How to Start a Business Online From Home

Over the years, I tried many different options at starting a business from home and they were mostly network marketing or what some like to call it today … MLM or multi-level marketing. I soon discovered why none of them worked for me. You had to get in to the business within the first two years a new MLM entered your country else you would never become top dog. Sadly, MLMs are designed this way.

Once I FINALLY understood that, network marketing was off “my plate” … forever!


Then came the internet … now, there are opportunities abound … you just have to “sift through” all of the noise in order to find those few golden nuggets … those online business opportunities you can start from home.

As of 1996, I started publishing online.

First, I stated by creating a hobby website where I could experiment with all the new bells and whistles that were being made available for us website designers back then. Wow, was it ever fun to work online too. There was a group of us (Americans, Brits, and Canadians mostly back then) sharing information by email as it became available … like the many different HTML tags that helped us align text the way we wanted to align it.

Then came the text HTML editors with all of the available tags loaded … all we had to do was highlight the text that we wanted to; align, bold, or whatever … and then click on the option … poof! Wooo-hoooo! This made our building web pages soooo much easier.


Also had a publishing business that I took to the internet to advertise, in hope of increasing subscriptions. After five years, when the subscriptions started dropping off instead of increasing, I decided to close the door on the publication … and instead, started offering my services to local businesses to get their websites online and fully managed for them.


Over the past few years now during summers, I have found that local business owners are far too busy with the additional responsibilities that summer times bring (adding to their “todo” lists), to even contemplate wanting to have their website either created from scratch or updated.

This summer past, I decided to try and increase my business income by looking for more ways to start a business online from home (my home office that is!). I went looking for one that is related to what I am already doing.

After attending a webinar in early July, I was interviewed over Skype … not by the business owner, but rather his administrative assistant … which I found odd but I kept listening.

The offer sounded so intriguing, I must admit, I did contemplate for about a day or two (or maybe even three) about signing up for this course. I mean, after all … it was to cost me $4,000 Canadian dollars and the business owner promised so very much. University courses cost more than $4,000 … and after you’ve graduated from university you might NEVER get a job, let alone afford to start a business.

That’s when I decided to do some researching … and BOY did I get my eyes opened with what I discovered!

From one of the posts that offered what sounded like an honest review to the opportunity I was seriously considering to sign up for, I was led to yet another offer … as a better alternative.

WOW! The author was NOT kidding either.

This NEW option offered to teach me how to start a business online from home … all for well under $400 US funds (when paid yearly) and … I was given the option to pay MONTHLY too!


By now, I’m sure you have guessed that I DID sign up … but, for the latter option. Not only was it way cheaper but … they also gave me 7 whole days to take their training for ZERO dollars.


I wasn’t on this new (to me) platform for the full 7 days and I KNEW I’d “come home”.
The group of members there make it a joy to learn online. It’s like I’m back where I first started learning HTML … only waaay better now. It’s drag ‘n drop with WordPress … and … the group of people that help me … well, that group is MUCH bigger than before, and help much quicker to get too!

So, if you’re serious about wanting to start a business online from home, do drop in … and then sign up for the 7 days FREE trial. I mean, seriously … what have YOU got to lose?

Start a business online from home

Credits for Header: image by © Rawpixelimages | – Start Begin Activation Begin First Build Forward Concept Photo

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

10 thoughts on “How to Start a Business Online From Home”

  1. You make really great points and one thing I want to mention is that this is definitely a way better deal than going to school. I think that unless a person is going for a specific profession like doctor, attorney or paralegal, it is best to save those school dollars and invest in a business online. The thing is you really don’t have to spend a lot of money! I’m happy for your success and you are doing a great job at sharing this information with others.

    • Hey Charlotte, a university and/or college education does work to teach us necessary skills like: how to do research, how to create presentations, how to relate to others, how to work in teams, etc. So skipping school was not my intention with this post. The cost of the learning about an opportunity that came my way was part of my thought process … and, as I clearly stated, I HAD to do the research on the more expensive option that I was initially given. My research (and now, my use) proved another less expensive more inclusive option (stated above) to be the best choice for my purposes.

  2. Great article there. Online business is definitely the way to go. I wished that I discovered this much earlier and at least by now I would have discovered a better alternative than to strive around collecting bucks. I do believe that if local business owners concentrate on bringing their business online, more doors will be opened. Thanks for your article.

    • Thank YOU Veena, I’m glad to learn that sharing my story helped you. Just goes to show us both that it’s never too late to learn. 🙂

  3. It’s so hard to find legitimate work online that makes decent money and isn’t super expensive to get up and running. It’s nice to see someone who has lots of past experience in website development share what it was like in the beginning and how easy it is to do now. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. I am intrigue what did the webinar promised for the $4000 course? Of course the latter of under $400 which is 1/10 of the price sounds much more safe. I think that it is a small investment in terms of learning. I am very interested in setting up my own online business with some blogs of my own.

    • Hey Leo, there is a text link offered above (“webinar in early July”) to the details of that webinar’s promises for $4,000 US funds, if you’re interested in learning more. The course for under $400 US funds would be perfect for you but only if you’re serious about wanting to create your very own online business. If you do join the community, I look forward to chatting with you there. Hope to see you soon!

  5. I have always been skeptical with the idea of starting an online business, mainly because I didn’t realize that some ideas are this low in cost when compared to a usual business. Even though the investment is lower, I think it does require a lot of effort and proper planning to make your business successful. How long did it take for your first online business to make money online?

    • Hey Shrey, you can believe it takes effort and proper planning. A profitable online business is NOT a “set it and forget it” idea nor a “get rich quick” scheme. As to how soon someone can make money online, this depends on the niche selected, the research done for said niche, unique content shared, optimization of the website, etc. If you would like to know my story, you are more than welcome to read it here: Made affiliate money ACCIDENTALLY!


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