Is Your First Recurring Client Really a Super Simple Method Used to Make up to $500 Per Client Per Month?

Timothy Black says Thanks for checking us out, and he says that he appreciates your taking the time because he knows you’re getting a lot of other offers.

He says he gets a lot of offers too, so he knows what it’s like to get a bunch of things coming your way.

He says, he appreciates your time and taking the time to check them out, and see what this is all about.

He goes on to say that he’s going to tell you about it and if it sounds good to you cool; If not, he totally gets it, and he will part with you as friends.

Black says this is what he’s going to talk about today.

If you don’t know him, his name is Tim and he’s had a marketing agency since 2009, his wife and him. He claims they’ve done pretty well for themselves, especially since 2013.

He goes on to say that the first few years they were kinda’ of selling websites, building websites for clients, kind of one-offs, one-zies and two-zies, and he adds that it was great.

Black claims that they made money but it was kinda tough to have a stable business when you have an unstable income, if that makes sense.

Black says that’s when he came up with this idea.

This is about having clients that pay us month in and month out, for services.

So, he says, he is going to focus on one niche and one service with this course.

Nothing too broad, it’s got to be small and consumable and worth your time and not to expensive and all of that kind of stuff.

So that’s what he says that this is about.

This is the change that Black claims they made in 2013, to really go after clients that came onboard with them month in and month out.

Because, he says, it really takes the pressure off you when you’ve got five or ten grand coming in the first of every month, and it pays for your bills.

And, you can relax a little bit and, go after new clients, and if you lose one it’s no big deal, something doesn’t fall through it’s not that big of a deal.

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What is Your First Recurring Client?

screen print from vendor's landing page

Program Name: Your First Recurring Client


Price: $9.95 US funds + 5 upsells + $2 Discount appears if you go to leave the landing page

Recommended? YES


Tim Black goes on to say that this is the model that a lot of businesses use. Recurring income, he claims is everything if you’ve got your own business.

Black says, think about it, it’s like Netflix, right… it’s Spotify, it’s Dollar Shave Club, if you saw those guys ten years ago, watching them on YouTube, where they ended up getting 10 million clients paying them $10 a month.

The, Black says, BOOM, they had a huge business that ended up getting sold for even crazier money, when they sold off.

This is the way to build a really good offline business, a good agency, Black claims.

He goes on to say that you can do this with one or two people as that’s how they do it. He says that if you just follow along with what he does you will get results.

Black says he lays it out pretty easily. He says that if you follow along, then you can expect to get results where people will come onboard and hire you and give you monthly recurring revenue, to help them with these services.

So, according to Black, what they do is that they go after this specific niche of clients.

And he says, the key to this is, you go after high ticket people. So, people with a high dollar service that’s the key.

This is something that Black says nobody that he’s ever seen talk about.

It’s a niche we all know, but it’s a niche within a niche, and these guys are killing it, they make us more money. And, he claims that they actually did well this past year in COVID.

Black claims that they’re busy, they’re flush with money and they always want more, right.

He goes on to explain that if you go there and help them increase their revenue with their marketing, then they’re happy to pay you month in and month out.

He says he will show you all in how to do this, and the best part is that they are pretty easy to find, the leads source is awesome.

They’re easy to contact, they’re easy to get a hold of, and pretty easy to sell to, too, if you can show them that you can just help them.

Black says he’s a real guy and that he’s got his own agency. He says he sells these courses and help people on the side, but day in day that he’s got his own agency, and helping people.

He claims that he is not some flashy, on the beach in Maui or wherever, and you know, sipping coconut drinks with models and Ferraris and stuff that’s not real. It’s easy to sell that stuff but it’s not real.

He goes on to say he’s got a Batman room, but he’s not sitting in front of a mansion that he doesn’t own with a red Ferrari and bikini models.

Black says that he’s just a regular dude with an agency. So, he says that if you follow along with what he does, you can do the same thing… make a pretty good income helping people.

So, he says the kind of results you can expect if you follow along with him and do the work, you could easily pick up one or two clients a month.

Black says that you just email these clients, and he’ll show you how to find them, what to email them and that he’ll even give you a template and everything as they respond to that very well.

Black claims that you don’t really need to know how to do anything:

  • You don’t need your own list,
  • you don’t need a website,
  • you don’t need a product,
  • he’ll show you where to find the people,
  • he’ll show you how to get paid really easily, and
  • he’ll show you how to get the work done.

This is one of the few things, he says that honestly that a lot of the stuff they outsource and that was what the last one was about.

Black says they find someone with a website that needs to be rebuilt, then they find someone to do the rebuild, and then they collect the money.

Black goes on to say that this is one of the few things he still does to help his direct clients with.

He says he has a few clients in this particular niche space that they do that only takes about 15 minutes a month to do, so it’s a really low level of time to put into it. It’s about $10 or $12, it’s insignificant.

He claims that they make $250 to $500 a month, per client, month in and month out, and that they [the clients] stick with them for years.

He says it’s a little, weird niche that nobody goes after, and not many people are going to do it, so jump on it, because a lot of people are going to take action, so get it while you can.

Black says he thinks it’s kind of a newish niche and opportunity that nobody is going after. He says if you have a fear of failure, he’ll show you how to do it, even if you’re brand new at it.

He says he lays it all out in four basic steps.

  1. Find them,
  2. pitch them,
  3. close them,
  4. get the work done, and collect the money.

And that’s it, Black says, it’s super simple, cheap, ten whole bucks… insignificant. You get your first client and man, especially your first recurring client because they will stick with you for three, four, five or six months, and a lot of times, years.

So, pick it up and Black will show you everything. He says that the bulk of the work he outsources done for a little bit of money for a ton of profit; that he only does about 15 minutes of work per person, per client, per month.

Your First Recurring Client, perfect, says Black, and the next step is to build yourself a real agency, with people onboard paying you every month and boom, you’re off to the races, it’s so great.

He says that having money come in every month that is going to cover the bills and give you a good base and a good cushion where you can go out and find more people to help doing this.

How Your First Recurring Client Actually Works

screen print of vendor's product page

The introduction video (00:06.49 minutes) with links to his 5 upsells on the right. Followed by a link below that for signing up to a LIVE webinar. Though by the time you read this there may be a replay offered instead.

In that webinar, Tim Black offers further training and his price he promised would be a lot higher than his original LIVE version of his webinar.

Video 1 – Your First Recurring Revenue Overview (00:06:30 minutes)

Video 2 – Finding Your Perfect Prospects (00:13:02 minutes)

Video 3 – How to Email the Targets (00:05:44 minutes) – with a link below this video to a DOC file that once you click on this link, you can either open with Word or save the file. It is an email template that you can use to tweak for your purpose.

Video 4 – Getting Paid (00:05:42 minutes)

Video 5 – Setting up AWeber (00:20:00 minutes) – with a link to AWeber offered below this video. I would guess that link is Tim’s affiliate link.

Video 6 – Getting the Content Created (00:11:56 minutes) – with a link below this video offered that once clicked on will open a PDF in your browser. You can download this document if you wish.

Video 7 – Adding Content to AWeber (00:07:04 minutes)

Video 8 – Wrapping it up (00:04:04 minutes)

BONUS #1 – How to Use the Proposal video (00:06:15 minutes) – with a link offered below this video to The Proposal DOC file that is a template. Once clicked on, you can either open in Word or save the file to your computer.

BONUS #2 – How to Use the Invoice video (00:02:15 minutes) – with a link offered below this video to The Invoice, which is also a DOC file. Again, you can either choose to open this document in Word or save the file.

Next are 5 more links offered to Tim Black’s upsells, along with a link to Register for LIVE Training. Which is his webinar that you MIGHT have access to the replay by the time you read this.

Below this, is a Free Bonus! Said to be an Unannounced Free Bonus… which claims to be 100% Free Video Course on How someone makes $500 EACH from simple YouTube videos… and how you can too.

Once you click on THIS link, you will be asked to enter your email address in order to get instant access.

My Take on Your First Recurring Client

thumb pointing up in approval

Your First Recurring Client may not be as super simple as a shy newbie might want it to be, but it is a good training course in my opinion.

Tim Black is anything but professional in his videos as he does a lot of coughing, sniffling and snorting, and going ‘um all throughout his videos. However, he does know his “stuff’.

So yes, I DO recommend Your First Recurring Client, and I DO believe that Your First Recurring Client to be a really super simple method that he teaches you.

The only reason I gave 4 out of 5 stars for this training is that Black should be a lot more professional in his delivery of his landing page videos and his training.

Below is my video review on Your First Recurring Client

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I do hope you found my honest review of Your First Recurring Client helpful in your making a decision to invest in this course, or not.

For me, I found his training well worth my investment, and I would certainly appreciate if you do decide to purchase Tim’s course, if you would buy it through my affiliate link here:

Should you have any questions regarding is Your First Recurring Client really a super simple method, I do hope you will take the time to leave me a comment below so that I can assist you further.

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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