Flip Flop Profits Vol 2 – Does it Really Reveal How He Generates Over $5,000 per Week? 5/5 ⭐

Demetris Papadopoulos you may know Demetris D-Papa or DPAPA, is the vendor of Flip Flop Profits Vol 2, and he claims that in the next few minutes, he’s going to show you how to generate commissions with affiliate marketing using a step-by-step, easy to copy blueprint.

And, he declares that by the end of it, you will know how you could easily set up your own affiliate system that could make you money for years to come with almost no risk, and in as little as twenty minutes per week.

Demetris assures you that what he is about to show you is a blueprint, a step-by-step easy to copy formula that anyone could follow to generate their first commissions with affiliate marketing, using popular places like:

  • Warrior Plus,
  • JVZoo and
  • Clickbank.

He claims that you will be able to scale your commissions to $1,000 to $5,000 commissions per week.

Demetris goes on to show you some examples of what he means, of which he then shows you what appears to be his Warrior+Plus account, showing his income from 2006-02-02 to 2022-10-12.

He promises you that this is not one of those theory-based methods where you are left wondering what to do next.

Demetris states that you will be getting over 20 plus, over the shoulder’s video revealing to you the whole step-by-step process for you to implement straight away.

He says that he will be building a campaign from scratch to finish, so that you can see how this all works together.

And, inside he is also including his DFY templates, which will allow you to copy and paste and install his affiliate business cash machine for FREE, for your own campaigns.

Demetris tells you that all you have to do is just commit 20 minutes per campaign, and that he’ll show you how to flip that into regular commissions like clockwork.

He says that results like this are not uncommon.

In fact, Demetris assures you that they are pretty typical when implementing what he is about to show you.

And the best part, he quickly adds, is that this can be easily scaled up once you get things going.

Demetris says for you to imagine being able to quit your job and do this full time… wouldn’t that be amazing?

He claims that he has been an affiliate marketer since 2012, well to be honest, 2014, since he really didn’t get it for about 2 years.

Yes, Demetris assures you that it is true, that he was about in the same shoes as most of you who have landed here on this page.

And, he also didn’t know how to generate any type of commissions back then.

Fast forward 2 years later, Demetris says, and that he was able to start generating $1,000 promos, and lately, up to $5,000 plus per promo as an affiliate marketer.

With just 20 minutes per week, he claims that he could bring $5,000 plus to the table, and it’s all done in about 20 minutes on every promo… not a day but per promo… every time.

Which Demetris states also runs on complete autopilot for as long as he wants.

My review of Flip Flop Profits Vol 2 will cover the following:

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What is Flip Flop Profits Vol 2?

screen print from vendor's landing page

Program Name: Flip Flop Profits Vol 2

Website: https://useyourpassion.com/FFP-Vol-2 (my affiliate link)

Price: $27 US funds, PLUS 3 UPSELLS and 1 DOWNSELL

Recommended? YES


Demetris D-Papa claims that he found his own push button riches, through his system that he created inside Flip Flop Profits Volume 2.

He says that he called it Flip Flop Profits, because these are the profits he gets while he literally is at a beach daily, playing his favourite sport, beach rackets.

Inside Flip Flop Profits Volume 2, you will get over the shoulder videos showing you exactly how he has generated over $151K in affiliate commissions using other people’s products.

Revealing the whole entire process, Demetris promises, plus giving you his replica of his affiliate ATM cash machine as well.

And he’s going to show you how anyone could get started with this regardless of experience or technical skills.

In fact, Demetris adds, even if you have never made a dime online before, he claims that his methods will work for you.

He says that it doesn’t matter what your age is either… whether you’re 18 or 88 years old… this is going to work for you.

Demetris assures you that all you need is a burning desire to succeed and 20 minutes per week to set it up… that’s it.

Wouldn’t it be great, he says, to wake up every morning, check your phone and see sales notifications come in while you’re sleeping.

Imagine being able to travel wherever you want to without worrying about money… Demetris explains.

That this is the exact life style that he claims to have been living, and since the day he broke through with the affiliate marketing system that he wants to share with you.

This could all be yours starting today, Demetris says, make this choice and lock arms with him.

Let him be the one to show you how easy it really is to generate commissions like clockwork, which will last through time.

Demetris says that he is confident that Flip Flop Profits Vol 2 will help you achieve the results you have finally been looking for with affiliate marketing.

And, if you don’t see results in 30 days, he’ll offer you a no questions asked, money-back guarantee.

Of course, he says he will have to see if you actually implemented everything shown and given to you.

If you’re not happy, Demetris assure you that he refuses to take a penny.

His special offer is only going to last until the timers on his sales page reaches zero.

Demetris says this is your chance to generate daily affiliate commissions from places like:

  • Warrior Plus,
  • JVZoo and
  • Clickbank

…overnight through his battle tested methods, which are evergreen.

So, what are you waiting for?

He says you’re to sign up now and let’s make things happen.

Demetris then asks you if you can imagine what it will be like when the commissions are coming in on autopilot.

He says to trust him, that the feeling was amazing when he first broke through this affiliate marketing thing… it just gets better with time.

Demetris assures you that as long as you are consistent and persistent as he was, if you want that to be your reality, then order your copy of Flip Flop Profits Vol 2 right now, and experience what it’s like to be a super affiliate.

How Flip Flop Profits Vol 2 Actually Works

screen print of vendor's thank you page

From Demetris D-Papa’s thank you page, is his FFP Thank You Page video (04:28 minutes)

Below his video you will find his ATTENTION announcement “Please login your Main Training area, ONLY after you have created your Account Below.” In which there is a large button titled “LOGIN YOUR MAIN TRAINING AREA HERE”.

Below this you will find even more instructions for those who’ve purchased his BUMP Special Offer.

Below this is:

  • Start Here: Creating Your Account
  • Support [email address provided]
  • Upsells Access

NOTE: When you first setup your account and press the button to create your account, you may find your browser going BACK to the Thank You page. If this happens to you DO NOT panic… simply press the LARGE button titled LOGIN YOUR MAIN TRAINING AREA HERE.

Once you get logged in…

screen print after logging into Flip Flop Profits Vol 2

You will find the training you’ve paid for, listed under My Courses, with all Upsells listed below that, listed under Other Courses.

screen print of My Courses

Clicking the Access Now button will take you to the basic Flip Flop Profits Volume 2.

This will take your browser to another page where all of the lessons can be found under Start Your Flip Flop Journey Here.

Lessons are as follows:

  1. FLIP FLOP PROFITS OVERVIEW – Flip Flop Profits Orientation Video (03:24 minutes)

  2. WHAT YOU WILL NEED – What you will be needing to get started. Video (05:24 minutes)

  3. STARTING YOUR FOUNDATION – This is where it all begins for you. This will be used for as long as you will be online for. Video (05:33 minutes) + resources.

  4. CREATE A BRAND IN LESS THAN 3 MINUTES – This is where it all begins for you. This will be used for as long as you will be online for. Video (06:37 minutes) + resource.

  5. FINDING DOMAINS WITH BUILT IN TRAFFIC – Here is how you get started online, quickly with built in traffic. Video (02:03 minutes) + resource.

  6. LET’S BUILD YOUR SITE QUICKLY – The fastest way to built a proper site online. Video (03:40 minutes) + resource.

  7. DFY TEMPLATE TO POST YOUR CONTENT – Use my own exact template. Install your DFY Post Template video (05:19 minutes) + resources and instructions for the resources.

  8. LET’S BUILD YOUR FIRST REVIEW CAMPAIGN (DO NOT SKIP) – This part is essential to your success. Do Not skip. Setting Up Your first Review Campaign video (40:35 minutes) + resources and instructions.

  9. SETTING UP YOUR LEAD FORM ON YOUR WEBSITE – List Building is essential to your journey’s success. Video (09:37 minutes) + resource and instructions.

  10. DFY HOMEPAGE TEMPLATE – Download my own Homepage Template To Use What’s been Working for me. Video (02:09 minutes) + resources and instructions.

  11. DELIVERING BONUSES FOR FREE – This is how you deliver your bonuses for free. Video (02:24 minutes).

  12. HOW TO POST AND EMAIL AT THE SAME TIME AUTOMATICALLY – Here is a quick automation method to deliver your content. Video (03:45 minutes) + resource.

  13. GADS TRAFFIC METHOD – Get Instant Commissions overnight. Video (07:31 minutes) + resources and instructions.

  14. BADS TRAFFIC METHOD – Get Instant Commissions overnight. Video (07:48 minutes) + resources and instructions.

  15. INSTANT LEADS METHOD – Get New leads overnight. Video (30:08 minutes) + resource and instructions.

  16. SECURING YOUR DOMAIN – Get Free SSL Using This Method. Video (02:25 minutes) + resource.

  17. FREE TRAFFIC METHOD GUARANTEEING INSTANT RESULTS – This traffic method is battle tested since 2014. Video (05:29 minutes) + resources and instructions.

  18. TWEAKING YOUR WEBSITE UP FOR BETTER CONVERSIONS – Set up your website for better conversions. Video (07:06 minutes).

  19. MONETIZING YOUR WEBSITES – Set up your website to monetize your traffic. Video (06:42 minutes) + resources and instructions.

  20. HOW TO LAND IN INBOXES – Here is a quick set up on making sure you are compliant and get your emails sent to the inboxes! Video (11:33 minutes).

  21. HOW TO BUILD AUTOMATED CAMPAIGNS – Here is an automated way to build and promote your campaigns. Video (10:49 minutes) + resource.

  22. YOUR NEXT STEPS – What happens now? Now you keep building, keep being consistent, keep following my methods until yo… Conclusion video (11:01 minutes) + resource and instructions.

  23. FLIP FLOP PROFITS EXCLUSIVE BONUSES – Here are all the bonuses I have promised you. Including Flip Flop Profits Vol 1. (4 bonuses).

  24. A CHANCE TO UPGRADE – Here is another chance to upgrade to my upsells if you haven’t done so already. All are optional to…

  25. BECOME AN AFFILIATE TO FFP AND EARN UP TO $400 PER CUSTOMER – did you enjoy the course? here is a chance for you to implement everything you have learnt with a r… Video (29:01 minutes) + instructions.
screen print of first 3 lessons inside My Courses

Each lesson has its own Access Now button that when clicked on, takes your browser to another page where video and more are offered.


The training is delivered in bite-sized pieces so that you can take one, two, or more lessons at a time, easily take a break and come back to where you left off.

Demetris really DOES share some insider secrets with you.


In his 20th lesson, Demetris should have created better training than what he did. I’m no newbie and even I was confused with the actual steps he took in creating his email addresses. For me, it’s simpler to just buy a domain name through a web hosting provider than trying to save pennies and wasting hours trying to save those pennies.

Sometimes Demetris gets confused in his training and he fails to explain why he changed what he did and why, which could easily confuse a newbie.

My Take on Flip Flop Profits Vol 2

thumb pointing up in approval

Yes, I do believe that Flip Flop Profits Vol 2 really does reveal how he generates over $5,000 per week.

For newbies who aren’t afraid of learning and intermediates who are tired of not making money online or simply not making enough money online… it’s my bet that you’ll not only gain an advantage by following this training, but I’m sure you’ll gain even more with the upsells.

So far, Demetris D-Papa has OVER delivered in all of his products to date… this one being the best one yet!

Below is my video review of Flip Flop Profits Vol 2 by Demetris D-Papa

https://useyourpassion.com/FFP-Vol-2 (my affiliate link)

get my free making money online guide here button


DO make sure that you go through ALL of Demetris’ training at least once BEFORE you start to follow his instructions. That way you will be better armed and you will find it easier to follow along as you create your first website to make you money online from home!

Demetris D-Papa never ceases to amaze me with all of the inside secrets that he willingly shares with his students.

Never have I ever found any other vendor so willing to share so many insider secrets. You know, those secrets that so many other highly successful vendors refuse to share with their students.

Not sure how much longer I’ll need to continue helping you and others out by constantly reviewing products for you, especially if you follow Demetris’ advice offered inside his Flip Flop Profits Vol 2.

Should you have any question(s), regarding does Flip Flop Profits Vol 2 really reveal how he generates over $5,000 per week, please feel free to leave them in a comment below and I will gladly assist you further.

Stop Wasting Time,

photo of Trish with her name below that
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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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