Tom E says that he is going to show you something that he guarantees that you have never seen before.
He says that in the next 30 seconds, he is going to show you how to get handsomely compensated for content that is never created.
He states that it literally doesn’t exist and never will.
Yet, Tom goes on by saying that it gets them on average $109 and 97 leads, repeatedly.
Thanks, he says, to an unbelievable oversight by a twenty billion dollar a year company.
Tom declares that he wants you to forget everything you think you know about marketing, because things are about to get weird, and really, really profitable.
He goes on to say that when his partner Vick first discovered this glitch, he couldn’t believe it.
Apparently, Vick was literally posting non-existing ghost content and got instant traffic.
So, Tom says that they put their heads together and they created an automated software for this that offered them a freebie in exchange for their verified email address.
“And man,” says Tom, “did it work.”
He goes on to say that within less than an hour Vick started receiving leads from the system, and within a few days, an average of 97 people were signing up daily.
Now, Tom says, these were hot leads, right.
Then he adds that now this is where it gets really juicy…
He says they designed this software so that once they entered their email, you know, in exchange for our free software, it redirected them to his upsell, which also lets them make money on those free leads, automatically.
And, Tom adds, it worked gloriously. Within two hours of Vick got his first payment it was $17.
Within a few days, he says, Vick was averaging $109 in commissions, daily, now on total and utter autopilot.
Tom says, now keep in mind that all of this, the 97 leads, the $109 daily, all came from his empty slash non-existent content.
This has never been done before guys, by anyone.
My review on this product will cover the following:
What is Loophole Commissions?
How Loophole Commissions Actually Works
My Take on Loophole Commissions
See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:
What is Loophole Commissions?

Program Name: Loophole Commissions
Price: $18.95 US funds + 1 Downsell + 5 Upsells
Recommended? NO
Tom E says that they call this Loophole Commissions [training], and he says that it works so well that he is going to give you a promise right now.
He says that if you are willing to follow their instructions and take action, you will duplicate their results with it, period.
He says that he can make you that promise because of the ingenious way that they created a viral software around the biggest loophole that they have literally ever seen online.
Tom goes on to say that he has been an online marketer for 10 or 12 years now, that he has promoted thousands of products but that he has never seen an opportunity like this before.
He says that he hopes that you won’t let that pass you by.
On a related note, Tom says that he knows that a lot of you guys are struggling right now that some of you have lost your jobs, your businesses.
He says he knows as he has friends and colleges that have lost theirs.
Tom says this is another thing that is great about Loophole Commissions. He claims that it can give you the kind of security that a regular offline job never can.
As a matter of fact, he goes on to say that for as good as it works, it works even faster when the economy crashes, and that is what he claims is what he wants for you… security, financial security… like he claims to have.
He says that we live in a world that you can’t count on it to be there for you.
Tom then asks, “Wouldn’t it be nice to have an income that you can always count on, no matter what?”
That Tom says is exactly what Loophole Commissions does. Again, he says, all you have to do to succeed is buy it, set it up, and take action.
Tom goes on by saying that if you can do that then he promises you that it will be worth it that you will succeed.
That’s seventeen bucks, Tom declares and then he says, so let’s be honest here, you’re going to spend that on something silly in the next few days anyways.
So, Tom adds, you may as well jump in and start enjoying the rewards of something that will actually make a different in your life.
To activate Loophole Commissions, Tom states that it is three simple steps.
- ) First thing is you post – you post non-existent content that is literally blank. This immediately drives mad traffic, thanks to this company’s massive oversight.
- ) Number two, receive babe! This traffic is real people they now end up in your auto-created freebie page.
Here they are offered a guaranteed free way to get daily free buyer leads, which everyone loves. So, everyone who signs up is your fresh hot lead.
- ) Number three, receive more.
Tom goes on to explain that all of them are offered an upsell after you get their email to automatically make money from their free leads, after you have captured their email.
A lot of them, Tom goes on explaining, end up paying and you get to enjoy those results.
Now, Tom says that he knows that a lot of you guys are still skeptical, which you truly should be.
That is why Tom says that they are offering a 30-day money back guarantee, so that you can prove it to yourself that it works.
Tom tells you to grab it, try it for 30-days and for any reason you are unhappy they will give you a refund with a smile within the next 30-days.
He says that if you are still on the fence about it, he totally gets that too. He goes on to say that he would too because there are so many sh__ty products out there.
And Tom says that he can tell you this with confidence: “If you spent just one day with their software, one day, you wouldn’t think twice about picking it up, as you would see the insane potential, right off the bat.”
Tom state that having said that you do have to take action, of course, no one succeeds with any method unless they take action. He then adds that if you ever see a sales page that says anything otherwise, they are lying to you.
However, Tom says, if you are simply willing to follow in their footsteps, step by step, you have the chance to change your life starting right now. He says that he hopes you take it.
The only catch here, Tom goes on to claim that their unique method can get saturated if enough people start doing it, which is why they are closing the door to Loophole Commissions fairly soon to prevent saturation.
In other words, Tom goes on, if you want to get in, don’t sit on the fence, get in as soon as you can because they could close the doors to this at any point.
By the way, Tom adds, this is not fake scarcity, okay. He says that they are serious about their students and the users of this method. Tom says that they want everyone to stay profitable.
So, he says that the second they see too many people inside their system, they are closing the doors and this opportunity is gone forever.
Tom signs of by saying, so there you have it guys, if you want in, which he says that he truly hopes you do, he promises you that you’re going to see some incredible results; Simply take action.
How Loophole Commissions Actually Works

Once inside the Members area, you will have access to the following:
Welcome to Loophole Commissions (2:41) Tom E welcomes you to Loophole Commissions, and this introduction is very similar to the Welcome video offered in their Unfair Advantage App System FE Members Area.
A link to The Full Training Tom speaks of in this video is offered below this video, and is titled How to Make $1,000 a Week by Copying Others’ Success (1:20:31) which is a webinar replay – a link to his landing page to the product discussed is offered below this webinar replay.
Method Overview (2:57) – Tom E provides you with an overview of Loophole Commissions, explaining that this is exploiting a loophole.
He says it is more of an oversight, but that it is a very powerful one.
Tom goes on to say that it has a bunch of different parts, and then he briefly describes to you on how it works.
Full System (15:15) also contains 5 separate video sections shown below – in this video Vick Carty shows you how to use their online software to get leads that you are provided a link to, below this video.
Video #1 (1:56) – Vick walks you through the software that was discussed in the introduction to Full System. A link is also offered to this software below this video.
Video #2 Training Video (2:14) – Vick introduces you to the second software that they offer (a link which is supplied below this video).
This software is the Traffic Keyword Suggestion software Tom referred to in his overview.
Once inside their online software, you will see the title is YouTube Suggest Tool, in which you can then purchase the Advanced version of. Vick says that you need only enter a basic keyword.
Vick suggests that once you have been supplied with your list of keywords, you would simply copy and paste your list in a Notepad file.
Video #3 Training Video (5:50) – Vick explains that you’ve got both of your software now and you have your keywords done.
He then asks you, “Now, how do you get traffic?” Then he continues to explain the loophole.
A Download Your Thumbnails link is offered below this video.
When clicked on, your browser will open to Google drive where you can download to use the 3 free thumbnails to use, as shown in this video.
Video #4 Training Video (5:50) – Using their YouTube Suggest Tool, Vick encourages you to buy the Advanced version of their software, and then he shows you why.
With a LOT of background noises in his training (including at about 2:44, there is a loud, unexplained ping noise), Vick tells you he is doing this from his iPad so that you can do this from any device as this is the beauty.
Vick then explains each step to follow, and why. He also shows the other options that are available to be used inside this software, and he suggests that you make sure to use those too.
Video #5 Training Video (4:42) – Vick offers you a warning about not abusing the loophole they share with you, and that you should use a fresh YouTube channel that you don’t care about so that if it were to be shut down due to abuse, you won’t lose your regular channel.
Starting at approximately 2:37 into this video, there are all sorts of sharp background noises that at times are very loud and distracting.
Loophole Commissions Upgrades
Upgrade #1 – Loophole Commissions Full Throttle – $37 US funds. At the time of writing this, it is said that of the 50 spots only, 37 are gone.
Upgrade #2 – Loophole Commissions Copy Us – $37 US funds. Limited to first 40 people.
Upgrade #3 – Loophole Commissions We Do It For You – $97 US funds. At the time of writing this, it is said that of the 25 spots only, 17 are gone.
Upgrade #4 – Loophole Commissions Professional Edition – $37 US funds. Limited to the first 20 people.
Upgrade #5 – Loophole Commissions Guaranteed Career – $97 US funds. At the time of writing this, it is said that of the 10 spots only, 7 are gone.
Bonus Area
First bonus is a link to How To Make $997 Commission by Anthony Morrison’s free training
Second bonus is a link to Traffic Buddy that is offered under the title of How To Get Video Shares, Embed, Comments, Views Software
Third bonus is Video #1 – Profit Booster Niche – How to do Niche Research Quick & Easy (10:13)
Fourth bonus is Video #2 – Video Profit X – How to Earn Money on YouTube (9:45)
These bonuses are the same as are offered in their Unfair Advantage App System FE, so you might want to read what I noted about the last two bonuses that I shared with you on that review.
My Take on Loophole Commissions

I cannot recommend this product, as I do not see any value in wasting your time and effort on a method that could get your YouTube channel shutdown.
Plus, Vick’s method in this training reminds me a bit of a technique that I learned about quite awhile ago now, detailed here: How to Rank My Business on Google Page One – Even Without Any Videos!
And, as I have explained in that post, this definitely is a black hat technique and I would NEVER recommend anyone play around with black hat tactics as they MIGHT only work for you in the short term.
But will definitely hurt your reputation in the long run.
Though Tom’s method is slightly different from the one I first heard about earlier, it is still not what I would call good practice or ethical.
If you want to make money online, making money from home, you need to be honest and look to techniques that actually HELP people that will make you the money you want in the long term.
I do hope you found this Loophole Commissions reviewed here to be most helpful to you in making a decision to buy or not to buy.
These types of products might only help you with one tiny piece of your online business, but making you a millionaire overnight will NEVER happen as long as you are chasing these shiny objects.
If you should have any question regarding the Loophole Commissions reviewed, please leave me a comment below.
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