Is ADA Comply 2.0 for Real or Will Your Website Get You Sued?

If you own a website, the narrator of the landing page video states that you need to pay very close attention to the next few minutes of their video.

He claims that unless you have your website setup a certain way, you are most likely going to be targeted with a major lawsuit that could end up costing you thousands of dollars, possibly tens of thousands of dollars.

He goes on to say that with the world wide lockdown and curfew, absolutely no business wants to be faced with a lawsuit.

Right now, there are some very greedy lawyers and shady individuals who are taking business owners to the cleaners with a bunch of frivolous lawsuits who’s aim is to get those same lawyers a quick payday.

And he says that unfortunately, it’s costing tons of businesses $50,000 on average to settle these issues.

What issues he is referring to exactly is making sure that your website and digital assets are all ADA Compliant.

Internationally, all websites need to be in compliance with the official Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

In addition, within the USA, all websites need to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

So, wherever you live this most likely applies to you.

He narrator claims that if you slip up in even the slightest, in any one of these areas it could be game over for your bank account, and a lawsuit could be headed your way. If you want to see how severe this is, he says that you can check out all of the lawsuits and stats.

This review will cover the following topics:

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What is ADA Comply 2.0?

screen print of ADA Comply 2.0 Lead Gen Edition

Program Name: ADA Comply 2.0


Price: $79 US funds + 4 Upsells

Recommended? YES


ADA Comply is a cloud-based software platform that makes sure your website is as ADA Compliant as possible, right out of the gate.

All it takes is for you to copy a single line of code to your website and ADA Comply 2.0 is said to handle all of the rest.

You can see all of the details on their landing page along with a demo.

The narrator of the landing page video claims that there are so many benefits to having access to ADA Comply 2.0 that you will wish you had access to it a lot sooner.

For example, with ADA Comply 2.0 they claim that you:

  • will be able to avoid nasty and costly lawsuits,
  • rank high in search engines with less effort,
  • offer ADA Comply services to local businesses and influencers.

Yes, that’s right, they say that with their commercial license (one of their upsells), you can offer ADA Optimization right now as a service to local businesses, all from the comfort of your home.

You don’t need to speak to anyone in person, as it can be all done by email.

Plus, the narrator claims that it is a known fact that Google tends to favour sites that cater to being as accessible as possible by including anyone with disabilities.

And, apparently you don’t need to worry if you don’t have any technical experience.

The narrator goes on to claim that ADA Comply 2.0 is incredibly easy to use for any beginner. As a matter of fact, you only need to follow three steps.

Step 1: Add a new website to your ADA Comply 2.0 dashboard with the site’s title and URL

screen print for step 1

Step 2: Click to copy the ADA Comply 2.0 code (as shown in the screen print below)

screen print for step 2

Step 3: Paste the code in the website’s footer and save settings, and that’s it.

screen print for step 2

From there, he claims that you can add any other accessibility profiles that you need to your or a client’s site easily by ADA Comply 2.0.

Just follow the simple steps shown above, and you will be ADA Compliant in absolutely no time.

The narrator goes on to say that it’s critical for you and your clients to pay attention to these lawsuits mentioned earlier.

Major businesses, small businesses, everyone is a target now, and everyone should be compliant to be on the safe side.

Apparently, there are over 30 compliance requirements that you need to be aware of, and with ADA Comply 2.0 you got them all covered.

You and your clients could virtually become ADA Compliant in the next 5 minutes, without any hassle.

And, the narrator says, here’s the best part. With ADA Comply 2.0 you can now offer ADA Optimization services to local businesses, influencers and anyone with a website.

He claims that you can offer this brand-new service starting today helping businesses to be ADA Compliant, helping them avoid lawsuits, and getting paid in the process, for a brand-new service that is said to be truly helpful.

He claims that 95% of all websites online are not yet compliant.

So, this market is massive, and because you would be offering a unique service, you would be way ahead of your competition.

This is a must have for online marketers, offline marketers, agencies and really anyone that is trying to generate some revenue from home. Especially for local businesses.

What is new in version ADA Comply 2.0?

A brand-new lead generation APP at finding websites and business.

With just a couple of clicks apparently, you will be able to see all of the businesses in your area with websites that are not yet ADA Compliant. Then you can reach out to them via email.

Even better yet, he claims that their APP is providing you with a customized report that shows every requirement your prospect’s website is lacking. And, apparently you can use that report in your emails to your prospects.

  1. You never have to speak to anyone in person. This is said to work great from home.
  2. Their lead generator APP finds you qualified prospects, fast.
  3. Your ADA report converts prospects into client for you.
  4. You optimize your client’s website with ADA Comply in just minutes.
  5. You get paid handsomely for delivering a truly helpful service.

ADA Comply 2.0 is said to give you everything you need

  • Bullet proof your websites
  • Rank high in search engines
  • Potentially create significant income

How ADA Comply 2.0 Actually Works

screen print of ADA Comply membership web page

Once I accepted to buy their ADA Comply 2.0 for $79 US funds, I learned that this access would only allow me to use the compliance on 10 websites.

And, if I want unlimited access to ADA Comply than I needed to shell out another $77 US funds.

Then I was offered an Agency package in which I would be provided with exclusive ADA Marketing Material to help me charge more, look more professional and generate more revenue… but… that was to cost me an extra $67 US funds.

Wow, this offer reminds me very much of the Crisis Proof Marketing offer, where the vendor sliced and diced up his offer into tiny pieces so buyers wouldn’t be so apt to notice until “it was too late” that you need to actually purchase all of his OTOs (One Time Offer or upsell) in order for their product to be of use.

However, with ADA Comply 2.0, I stopped purchasing at the Agency offer.

There was yet a 4th OTO for yet ANOTHER $67 US funds, which is a promise to provide you with the ability to offer additional services to your clients and customers.

In this package, they apparently provide professional marketing packages for the eight hottest niches.

They claim that they’ve taken the eight best services that you can offer and created stunning lead generator packages for each one.

These apparently include professional websites, web graphics and banners, brochures, business cards, and more, all 100% done for you.

The 8 hottest niches are said to be:

  1. Video Marketing,
  2. Facebook Messenger Marketing Agency,
  3. Mobile APPS Agency,
  4. Social Media Management Agency,
  5. Web Design Services,
  6. Search Engine Optimization Agency,
  7. Facebook Ads Marketing Agency, and
  8. Graphic Design Services.


Worse comes to worse only my own websites will all be ADA Compliant… and maybe even my client’s sites, providing they continually renew my management services, or they can pay extra for their own account, as that option too will be made clear to them.


The scripts need WordPress to function, making ADA Comply 2.0 not necessarily work on other CMS (content management systems) and/or on some customized WordPress sites.

ADA Comply 2.0 includes a link to their landing page for your website visitors to click on and LEAVE your website. I find that option very unprofessional, to say the least, thus my drop in rating.

They are very slow on support. Have had issues for weeks and still no resolve.

This might be a COVID-19 driven issue, but then again, maybe not. They do have someone answering emails, but NOT resolving technical issues.

Because I already provide web design services and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), that made their OTO #4 of no use to me. None of the other 6 niches am I interested providing.

Found it rather annoying having to purchase the entire business idea in three tiny pieces, though I do understand that this technique is a tried and tested marketing method that claims are made, works.

The Accessibility Policy can only appear on the root domain. Do to this, for those with installations of WordPress in subdomains, you will need to provide a link in your website’s navigation bar or footer.

Some themes and/or plugins will not play nice with their scripts and in those cases, it could take a few days before their support staff can get to your issues and fix them so the scripts will work without causing issues.

Am never a fan of having to link any website that is dependent on another website hosted on a different server. Thought this compliance issue leaves little room for anything different at this point in time.

After my purchase of ADA Comply 2.0, they offered a webinar in which they were willing to provide yet another upsell product rather then answer questions regarding ADA Comply 2.0… which ADA Comply was suppose to be the topic.

In their webinar on May 8th, 2020, Paul Ponna mentioned that the lead generation APP wasn’t working all that well all by itself.

It was my understanding that many of those who have used their APP have not received even one email back. Thus, the upsell webinar product was being offered in hope of increasing responses from potential clients.

Don’t think many Canadian businesses will be willing to pay extra for this service at this point in time. However, it makes for a great bonus if a client renews their management services (client retention).

Is ADA Comply 2.0 for Real?

thumb pointing up in approval

Yes, ADA Comply 2.0 is truly for REAL!

I was certainly impressed by how easy their scripts are made to work on websites; how easy it is to customize website reports for potential customers; and I am hopeful that over time, even their support will improve, as more and more tweaks are made to hone their scripts so the scripts will “play nice” with more and more WordPress themes and/or plugins.

I definitely recommend ADA Comply 2.0, even if it is ONLY for your own website(s). That way you won’t need to purchase only their initial offer.

Purchasing only their initial offer will cost you less than insurance and should serve you well. Imagine buying insurance for $79 US funds as a ONE TIME ONLY payment. Perfect, wouldn’t you say?

Other Options You Could Consider

There are ADA Compliant tests and plugins available.

Things you need to remember about plugins:

  • They need to have been kept updated
  • The more users a plugin has the more likely the plugin will remain available
  • Check to see how many Support tickets remain unanswered
  • Your chosen plugin should never display any WordPress warnings

Following are 4 free WordPress plugins that I was able to find quickly, by doing a simple Google search.

screen print of Accessibility by UserWay plugin

Number 1.

screen print of Accessibility Suite by Online ADA plugin

Number 2.

screen print of WP Accessibility Helper (WAH) plugin

Number 3.

screen print of WP ADA Compliance Check Basic plugin

Number 4.

However, there are also ADA Compliant plugins available being sold at different prices, as well as other’s ADA Compliant services available at a range of costs. So, you do have options.

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I hope that you have found this review to be helpful learning my opinion to the question: is ADA Comply 2.0 for real.

Should you have any questions regarding my review on ADA Comply 2.0, or you simply want to add to the information already provided here on this review, then I hope you will feel free to leave me a comment below. Always enjoy hearing from my readers.

Thanks for dropping by,

photo of Trish with her name below that

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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