Ben Barker makes claims regarding his secrets that will stop your bored stylists from walking out on your salon and going to work for your competition while multiplying your salon profits.
He talks directly to those of you who are hair dressers who have actually become salon owners, thinking that being your own boss was a dream come true… until you discovered that operating a successful salon was not as easy as you had thought it would be.
Barker states that your dream that suddenly turned into a nightmare CAN be rectified with his wake up call.
He says he will show you a modern day marketing system for salons that is fast, easy to put into practice, and can be done on a “shoestring budget”.
A system, Barker claims, that will turn you into the talk of the town and the envy of your competition… a system that even owners of a salon that are ready to quit due to barely breaking even can do… all without the stress of struggling after putting his secret into action.
And no, he adds… this is NOT about buying thousands of dollars of newspaper or Yellow Pages ads either; nor is it about damaging your business with flashy sales and/or discounts. Barker claims that this is NOT some system rehashed from decades previous.
This review will cover the following topics:
- What is Marketing for Hair Salons?
- How Marketing for Hair Salons Actually Works
- Is Marketing for Hair Salons Bogus?
See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:
What is Marketing for Hair Salons?

Program Name: Marketing for Hair Salons
Price: $17 US funds
Recommended? NO
Ben Barker promises to show you:
- how to bring in new customers with little to no extra cost,
- to keep your customers loyal to your business,
- to get more people recommending you to their friends,
- to make your business stand out from your competition no matter how big their business is… or how powerful they appear to be.
All of this while taking pressure off of you, simply by getting others to build your business for you… and, yes, including your competition.
Barker claims that you will:
- no longer need to lay awake at night worrying about how you are going to be able to pay the bill,
- no more stressful days of head counts,
- no more borrowing funds to pay for your overhead, and
- no more guilt or worries about letting your excellent stylists go… or worse, having them leave your salon for your competition.
He says it is time now to put your salon business back on target, making the kind of money like your former boss was making… you know, putting your dream back on the burner.
Barker’s 7 Golden Rules for Hair Salon Profits
- Marketing – No need of wasting money on advertising until you can afford to test it. Once you have profits, use them to place small local ads but not until you have profits to spare. Traditional advertising is no longer as effective as it once was.
- Customers – Money back guarantees do NOT matter to your customers. They only want a comfortable experience and to feel great when they walk out of your salon. Get it wrong only once and you will most likely never get a second chance.
- Competition – Figure out what makes your salon worth visiting over the big brand salon down the street.
What can you offer your customers that they do not?
Can you adapt to new products and/or services when they are introduced by other salons?
The more unique and flexible your salon is to changes, the less likely you will need to fret about your competition.
- Prices – Do not make your salon look cheap and desperate by offering sales and/or discounts. Should you need to cut your costs, do so with your supplies, but not on your profits or staff’s wages.
- Cost Containment – If any of the services you offer prove out to be a waste of time or is not generating a profit for your business then drop it. Concentrate your focus on what is working and making the biggest margins of profit.
- Debt – A lack of cash flow kills more businesses than anything else. Should you need to borrow then make sure you have a realistic plan in place for being able to repay the money. If you find yourself borrowing money just to keep going then it is time for you to create new marketing plan, NOW.
- Losses – Find out what is not making money for your business. Breaking even is okay but you cannot afford to continue losing money monthly. Review your financial reports and see for yourself what has to go. Do not be sentimental or emotionally attached… be sure to cut the strings of any money sucking service that is hurting your business. Focus on pushing those that are working instead.
But, Barker claims… there is more that you need to know if you want to turn your salon around in record time, from suffering major losses to being successful.
He claims that the average hair salon keeps only about thirty to fifty percent of their first time clients. So, if you can control who comes in, then you can better control your repeat customers.
And, he claims that you know this already so he offers you the following tips for holding onto more customers…
- You need a website (or a better one) – People really do search for local businesses every day, and most research a business before deciding to book an appointment.
Basic information is all you need, such as: hours your shop is open, basic prices, location, contact information, staff names, accepted payments, and products that you carry.
- Do something different – Like suggesting your customers can come in on Fridays wearing their PJs. It may sound silly but oddities like this can help give your salon a friendly personality… plus get people talking about your business in a good way.
- Be smart about placing any paid advertising – Upper class clientele are not interested in sales or discounts and most middle class clients are not able to drop in during working hours. Know what your main demographic is and then discover what would appeal to them the most.
- Get a good accountant – A good accountant can help you make your business work better by showing you how to keep money in your pocket every month… money you could spend on marketing in order to get repeat customers.
Barkers goes on to say that it is not really difficult to build a profitable salon once you know how to use your creativity, and that some of his tips might even be enough for some salon owners to stand a chance.
But he claims these tips he offers you on his landing page are only the basics.
The real secrets that he wants to share with you, he offers inside his guide.
How Marketing for Hair Salons Actually Works

Ben Barker’s eBook contains 95 pages, with eleven chapters which are titled as follows:
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2 Building an Image and a Brand
- Chapter 3 Testimonials
- Chapter 4 Building Awareness Through Email
- Chapter 5 What Do You Offer?
- Chapter 6 Portfolio
- Chapter 7 Make Yourself Known
- Chapter 8 Advanced Customer Attraction
- Chapter 9 The Radio Promo
- Chapter 10 Conclusions
- Chapter 11 Useful Contacts and Links
Some ideas MIGHT offer some salon owners tips they could use.
There are several sentences throughout this eBook that do not make any sense, which serves to prove this eBook needs updating and proof-reading done in order to improve the presentation of the information offered.
Also, on this eBook’s page 50 (and again on page 56), there is a resource mentioned that is no longer viable; one in particular but possibly both may need to be edited out of the content.
Is Marketing for Hair Salons Bogus?

No, I do not believe that Marketing for Hair Salons is bogus, just poorly presented and, in my opinion is not worth the asking price.
Surely the information contained in this eBook might be found offered freely online as advice that most new or failing business owners could use to become successful.
For these reasons, I cannot recommend Marketing for Hair Salons.
I do hope that you found this article helpful and that this information has saved you from wasting your money.
Should you like to add to the information offered here regarding whether Marketing for Hair Salons is bogus, please feel free to leave a comment below. I do make a habit of responding to all comments in a timely manner.
Thanks for dropping by,