Is Flipping for Income a Scam or Can I Make Money Flipping Every Day Items?

A male narrator named Scott claims that he made another $3.300 last week just by selling stuff on Craigslist.

He goes on to claim that he has been able to make thousands every week by simply flipping stuff on Craigslist, OfferUp, eBay, LetGo, Facebook and more.

Scott states that he gained a lot of attention making his rounds to purchase ordinary items that he could easily flip for huge profits.

And, he claims to be making a full-time income doing this.

He says that this system allows him to spend as much time with his family as he wants, and that his own family could actually take part in this business with him.

He claims they can do this simply by using a deceivingly easy system that he created to make cash flipping simple items for a full-time income.

He goes on to claim that this system has helped him clear up all of his debts, some of which had been lingering over him for years.

Living like royalty while he and his family enjoyed all of the daily activities, he states, that he took his family to Disney World Resort where they stayed in the Presidential Suite at Disney’s Contemporary Resort.

In this review I will cover the following topics:

If You Don’t Want to Waste Anymore of Your Time on Scams,

See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:

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What is Flipping for Income?

the flipping for income system

Program Name: Flipping for Income


Price: $47 US funds + at least 1 upsell

Recommended? NO


The male narrator who appears to be named Scott, claims that he believed this was too good to be true before, too.

He claims that he felt guilty for bringing in all of this cash by using a simple system that he developed.

Then, he says that he started to remember all of the workplace drama, the back-breaking work he was doing, and how he had to leave his family behind to focus on long hours of work.

Scott says it is pretty bad when those you work with see you more than your own family, and that is when he started to accept his system for what is was; a system that allowed him to spend as much time with his family as he wanted.

This man goes on to boast about all of the items he has been able to buy for his children, as well as buying his dream home, a beautiful contemporary styled home in a quiet and safe neighbourhood… in the best school district in the entire county.

Scott goes on to say that people still continued to think that he was doing something illegal or cheating to make all of his money.

He claims that this is when he realized that he had to start being a lot more careful, by explain that once you know how to make a full-time income from flipping these simple items, which is what he is going to share with you in his short presentation, there will be lots of people who aren’t going to be happy about it.

People will become jealous [so he claims], and think you are doing something dishonest or immoral.

Instead, he says it is really all because they do not know the simple system he used to make as much money as he wanted to in his free time.

Then he goes on to profess that a James Ellis of Chicago, Illinois stated the following:

statement from James

And then Scott talks about a Brenda Jackson of Biloxi, Mississippi who apparently wrote the following:

statement from Brenda

To top the last two off, Scott claims that Richard Smith of Fresno, California said the following:

statement from Richard

Scott states that as a highly skilled day trader, he definitely knew the basics of what worked well… buy low, sell high.

And, he claims that he knew there was a huge opportunity to make money like traders do, by buying low and selling higher.

He claimed that it all changed for him in 2004. He had dreams of making money in the comfort of his own home doing what he loved.

And, doing like everybody else, he would flip a few items here and there, but nothing to write home about.

Scott clams that he watched many individuals sell the same items over and over again for a ton of profit, which really made him think to himself, “why can’t it be me?”

So that is when he claims that he went to work trying to figure out what worked flipping items for a profit.

He claimed that at thrift stores, he could pick up t-shirts for $1, and then he would sell them for about $10. But the money he made was nowhere near enough to reach his goal, as he was only making about $100 a day doing this.

This is when he claims to have remembered the 10X rule.

By this he means that the items he needed to find must net 10 times the value he purchased the item for. Scott claims he finally was able to pin-point these items.

His $25 purchases were then reselling for $250, while his $50 purchases were reselling at $500.

And, he claims that he was flipping everyday items for hundreds and hundreds of dollars… that his system was finally paying off.

Scott says that he knows the average person does not have the time, knowledge or patience to do what he did.

That’s why he claims that he created an automated system to earn money by flipping simple every day items.

Then Scott starts boasting about two other’s who he claims wrote him rave reviews.

At 14 minutes into his landing page video, Scott finally starts to talk about what he will share with you in his system.

Here is what he promises to share with you in the members area.

  • The ultimate way to find hidden treasures at flea markets, thrift stores, yard sales and actions, and turn them into maximum profit.

  • Learn how your Smartphone can be your biggest weapon when flipping for profit.

  • Two fast-track methods to start flipping today with NO risk.

  • How to setup your two core accounts so that you can sell quickly and get paid as fast as possible.

  • 4 critical factors to create your eBay listings.

  • How to increase your profits by always getting the best price shipping (up to 44% off your cost!).
  • How to find items that will sell for high profit online.

  • Where to find the best items to flip.

  • How to source and sell on social marketplaces.

  • How to create win-win negotiations to get the best price.

  • How to prepare and post your items to sell.

  • How to quickly setup the right accounts for your selling goals.

  • Must-do factors to get your listing seen.

  • How to easily take care of your customers.

  • How to minimize your risk for refunds and returns so that you don’t get stuck “holding the bag.”

  • How to become a Top-Rated seller so that you can rise above your competition.

  • How to fix negative feedback to protect your seller status.

  • Our simple system for keeping good records so that you stay compliant.

  • Freight or box – the simple way to know which to ship.

  • How to be a packing pro – and even get paid for it.

  • How to box or pallet any item.

  • To create or not to crate – that is the question.

  • How to get the lowest cost on freight shipping.

  • His secret freight source that will save you hundreds on freight shipping.

  • Make more money (potentially) than virtually any other side hustle around today.

  • And more, month after month…

Scott claims to have put his system into a step-by-step method that you can follow anytime you want to, but only through the members area where you will get immediate access after your purchase.

He claims that he will be giving you access to the same system that he uses to potentially make cold hard cash month after month.

How Flipping for Income Actually Works

screem print of membership page

Inside the members area, I found 4 eBooks:

  • Thrift Store Reselling Secret – chapter one begins on page 4 and the eBook is 22 pages long.

    Readers are informed that you will not need a large amount of money to get started.

    If you start thrift selling instead, your basement can double as a warehouse for storing the goods.

    And, you are told that the best site where you can sell your thrift store items would be on eBay.

    Along with that you are told that you need to take time to research the best thrift store items to purchase.

    As a reader, you are told what NOT to purchase and why… and to be aware that you need to do a LOT of researching.
  • Buy and Resell Hacks + Items to Look for – chapter one begins on page 4 and this eBook is 19 pages long.

    Here you will find a list of 14 things that you should NOT purchase.

    Followed by Lessons Learned shared for 9 pages, Tools of the Trade listed, What to Look for noted over 6 pages, and ended with a Conclusion that contains one short paragraph.
  • Reselling Your Items – The 2 Popular Platforms – chapter one begins on page 4 and this eBook is 70 pages in length.

    The print size is extremely large, so no one should have issues reading this eBook. eBay and Facebook platforms, as well as Craigslist are discussed here.
  • Content Flipping Profits – starts on page 4 and contains 18 pages in total. This eBook explains how to take old, tired PLR and turn it into a new product, so that it becomes unique to your potential buyers.

    This author even goes so far as to recommend you take any PLR that you may now have on your computer and repurpose it.

    The author continues to explain that it is easier to sell NON internet marketing product using this method.

    They go on to say that merging several eBooks on the same niche into one and tweaking the content so that it becomes your own work… making sure that you have the rights to do this.

    Or, you can buy PLR articles to put into an eBook of your own, again… making sure that you use the PLR with the proper restrictions and guidelines.

No author claimed any one of these eBooks.

These eBooks came with 9 short videos on Flipping for Income:

Intro – 00:04:01 – Male narrator does not identify himself.

What is Fiverr – 00:04:02 – a site where you can outsource any digital work needed.

Lead Generation – 00:04:03 – how to use Fiverr to sell small gigs that could then lead to bigger projects.

How to Get More Exposure – 00:04:04 – how to get more exposure to your Fiverr gigs.

How to Become a Top-Rated Seller – 00:04:05

How to Become a Pro Seller – 00:04:06

How to do Fiverr Arbitrage – 00:04:07

The Top Gigs on Fiverr – 00:04:08

Conclusion – 00:04:09

Once again, no author named for these audios and videos.

The instructions were clearly set to instruct me to “check back after my membership has been active for 2 months in order to access Month 2 lessons on Flipping for Income System from your professor Jason.”

And yet, the male narrator in the landing page seemed to be called Scott who claimed this system was his.


I could find NONE to offer you here.


The obvious drawback on this product is that you can purchase up-to-date information in books rather than being a member on this vendor’s website that will take you 6 months to be given the information you need to get started straight away.

Amazon dot com offers books for sale with FULL disclosure for less money. See screen print below:

screen print of book offered elsewhere

Nowhere in the Thrift Store Reselling Secrets eBook does the author even suggest what items are best to purchase and why, which to me is the most vital piece of information.

The brief video portion of this product only provides enough information that may intrigue you into using Fiverr to gain an income.

However, you would definitely need a lot more training than just these short videos in order to understand and to use Fiverr to make a proper income.

Plus, setting up a business on Fiverr where you offer small gigs and then provide more in-depth product(s) on your website is NEVER a wise idea for operating a successful business.

Is Flipping for Income a Scam?

thumb pointing downward in disapproval

No, I do not believe that Flipping for Income is a scam.

However, I do believe it to be worth a lot less than what is being asked by the vendor.

Most of the information provided can be found online already, if you know where to look for it.

Due to the very low quality of this product and the many cons listed above, I do NOT recommend purchasing this.

Legitimate Way to Make Money Online from Home

If you are a realistic person and NOT searching for a get rich quick scheme, then I have a great learning platform that I would like very much to share with you here.

Plus, you can learn how to make money online from home… you know, no need to go thrift store shopping anywhere!

Not only that but your membership will provide all of the necessary tools that you will need in creating your new online business.

This platform, I have been a member of since 2016… and I am STILL learning lots every day.

You have nothing to fear in checking this out as you can sign up as a starter member for FREE, where you can then create a website for FREE… and, you will even get a SSL certificate (HTTPS) for your free website, which makes a website more trustworthy.

Upon your signing up as a starter member, 10 free lessons will be made available to you to take for 7 whole days for FREE.

These lessons will give you enough information to get you started, and there will be no rush for you to upgrade other than your wanting to make money.

Heck, you won’t even be asked for a credit card!

get my free making money online guide here button

If you want to reap the full benefits of this platform then in time you will need to become a premium member.

And, after your 7 days of access to those FREE lessons, you will be provided with a substantially reduced monthly payment so that you can continue your learning.

This way you can unlock even more goodies inside this learning platform, including technical support.

The training is world-class, and will arm you with a means of making a great income BUT, only if you follow the instructions provided within the lessons.

So, if you know how to follow instructions and not let shiny objects distract you from your goal, then in a year’s time, you will be able to share your SUCCESS story with EVERYONE on the membership platform.

We all enjoy learning about each other’s successes.

As a member, you will soon discover the necessity of working with like-minded individuals who work together daily, helping each other accomplish our individual goals.

There really is no other platform like it today that even comes close to this learning platform.

So, if you are ready to get serious, and you are ready to work at building up your very own business, then click that button below and get my free guide to learn how you can get started right now.

get my free making money online guide here button

Oh… and once you get reading my guide, you will be able to learn how YOU can have ME as your premium coach!

Should you like to discuss further on the question: is Flipping for Income a scam, I hope you will leave me a comment below so that we can continue the conversation there.

Looking forward to meeting you,

photo of Trish with her name below that

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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