[SOLVED] Is Crisis Proof Marketing a Scam or Can You make $500 Sales During This Lockdown?

Matt Bush states that we are living right now in a crazy time. We’re being told to not go outside. We’re literally trapped at home.

Businesses are being forced to close their doors. But he says… here’s the things, when one door closes another one opens.

Bush claims that he has made millions of dollars over the years in the digital marketing space.

Yeah, he says, this is a real weird time, but he was able to find this extremely powerful way for us to make money right now.

He claims that they even developed software to help make this as easy as possible for you to do.

Right now, due to the coronavirus, most businesses have been forced to close.

They literally have no money coming in.

They need a lifeline, a way to survive.

He goes on to say that it’s kinda’ like this, these business owners are hanging off a virtual cliff.

We can throw them a rope that will solve their problem and get them making money again… do you think they’re going to take it?

When the coronavirus outbreak started, Bush claims that he can tell you that he seriously freaked out, but he also started thinking: What can we do to make money right now, especially given this current situation.

And then it hit him… Bush says he thought of the perfect way… a way for us to make easy money by offering something to businesses to literally help them keep running.
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What is Crisis Proof Marketing?

screen print of vendor's Thank You web page

Program Name: Crisis Proof Marketing

Website: https://internetmarketermatt.clickfunnels.com/cpm-main-sales-page-day-1-330pm1585683413241

Price: $36.95 US funds — > PLUS 3 UPSELLS for a grand total of $257.95 US funds OR $357.95 depending on OTO3 offer chosen

Recommended? YES


Matt Bush claims that when he started doing this, he made a quick $500 just in the first 24 hours.

He says, he wants to show you how to do this.

He wants to give you everything you need so you can get out there right now, from the comfort of your own home, and start helping businesses, and start making money.

Bush says he can’t think of a better time to do this than right now.

Especially if you are worried about finances, how you’re going to make money right now, and especially if you are forced to stay at home.

He claims to be so excited to share this with you, and it is called Crisis Proof Marketing.

Here’s what Bush claims that Crisis Proof Marketing is going to do for you.

You won’t have to do a lot of work to make money if you follow his system.

Actually, fulfilling this service can be done really quickly, or optionally not even done by you at all.

Bush states that he his doing this himself.

He’s going to show you how to do this exactly for yourself, and actually give you the resources that you need to get this going immediately.

Let’s take a closer look, he says… restaurants and retail stores are currently in big trouble.

Many of them have been forced to close their doors.

This has left many business owners totally freaking out because they have no way to make sales right now. No way to sell their food, merchandise, and so forth.

Bush says he knows this because he has been speaking with them, that they are desperate for a solution.

So, here’s what they can do… sell them something that will give them a way to continue to have their business make money.

He claims that he took a quick look at restaurants in a larger, near-bye town, looking specifically at the top 10 Italian restaurants and only one of them offers online ordering.

Restaurants are allowed to still sell takeout or delivery services they just can’t let people come in to eat.

These businesses are scrambling to figure out how to handle the current situation… a way to adapt to survive.

screen print of restaurant website

So, Bush says that they developed a very special software that will literally spit out and generate websites for you, all set to go to be used for a restaurant that wants to have online ordering.

Bush claims that their goal is to make it as easy as possible so you get this into the hands of as many restaurants as possible.

Businesses could easily add their foods, services, and so forth, right to the website. Or, they can pay you extra to do it for them.

The ordering system can do all kinds of cool things.

When people place an order for food, for example, they can choose between options when ordering burger, pickles, cheese, whatever.

  • They can apply coupons.
  • They can schedule a delivery at a certain time.
  • They can pay through a variety of possible options.
  • They could even make their own account right on the website, to be easily able to order from the restaurant again.

Once the order has been placed, things are incredibly simple for the business.

They are notified immediately when an order is placed.

Control panel is very easy to use and simple to understand. The business will even have a way to confirm the order, and provide status updates.

And, of course, Bush says he will teach you how to sell this to businesses, all without leaving your home of course.

He claims these websites are very easy to generate. You can literally get them site up and running in just a few clicks.

Bush goes on to say that if you went out and had someone design a system like this for you, it would cost you thousands.

Now, he says, here’s the thing… he knows this is a rough time for people and that’s why they are doubling everything that they are going to give you.

Then Bush claims they actually have an entire other system that you can use to make money quickly, in the current situation that we’re in.

Rather than have these be two completely separate offers, he is just going to give it to you for free, but, only when you buy Crisis Proof Marketing.

screen print of streaming website

Karate studios, gyms, therapists, schools… most of them have been forced to close.

They’re losing money everyday.

But there’s a way that they could still provide and sell services to customers through online streaming and prerecorded videos.

So, now your local gym that is just sitting there collecting dust can offer online services.

Think about it.

Online personal training, online exercise work outs… this is just the tip of the iceberg, Bush goes on to say.

There are so may businesses out there that could benefit from this right now.

He claims that this software is amazing. It makes it so easy for anyone to stream.

You just connect your Facebook account and the website will automatically detect when you are on live, and have the stream on your website live too.

He says this also makes it easy for businesses to add their own prerecorded videos. And, he claims that businesses will pay for you to provide this to them.

He states tat he will teach you how to sell these services, and give you software that will generate unlimited streaming websites for you. This he says, is a two for one deal.

In the future, he claims that he will make these two separate offers, but he wanted to do something really extra special for everybody.

That’s why you’re going to get this streaming website generator for no additional cost.

This will make it easy for a business to have advanced streaming capabilities. The streaming can even be private with password protected pages.

Most businesses, claims Bush, have no clue on how to stream, but with you at their side they will be able to open their doors back up virtually, and get an income flowing in again.

This is the perfect thing for you to be selling right now, without leaving your home, without having to know a bunch of techie stuff, without having to pay a ton of expenses… and because these services are so badly in need of right now, it makes this all so much easier to just do.

Bush says that is important for you to understand that only when you pick up Crisis Proof Marketing through his special launch will you also get a free commercial license.

screen print of Commercial Rights

You will then be able to sell these services again and again, and not pay him anymore money.

He says you will have a money-making system during this crazy time. His offer comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.

How Crisis Proof Marketing Really Works

screen print of vendor's membership site

Upon signing in, I have to admit that I was rather baffled with the layout of Matt Bush’s membership site.

My guess was that his site would be strictly for Crisis Proof Marketing, but in fact, there was more to it… PLUS, it turned out that I had previously purchased a product from him which appeared under “Download” on my nav bar, once I signed in.

If you only purchase the initial offer, you will NOT have access to all of the areas shown in the screen print above… and you will not have access to all of the software… or rather DIVI themes that Matt has had created for the different types of businesses.

Once I started the first Live Training (now shown under Webinars), I realized how important all three of Matt’s upsells really are.

To be perfectly transparent with you here and now… without all THREE upsells you will not be able to function properly when trying to help your local businesses.

Matt was super slow in providing all of the necessary training at his launching this product. But you will now find that ALL is ready for your use, should you decide to purchase Crisis Proof Marketing.


An excellent deal even considering that you truly need to buy his complete package… that being the basic PLUS the three upsells. By doing this you will be ready to do business properly.

The DIVI themes are easy enough to work with once you follow the training.

The Agency DIVI theme is a bonus that will make it easier for any website design business to add to their present business.


Matt tends to over boast about his great product by saying you don’t need to know any techie stuff, but if you really want to be able to serve your customers properly, you will need to be ready and willing to learn to create with these DIVI WordPress themes… or be prepared to outsource the work.

Matt claims “You won’t have to do a lot of work to make money if you follow his system.” But like anything else, nothing comes cheap.

So, if you are not prepared to create these sites by yourself, then you will be paying to outsource the work, meaning you will make less money.

Is Crisis Proof Marketing a Scam?

thumb pointing up in approval

No, I do not believe that Crisis Proof Marketing is a scam, but rather quit the opposite.

The only reason I am giving this such a low rating, is due to Matt’s slowness in providing those of us who laid out our money to him for over 3 full weeks before the necessary training was finally created for us to be able to offer potential clients these websites.

I was especially disappointed that Matt made the fourth Live Training a different product all together; one that was not even his own, nor was it even relate to Crisis Proof Marketing in any way… and, would only serve to benefit him financially if we purchased that product.

Doing this before making it possible for his own customers to be able to recover our initial costs is why I have rated this product four stars out of five… else I would have rated this five out of five.

A REAL Method for Helping Local Businesses

Why I purchase Crisis Proof Marketing is that once I had finished listening to Matt’s landing page video, it appeared to me that this product would be my answer for my quest in finding something… anything that might help local business owners

I literally jumped on Matt’s bandwagon once I realized how I could be able to provide a cost-effective method for local business owners to be able to open their doors virtually and start making money once again.

Personally, I could not look myself in the mirror if I were to make money from other’s hardships during this crisis.

So, I have decided that all of my profits for this service that I will be provide, will be going to my local hospital to pay for their personal protective equipment (PPE)… gloves, face shields, masks, etc. …whatever is needed to protect our local health care providers during this COVID-19 crisis.

This way, businesses can gain their online ordering systems at a cut-rate cost, and I will NOT be making so much as one penny in profits.

That is what I feel to be a REAL method for helping local businesses while also helping my local hospital health care givers.

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Please feel free to leave me a comment below should you like to talk further on is Crisis Proof Marketing a scam. All comments are responded to in a timely manner.

Hope this helped you,

photo of Trish with her name below that

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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