Start Your Homebased Candy Bouquet Business or Create Them for Fun Gifts

If you love making people smile, what better way then to start your very own homebased candy bouquet business.

Or, you could create them as great gifts for your family and friends!

As I’m sure you are already well aware, there are many shops where you can purchase candy in bulk rather than buying small packages from regular stores.

This way, you will find more unique candies that you can use in creating your unique candy bouquets.

If you cannot find the type of candy you want to use in creating your special candy bouquet, you can even learn how to make candy.

Simply search on the internet for any of the following:

  • how to make lollipops
  • the secrets to perfect homemade candy
  • hard candy making tips
  • old fashioned homemade hard candy recipes
  • butterscotch candy recipes
  • jelly candy recipes
  • chocolate candy recipes
  • and more (just think of the type of candy recipe you want and search for it online)

BONUS: Here’s an online Beginner’s Guide to Making Candy: that is said to have been compiled by Mrs. Sherwood P. Snyder.

WARNING: Now, of course, you will need to be exceptionally careful when making your own homemade candy. The extreme temperatures needed has always made me reluctant to try making any candy recipe, even though they sound easy enough to make.

How to make CANDY LOLLIPOP recipe at home

2 cups sugar
2/3 cup glucose | corn syrup
¼ cup water

Professional Chef’s Simple Lollipop Recipe

Anna Olson’s recipe

Makes 8-10 lollipops

2-3 cups (260-390 g) icing sugar, sifted
½ cup (125 mL) grape juice
¼ cup (60 mL) water
1 cup (200 g) granulated sugar
¼ cup (60 mL) white corn syrup
lollipop sticks
sprinkles or dragées, for decorating

  1. To prepare your lollipop mold, line a baking tray with parchment paper and then spread an even layer of icing sugar so that it is about ½ -inch (12 mm) thick. Use a flat-water glass about 2-inches (5 cm) across and press this into the icing sugar at intervals, making sure the impression is level (if you make a mistake, you can always loosen the icing sugar and start again.) Place one end of a lollipop stick into each depression.
  1. Place the grape juice in a small saucepan and reduce it to just 2 Tbsp (30 mL) over high heat and then set aside to cool.
  1. Place the water, sugar and corn syrup in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat without stirring. Occasionally brush the sides of the pan with water to prevent any sugar splashes from sticking and crystallizing. Cook the sugar until it reaches a temperature of 300 °F (149 °C) as measured on a candy thermometer (the sugar should not change colour). Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the reduced grape juice. Work quickly to carefully ladle the hot sugar into each depression, so that it fills it and covers the lollipop stick. Sprinkle the lollipops with sprinkles or dragées. Let the lollipops cool completely.
  1. Lift the lollipops out of the icing sugar and gently tap off any icing sugar stuck to them. Use a damp paper towel (cool water) to wipe the icing sugar side of the lollipop and then immediately dry that side with a dry paper towel. Wrap the lollipops individually if you wish.

The lollipops will keep for up to a month, well-wrapped at room temperature.

This would make a great business opportunity for the ambitious among you, especially given that you can create candy bouquets for nearly EVERY celebration; from Valentine’s Day, to birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Easter, Christmas, etc.

You name it, you can easily create a candy bouquet that stands out and says exactly what you want it to say.

Impressing your customers would be very simple, with a little guidance, and working from home would make your business easier to get started in.

Making and selling candy bouquets would be easier and more hygienic than most fruit baskets, so you may find yourself loaded with customers wanting your creations.

If you would love to have guidance on how to make candy bouquets for fun and profit, as well as have candy bouquet design ideas that will have you designing bouquets like a pro, you may find Lana Glass’ book can be most helpful.

Your candy bouquets will be edible and could easily have your business standing out from the crowd when it comes to your local business start-up, providing you listen to those who have the know-how.

Lana Glass will tell you herself that your sweetheart will be simply blown away when you present them with a bouquet of chocolate roses instead of real roses.

Then there are candy bouquet center pieces that you can create for parties.

You’ll be the hero of your neighbourhood in no time at all. All you need to do is follow the step by step instructions offered in Lana Glass in her book (this link opens in a new window).

There’s no waiting to receive this book either, as it is available in Kindle Edition. As soon as you’ve paid for her product, you will receive your copy.

Once you have this book on your device, you can start reading up on how to start your candy bouquets, create unique gifts for family, friends and colleagues, and even create profitable fundraising ideas.

Starting your candy bouquet business from home, you could realistically sell your bouquets locally or online.

And… if you already own a gift shop or gift basket business, then a candy bouquet business could be a perfect addition to such a business.

Here’s a Family Secret Homemade Hard Candy Recipe

INGREDIENTS (for a full batch, which in the video, it is not):
10 pounds of sugar
5 pounds of corn syrup
1 quart of water
½ teaspoon of creme of tartar
1 – 2.5 oz. of flavoring oils depending on what kind you’re using.

<<< ‑‑‑ GET How To Open A Candy Store, on Amazon NOW! ‑‑‑ >>>
(opens in a new window and is my affiliate link)

Lana Glass even says that you do NOT need experience nor do you need creativity as she will instruct you in all aspects in starting your very own home based candy bouquet business, as she too had doubts when she started her business.

So, if you enjoy making people happy, and excited when receiving awesome, edible bouquets made of candy, then you will want to learn more, right?

For examples of Candy Art, check out the next video, where you get to watch how to create an amazing looking dog, cat, frog and a goldfish.

Lana Glass will even teach you how to attach candies to sticks.

She says that there are different methods for attaching the different types of candies to a stick, and that she provides illustrations for her descriptions on how to do this the right way.

<<< ‑‑‑ BUY How To Open A Candy Store, on Amazon NOW! ‑‑‑ >>>
(opens in a new window and is my affiliate link)

I do hope you found this business idea for how to start your homebased candy bouquet business, helpful.

Should you have any questions regarding a candy bouquet business, please leave a comment below and I will do my best to provide you with the assistance you seek.

Credit for Header: Photo 51341596 © Juan Moyano –

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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