Is Set & Forget for Real or Can You Really Build up to Four Passive Income Streams?

What if you could setup something one time and forget about it, and get paid for it over and over again?

  • No making videos,
  • no creating products,
  • no list building,
  • no social media marketing,
  • no blogging,
  • no paid traffic,
  • no content marketing,
  • no nonsense and
  • no waiting.

Yes, the male narrator of the landing page video claims that this product is that easy for making money online, and he claims that it focuses on what only matters, which is daily passive income without expenses and without hassles.

He claims that they are also including a brand-new traffic source that is directly integrated automatically for a fast surge of daily incoming visitors, so you have both… the exact system they use to make $300 to $1,000 daily and the built-in free traffic.

This is why the narrator says that it is this simple.

Apparently, their system is a proven system which allows you to activate the built-in traffic where you can refresh daily to check on your earnings.

The narrator claims it really is that easy. He claims that “they” created this product so that you could be up and running as soon as possible.

My review of this product will cover the following:

See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:

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What is Set & Forget?

screen print of Vendor's product

Program Name: Set & Forget


Price: $N/A + 5 upsells

Recommended? NO


Set & Forget is the product of Brendan Mace and Diego Hernando.

The male narrator in their landing page video goes on to tell you to not worry about the setup as it is super easy and takes minutes.

He goes on to say to not worry about your technical experience, as this is apparently as beginner friendly as it gets.

He goes on to say, don’t worry about your wallet as you literally don’t need anything else at all. Just get Set & Forget, he says, before the price goes up on this and let them give you a real and working business in a box, designed by millionaires and developed by professionals, and ready for you to take over the reins.

The narrator goes on to claim that Set & Forget is powerful and he states that it flat out works. He says that this system makes it easy for anybody to take advantage of real online commissions, and transcend to a better life.

Apparently, this also comes with a double your money back guarantee!

He says that all you need to do is buy Set & Forget, follow their simple instructions, and if you don’t make at least $3,000 with this in the next 30 days, you are to contact them immediately and they will give you double your money back.

How Set & Forget Actually Works

screen print of membership dashboard

Inside the members platform, you will find instructions where Diego Hernando will take you through the basic training on how to setup your campaigns two different ways.

So far, I have only purchased the basic package so I can only speak to you regarding this level of membership.

Hernando suggests we start by opening the Campaign Manager (which is where your membership login takes you), and then click on the “Create New Campaign” button, and explore the different options provided.

screen print of site templates available

He goes on to explain that you have two different types of sites that you can do from here.

You can choose to use any niche by selecting their “custom” which provides more than 600 different niche templates that you can use, or you can use one of their already done for you products that they have already created for you to use.

In his training, Hernando first chooses one of the pre-made templates and shows you how to fill in the necessary information below that template, in the textboxes provided.

All you have to do is:

  • Enter your Campaign Name – this becomes your web page title
  • and then you add your Clickbank ID in the next textbox.

If you do not have a Clickbank account yet, there is an easy to use link to Clickbank provided above the ID textbox for you to use in setting up your free account.

There are other textboxes below that again… for the following:

  • Push Notification Script (Optional),
  • ManyChat Script (Optional),
  • Header Script/Pixel Code (Optional), and
  • Connect Your Autoresponder

Each of which Hernando shows you how to complete, and he explains the advantages of using ManyChat as it acts as a mini-lead magnet when used correctly.

He walks you through each type of site that you can setup and explains each page and how they are created.

How it works? After publishing your campaign, Set & Forget is going to generate hundreds of backlinks for your presell page during the next 20 days. This will bring free traffic for your pages and the process is automatically generated in the background so you don’t need to do anything

I setup my first campaign at 11:14PM EDT, on the 18th of June 2020. Time will tell if this works or not…

Once you setup your first campaign, you can view all your campaigns when clicking on the “Campaigns” from the left-hand sidebar, and then clicking on “Manage your campaigns”.

Within minutes, all 5 pre-made sites were easily created by their system for me. I only added my Clickbank ID along with a title, after selecting each one, then I clicked the “Save & Publish” button.

screen print of my newly created sites using the ready-made templates

So, according to Hernando, by the 9th of July 2020, I should have made at least $3,000.

If I were to upgrade to Platinum, I would be able to collect the email addresses of the paying customers my sites send to these offers. This is why I only had to add a title and my Clickbank ID.

Hernando then shows you how to use the “Custom – Any Niche” template.

Once again, you will need to add a Campaign Name, which becomes the name of your site. Then you are provided with a larger textbox in which you will add your “Mini Site Presell Content”, and then you would add your “Affiliate Link” in the next textbox provided, for the product you are promoting, and be sure to select a button you want used.

You have the ability to Preview your mini-site too, so that you will know what it will look like to your visitors.

Below that again, you will find another textbox titled “Squeeze Content” in which you can add your own content to and Preview this page too.

You can use your Push Notification Script (Optional) that for example, opens Push Chrome for you.

You can also add the ManyChat Script (Optional), as well as the Header Script/Pixel Code (Optional).

And… the option to save your list within your autoresponder (if you upgrade to Premium).

Hernando goes on to explain that if you prefer to NOT write anything into the presell… Mini-Site Presell Content textbox… then you can forgo the mini-site textbox.

Then, after a customer signs up from your Squeeze Content page, they are to be sent directly to your affiliate offer. Using the “After subscribing redirect to my:” textbox, select “Affiliate Link” from the drop-down list, and then simply click on the “Save & Publish” button.

Once you do this and “View” your custom site, only your Squeeze page will be shown.

Then… I noticed that even though their landing page promised you “no social media marketing”, Hernando shows you how to get more traffic instead of waiting, you are to go to the left-hand sidebar and click on Instant Traffic.

screen print of Instant Traffic option

From here, we can share your Presell Page or your Optin Page by selecting the one you want and then clicking on any one of the social media icons that are linked to the different social media marketing platforms.

screen print of the many icons providing links for members to use in sharing on social media

Hernando says this is an upgrade that he always recommends that you use… and he says that is basically all you need to do to create mini-sites and sales funnels. He claims that the 5 pre-set templates are the hottest Clickbank products that are available.

Should you have any issues within the membership area, you are informed that you need to click on the Support option from the left-hand sidebar.

All other options on the left-hand sidebar are explained as follows… the 5 different option:

  • Upgrade to Platinum
  • Done For You 20 “Blogs”
  • Done For You Mult-Million Dollar System
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • License Rights

…all lead to their upsell offers.


The mini-sites are as easy to setup as their landing page video narrator promises.


I need to wait until the 9th of July 2020, to see if this platform really does send real traffic to my 5 mini-sites WITHOUT my using Hernando’s recommendation of my sharing my mini-sites on my social media accounts.

Hernando’s recommendation for you to share your mini-sites and sales funnels on social media rather than waiting for their system to send traffic (as they promised they would) to those offers has me a bit concerned.

At the time of writing this, I’m in this testing stage they offer to be used, so I will definitely Set & Forget until July 9, 2020, at which time I will provide you with my findings.

UPDATE: This DOES NOT WORK as promised!

Is Set & Forget for Real?

thumb pointing downward in disapproval

I’m sure that Brendan Mace and Diego Hernando meant well, but in my opinion, Set & Forget just did not come out well.

For the reasons listed in CONS above, I do NOT recommend this product.

Learn How to Make Money Online

If you are ready to learn how to make money online then you are at the right place, right here.

The training platform that I would like to introduce you to you can sign up as a member of for FREE. You won’t even be asked for a credit card either.

The training provided on this site truly is world-class, and any newbie can easily learn from the videos provided in EACH and EVERY lesson, along with text and images that provide full instructions for you to follow.

You will have 7-whole days of FREE access to the first 10 lessons from two different courses on this platform.

And, you can even create a website for free, so that you can start to create your online business as you follow along with the training. This way, you will soon discover how valuable this platform really is.

Here too, you’ll find an entire community of people anxious to help you out should you have any difficulty understanding ANY of the lessons.

All you would need to do is ask a question, it’s that easy. We all work together on a daily basis, helping each other to become successful.

If you have a passion already, something like gardening, cooking, cleaning… virtually ANYTHING that you are passionate about, you can create a business around that passion. Yup, you heard right!

Passion will help to drive you into working on your business, to build it to be the success you’ve always wanted. No more procrastinating.

If you’re ready to check out the full details on this training platform, simply click on the button below and get my free guide showing you exactly what this is al-l-l-l-l-l about.

get my free making money online guide here button

In case you are wondering, this training platform is NOT a get rich quick system. You will be required to work at building your very own business on a regular basis.

So, you will need to be determined to succeed, good at following instructions and… whatever you do, DO NOT chase those shiny objects or go off following someone else’s instructions, until you have completed the training.

Staying focused is utmost important to your being able to build your business the right way the first time. And, NEVER GIVE UP!

Now, if you’re ready to join in and work among many like-minded individuals as you are building your business, then click that button below and get reading so that you become fully aware of what a great opportunity you are being presented with.

get my free making money online guide here button

I do hope I’ve answered the question, is Set & Forget for Real, and that I’ve helped you make a decision as to buy or not to buy this product.

Should you have any question regarding this product, please do leave me a comment below and I will respond in a timely manner.

Ready to Learn,

photo of Trish with her name below that
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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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