you have access to his video on his landing page that means you are a highly qualified, perfect fit.

Then he states that in the 24-7 Wealth Club he is not simply taking your money and that the more people who use the program the more he earns as well (BOY, is this sounding familiar!).

He goes on to say that he worked hard for years to become an expert at making money online, and he wants you to have the same opportunities.

Seven minutes and twenty-two seconds into his landing page video and he finally introduces himself, but only as Richard, and he claims that he created the 24-7 Wealth Club.

He also claims to be a writer and researcher with a focus on online business.

Richard claims that a few years ago he had a lousy job in a call center, and that he barely made enough money to provide for his family.

He claims that he read thousands of blogs, watched millions of videos, read hundreds of eBooks, articles and new stories.

Eventually, Richard says, his education started to pay off when he started implementing what he learned and then he created a system; followed by a claim that he earned $450 in his first week and that was his start.

A week later, Richard claims that he earned $950 and that is when he says that he finally found something that was working, and soon he was “walking away with over $1,000 a day”.

After taking a week off to celebrate, he claims that he was stunned to come back to $4,750 which, he states that he hadn’t put any work at all into earning.

Richard goes on to say that he became active on secret internet forums, answering questions and helping others who were in his situation.

He claims that he became the guy to talk to about making money online.

He claims that he kept refining and redeveloping his methods based on new research.

Then Richard states that major investors tried to buy him out but he refused. Instead, he says that he went on and focused everything on his system.

Then, he claims, something incredible happened; his system led to exponential growth. Richard claims that he earned more in a month than he had in a year at the call center.

He goes on to say how he honed is business and then found a test group and one month later the results were in. He goes on to say that:

  • Grace, living in Australia, brought in $6,350
  • Brian, living in the UK, earned $10,500 in a single week

That’s when Richard claims that he knew it was time to share the 24-7 Wealth Club with the world.

He says he has 191 members right now, and that his top earners are bringing home as much as $13,127 each week.

Richard states that he has no advantage over you and that you will be using the same system that he uses every day, to earn as much as $13,127 each week.

screen print reads "online business is growing year after year at an unprecedented rate."

And traditional jobs are becoming harder and harder to come by. And now, many people are living the entirety of their lives, including work, online.

screen print reads "Online businesses ar generating trillions of dollars worldwide."

Richard says this, “If you collect just .001% of the money that is out there to be made right now, that is more than most of your peers will ever see in a lifetime.

He claims his system is proven, tested, vetted and guaranteed, and that you don’t need experience; you don’t even need a computer if you have a Smartphone; you can get setup in minutes and start earning today.

He claims that he will refund you the entirety of your investment within 60 days of purchase if his 24-7 Wealth Club is not everything he promised it to be.

The Truth About 24-7 Wealth Club

screen print taken of 24-7 Wealth Club on 12 May 2019

On the 12th of May 2019, having witnessed this product backed by Clickbank at that time, I marked this offer to be given a try… BUT, by the 27th of May, when I came back to actually purchase this product, the Clickbank seal of trust was no longer there.

Not only that but this vendor’s story and offer sounds way too much like three other products that I have reviewed recently. They are as follows:

Is 24-7 Wealth Club Bogus?

thumb pointing downward in disapproval

Some of you may be wondering if the 24-7 Wealth Club is a scam or bogus and all I can tell you is that I no longer feel confident in purchasing this product now that the vendor appears to have lost the Clickbank seal of trust.

Personally, I feel it would be a foolish risk of my money to even think of trusting what the vendor promises with his 60 day refund promise when it appears that he has lost the Clickbank seal of trust. Therefore I do NOT recommend 24-7 Wealth Club.

Learn to Make Money Online Safely

Learning to make money online safely is always the smartest way, and that method I can share with you here provides priceless training so that you can learn how to setup your very own online business… AND, they provide the tools for you too!

The platform I am referring to, I have been a member of since 2016, and it is NOT a get rich quick scheme either. As I said it is a learning platform; one that you can join for FREE.

Yes, I did say FREE. All you need to do to start is sign up as a Starter member, complete your profile so that the members of the community of like-minded individuals will get to know you better, and then start the FREE lessons that are available to all Starter members.

In those lessons, you will learn how to setup your very own online business as you follow along with the training.

I know you will be impressed, and so do the owners and that is why they have let all of us start for FREE.

And by FREE I really do mean FREE, you won’t even be asked for a credit card!

You can find out all about this training platform in my free guide:

get my free making money online guide here button

The training will show you how you can create your very own top-notch online business that will draw your customers to your business without your having to spend any money whatsoever on advertising.

That method I am referring to is the same technique that brought you here to my post today.

Doing what you are passionate about is the best way to earn money and enjoy working at it, as the training will inform you that this is not a quick method but a smart way to setup your very own, top quality business that will gain you lots of organic traffic.

All you need is a willingness to learn, patience to learn and dedication in developing your very own online business.

It takes time to build any business that is of quality when it is done the right way. So, if you are tired of wasting your time and money on bogus offers then feel free to check out my free guide.

get my free making money online guide here button

Be sure to read my free guide over very carefully and thoroughly in order to learn how YOU can have ME as your premium coach.

If you have any questions regarding the truth about 24-7 Wealth Club, I hope you will feel free to leave me a comment below as I respond quickly to any and all comments as I value my visitors.

Ready to Learn,

photo of Trish with her name below that

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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