Retirement Hobbies that Make Money – Retirees Making Money

Some friends are so creative that when they retired, they took their hobbies and made a business out of their love for creating. Time for you to join those retirees making money, wouldn’t you agree?

If you are anything like me, you have no plan to sit rocking in any chair for your entire retirement years. So I’m thinking that I might be able to spark your interest with retirement hobbies that make money.

Let’s take a look at woodworking for example. There are many people who have setup (or have access to) a building (many times, a converted garage) where they have a workshop for their woodworking projects.

Some make the ever popular Adirondack (or Muskoka) chair, while other create things like; bird houses, clocks, decorative shelving, and still others produce furniture like tables, cabinets, or even fancy swings.

three images of wooden projects that can be made

Imagine becoming known as your neighbourhood “go to” person for all things made of wood. You could setup your woodworking shop in a small shed, or even the back of your garage. That way you could work right from home.

When you think about it, there are soooo many different hobbies that a person could turn into a booming business, if we have a will to.

There have even been those who have taken their passion for baking to the next level by becoming an expert baker in their favourite products. Some have become the person to purchase fancy birthday cakes from, others… become well known for the perfect wedding cakes.

Look at the many muffin houses or sweet shops in every city now, and yes even cupcake stores of which one may even be near you.

And, let’s not forget our furry, four-legged friends when it comes to baking goodies.

Should this be more “up your alley”, then why not give serious consideration in becoming the expert baker for pet treats in your area. Healthy and wholesome pet treats all a sure way to win in today’s marketplace.

Many pet owners have become willing to pay the extra to make sure their furry babies stay healthy and happy.

OR… how about becoming a collector of used mobile devices?

Maybe you should consider collecting other’s older cell phones, even those that no longer work. Those you may even be offered for free. You could then learn to fix and resell cell phones right from your own home!

Okay, so maybe none of those business ideas are really “turning your crank”.

So, how would you feel about going to yard sales? I mean, who doesn’t LOVE yard sales… right?

a picture of a sive with a gold coloured dollar sign laying in it

I’m betting you would be shocked to learn how many of those who set up yard sales, really don not have any idea of the quality or the true value of old, used jewellery.

Many necklace chains… even broken ones, can end up in a pile of old jewellery that others have no longer any need for.

You could learn how to find those pieces of gold from those piles of old jewellery, simply by (my affiliate link) learning to buy and sell gold!

Power is knowledge, right?

With the simple, low cost training offered by others for a hobby that you are passionate about… this could arm you with the necessary knowledge you need to use your retirement hobbies that make money, simply by teaching you how to take your chosen hobby and actually make money with it.

Take for instance…

If you are the type of person who looooves kids, then you might want to consider becoming a magician for hire, for birthdays of the kids in your city and surrounding area. You BET there’s a market for magicians for hire!

man's arm with card trick

You could even consider teaming up with those bouncing houses businesses that are either setup in permanent facilities, or those who setup only when hired at someone’s home.

Check those out by simple searching for “bouncing houses for rent near me”, without the quotation marks, of course… and you may find an entire list of businesses you could team up with as a magician.

Who wouldn’t want to aaaaaaah kids of all ages… especially when you will be able to learn to do some great magical tricks that are more than what you might be thinking these tricks are right now.

Have I still not offered you a retirement hobby that makes money idea that intrigues you?

Maybe you prefer to wander out in the wilderness, on your own, in all types of weather, looking for that perfect picture. You might even be a member of a photography club in your area.

Then how about a photography business… one where you take the photographs and can then simply upload them to a website that you do NOT have to even pay for. A website that leaves you free to go back out there and get back to taking those awesome photos you enjoy taking so much.

Okay, okay… so, you’re still shaking your head no.

Two large dogs, one is holding the leash of the other in it's mouth.

How about starting up your very own dog walking business? This business would allow you a means of staying healthy at the same time as offering you a way to make money.

A business that allows you to be with furry friends that once you are done walking them, you get to return them to their owners who are then responsible for their feeding, provide them with shelter as well as providing their health care.

Sounds a lot like being a grandparent…without even having to worry about being asked to keep their dogs overnight, or driving them to school, lol!

There are sooo many different avenues that retirees can make money. A favourite would be considering creating your very own business by taking your retirement hobbies and learning to make money with them. This alone would be a great opportunity for you to make your retirement money last longer.

These 8 business ideas already mentioned above are a far cry from all there are in the way of business ideas. Seriously!

You could learn to create videos for others, if you are technically-minded.

Or maybe you could start a business of simply cutting grass for cash for those who are working at day jobs where they are too busy to tend their own lawns. You could even consider shoveling snow for the same customers in the winters so that you can cover all seasons.

Your choices really are only limited by the hobbies that you enjoy doing.

Don't put your dreams on hold, put your excuses on hold, quote used as an image

Heck, you could even learn to make money online… the RIGHT way, the honest way… if you are of a mind to learn that is.

What I am sharing with you here is the only way that I am aware of to-date that really does work. And, you can do this right from your own home too!

Now, we’re up to 11 different new business ideas!

So, what is holding you back from retirement hobbies that make money?

If it is because I have not offered you a suggestion here regarding your favourite hobby then please, do tell me about that in a comment below. I would love to know… and then perhaps I can offer you another suggestion.

Should you wish to follow my advice offered here, and you decide to start your own business, please make sure to investigate thoroughly all of your business considerations. Being retired does not mean being careless especially when thinking of starting your very own business using your hobby.

Setting goals, knowing your financial necessities, and having a real business plan setup are all parts of the necessary steps in starting a new business, no matter what stage of life you are in.

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If you are still stuck for an idea, perhaps my free guide will help you.

Retirement Hobbies that Make Money – Retirees Making Money
Retirement Hobbies that Make Money

Header Image: by ID 121936474 © Gunold |

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