The Truth about Lunch-Hour Marketing Breakthrough – Is This a Real Plan for Boosting Sales?

Drayton Bird claims that 97.5% of his clients “were happy as clams last year” simply from following his Lunch Hour Marketing Breakthrough.

He goes on to say that what he will share with you that some business owners have paid as much as $1500 an hour for.

Bird says that everyone is unique, and that you will find the answers by simply looking from within your own business.

He states that he can teach you how to see your business like your customers would so that you can learn what you need to change.

He claims his method is proven to boost sales in any industry, fast.

And that over the past year, they served 130 customers of which 97.5% of them got better results with sales increasing 68%, 331% and even 551%.

In my review, I will offer details on the following:

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What is the Lunch-Hour Marketing Breakthrough?

screen print of a partial view of the eBook, The Lunch-Hour Marketing Breakthrough

Program Name: the Lunch-Hour Marketing Breakthrough


Price: $9.97 US funds + offer

Recommended? YES


The eBook guide itself, The Lunch-Hour Marketing Breakthrough is said to be authored by Alex Busson with Drayton Bird, and it contains 132 pages.

Bird’s landing page clearly states that Part 1 of this eBook offers you help writing a simple plan for sales success using information that is in plain sight of you now.

The authors claim that they can teach you how to build a profitable campaign by following a simple two part creative principle.

In their Part 2, they show you how to use the information for instant improvements so that you can better position yourself against your competition, build a stronger brand, choose the correct creative talent, learn with close to certainty which ideas will work best, and see a profit from your advertising.

Then in their Part 3, they offer help for you to be able to sell your ideas to others IF you are working in a large organization; as this could easily help you to get a well-earned promotion.

All this and they promise to include their agency’s briefing template which has been given to thousands of their customers across dozens of different industries.

They promise that the template has been tweaked over the years they have used it and this will provide you with every possible chance for success.

Bird claims that he has been in this industry for 57 years, and that their briefing template has proven itself year after year, and that it works every time in ANY industry, selling to all types of customers.

Example markets this works for are as follows:

  • Software
  • Horse care
  • Photography
  • Politics
  • Boilers
  • CNC tooling
  • High quality tea
  • Menswear
  • Holidays…
  • Heath insurance…
  • Windows…
  • …and more

Bird goes on to say that any business would “kill” for a 10% response rate in their advertising.

He even goes so far as to guarantee you that if you don’t reach a marketing breakthrough within 30 days of using his information, you can claim an instant, no-quibble refund.

The Truth about Lunch-Hour Marketing Breakthrough as I see it

screen print of website

Drayton Bird is a professional copywriter, one that appears to be very well respected.

Bird’s website loading page is by far NOT the most attractive homepage that I have ever seen (image shown above); his landing page is not even responsive… and so it is not mobile-friendly.

And, his website does NOT offer his website visitors any sort of protection for their device (no SSL certificate)… BUT… do read on.

There are 3 parts to this eBook guide and they are as follows:

  • Part 1: How to write a Creative Brief
  • Part 2: How to use your brief to produce better advertising
  • Part 3: How to take action NOW

The advertising examples referred to in this guide will shock you in their simplicity, I’m sure of it. Like Alex Busson states, using information that is right under your nose.

You will feel like both Bird and Busson are right there, taking you by the hand and walking you through each step, one step at a time.

You will discover that you are not being bombarded with information to the point of being overwhelmed either.

The authors keep their instructions simple and they use layman’s language, no technical mumbo-jumbo is used anywhere in their guide.

By page 8 of this eBook guide, I found myself constantly taking notes, starting with the 5 questions you need to answer if you are to succeed, and more specifically the 10 points you must consider including in your brief.

Once the authors explained why you need to turn your business features into benefits, explaining that especially if your prospects are already aware of what your product or services does, and that all you need to do is tell them what makes it better.

Learning that little gem alone, I am now able to focus my advertising on a great feature that I have been offering for years now, and then simply explain the benefits for potential customers to use the services my business offers.

The authors also include a priceless means of being able to actually discover the true average value of a customer.

Armed with this information you will learn very quickly a clear target to aim for in your next marketing campaign.

This means no more guessing, you will know exactly where to assign your marketing money and how much to budget for so that your business can grow faster.

If you are uncertain as to what feature to turn into a benefit, this eBook guide even offers you a few questions you can answer, in helping you “see” what is right there under your nose. It worked for me!

This guide will have you amazed to learn how simple it can be to create advertising that really works.

Nearer the end of this eBook guide, the authors present their readers with one of the best offers I have EVER seen offered by ANY copywriter never mind such a highly rated copywriting business, providing you follow their instructions clearly that are stated on page 125.

A template to their brief is also provided, from pages 127 – 132.

screen print of Alex Busson's bonus eBook

Then there is the bonus eBook, The Customer Mind-Hack Your first step to a successful home business in virtually any market, by Alex Busson.

Busson’s eBook is 47 pages and contains the following:

  • The 2-Part principle behind every successful home business
  • Have you seen this man?
  • “Bullseye!” The secret password to a gold-mine of customer information
  • Wanted: Customers with a “bleeding neck”
  • 3 questions to ask in any market
  • Who are your “hyper-responsives”?
  • How to write “are you spying on me” advertising
  • How to make risky decisions without risk
  • Let go of emotions when testing ideas
  • Adwords warning (IMPORTANT)

Together, these eBooks can teach you how to outsmart your competition while lowering your cost of advertising by learning how to understand your customer better than anyone else.

You can learn to offer the perfect lead magnets to the products/services which solve the exact problem(s) your potential customers are experiencing.

Is the Lunch-Hour Marketing Breakthrough a Scam?

Absolutely NOT!

thumb pointing up in approval

The Lunch Hour Marketing Breakthrough is NOT a scam in any way, and it is the best offer of nearly free information that I have ever been privy to.

I have taken courses that lasted months that claimed to teach this topic and never even came close to offering what is jammed-packed into the 132 pages of this eBook guide.

Because of this I definitely recommend The Lunch Hour Marketing Breakthrough eBook for all new or existing business owners who are ready to take their advertising to the next level and get more customers.

How to Make Money Working from Home

If you have been dreaming about starting your very own online business, one that you could run from your very own home, then please read on.

There is a training platform that is available to you FREE as a starter member.

This training platform, I have been a member of since 2016, and it offers those new to being online a means of learning from quality instructions and you get to work with like-minded individuals on how to make money online from home.

When you sign up for your free training, you will NOT even be asked for a credit card… and, you will have full access to several of the business tools that are vital to building your very own online business.

While you are there, you will have a community of members willing to help you by answering any questions you may have.

You will find that everyone there works together helping each other build our online businesses.

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If you are thinking this is a scheme to help you “get rich quick”, let me assure you right here and now, this training platform will teach you how to build a quality online business which will take time to build and will then become a business that you can operate long-term.

By following the training offered in the step-by-step instructions on building your own online business, you will discover how rewarding working from home really can be.

The lessons will include teaching you how to become a lead magnet without the cost of advertising.

True! The technique is the same as what has brought you right here and now to this, my post. All without my spending even one penny in advertising!

So, are you ready to get my free guide?

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PLUS… I have another incentive for you in hope that you will seriously take me up on my offer to you here.

That is how YOU can have ME as your very own premium coach. You can find out how you can do that in my free guide.

If you have any questions regarding the truth about Lunch Hour Marketing Breakthrough as I see it, I hope you will feel free to leave a comment below; looking forward to responding to you in a timely manner.

My business motto is ~ Helping One Business Owner One at a Time ~

Are You Ready to Learn,

photo of Trish with her name below that

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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