50-year-old Hannes Dreyer, PhD states the formula for riches is the road map to riches with the only proven solution that guarantees you will earn more than 1000% on your first investment without any risks.
He claims that his formula is the only one that reveals true insider secrets on how you can get rich fast, and that you won’t find this advice anywhere else.
It is that unique, Dreyer goes on to say that all you need to do is follow his step-by-step directions provided in the Formula for Riches.
Dreyer also claims that this formula is from 25 years of researching everything that the top wealth creators know and do to make their millions, and he has condensed it all into a simple, easy to follow system.
He says that his landing page letter might be the most important thing you will read, if you want to learn how to get rich fast and are looking for a proven method.
And, Dreyer goes on to state that he is now mentoring investors and wealth creators.
My review here will cover the following:
- What is The Formula For Riches?
- How The Formula For Riches Actually Works
- Is The Formula For Riches for Real?
- How You Can Start Making Money for Free
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What is The Formula For Riches?

Program Name: The Formula For Riches (3rd Edition – April 2010)
Website: http://theformulaforriches.com
Price: $19.62 US funds
Recommended? NO
The Formula for Riches is an eBook written by Hannes Dreyer, who claims to have retired at the age of 37, and that after he retired, he did his MSc (Econ)… with his thesis being: “Real Estate As An Investment Instrument”, which he states is a practical guide for investing in real estate.
He goes on to say that his thesis for his PhD was “Applying the Formula For Riches To Create Entrepreneurs and Investors.”
And, that he has thousands of students from all over the world who are getting incredible results.
Dreyer states that in order to prove the fact that you don’t need to have money in order to make money, that he used the principles of the Formula For Riches by investing eleven cents and turning that into 1.4 million in 2 years.
This, he says, represents compound grown of more than 336,650%.
He goes on to say that once you understand his formula that you will soon learn that you don’t need money to make money and that you don’t need to take any risk either.
Dreyer claims that wealth creators never take risks because they know his formula and they apply his secret that only few investors like Warren Buffet knows about.
Dreyer then states that he has used his Formula For Riches to start more than 10 successful businesses in less than 2 years without his ever investing one penny of his own money.
He claims he bought forty-nine residential properties in less than 94 days without using so much as one penny of his own money.
Dr. Hannes Dreyer even goes so far as to provide a link to his CV (Curriculum Vitae = course of life) and suggests you visit it as his proof of what he claims: http://blog.hannesdreyer.com/dr-hannes-dreyer-bio/
He claims that his formula is the best way to learn:
- to invest money
- to make money
- how to get rich fast
- how to invest money right
- millionaire secrets form mentors
Dreyer says that you should discover how the Formula For Riches practically guarantees results, by providing you the insider secrets of the rich which could turn you into a serious investor.
That you are “literally 24 hours away from changing your life…” once you’ve read his eBook.
How The Formula For Riches Actually Works
First discrepancy that I noticed is the age that Hannes Dreyer claims to be.
On his landing page, he states that he is 50 years old, yet, in his eBook dated 2010, he clearly states that is he 51. So, if he was 51 in 2010, then he is now 61 and NOT 50.
Given that web pages are EASILY updated, my rhetorical question is this: Why has he never updated that fact on his landing page?
Dreyer says that wealth creators are truthful as they know that unethical behaviour never pays off in the long run. They create great relationships that are built on:
- Trust
- Respect
- Sustainability
- Positive emotions
These do not cause a person to burn out. They never put themselves in a position that they could lose it all.
Dreyer says that being really smart has nothing to do with it either. A wealth creator simply sticks to the formula of their choice, when building a business or investing.
And… while his formula is simple, it is NOT as easy as it may seem. He then tells you that you need to take responsibility and be willing to put in the time and effort that is required in making your dreams come true (not exactly getting rich fast, for most of us).
This 213-page eBook is in PDF format (so you can download it immediately upon payment being provided) and contains the following chapters:
Chapter One – Introduction (3 pages)
Chapter Two – Common Financial Planning Mistakes (7 pages)
Chapter Three – Why do People Stay Poor (20 pages)
Chapter Four – How Can You Become and Stay Wealthy? (14 pages)
Chapter Five – The Formula For Riches (22 pages)
Chapter Six – Investing in Business (10 pages)
Chapter Seven – Direct Response Business (4 pages)
Chapter Eight – Investing in Real Estate (23 pages)
Chapter Nine – Application of The Formula For Riches (10 pages)
Chapter Ten – Dreyer Shows You How He Applied The Formula in 2004 (44 pages)
Chapter Eleven – Don’t Take Any Risks (20 pages)
Chapter Twelve – How to Get 1,457.63% Growth on Your Investment in One Day (15 pages)
Dreyer warns his readers that if you break the Formula For Riches when you invest that you will NEVER be rich or able to stay rich.
He says that the sooner you stick to the rules the faster you create wealth, because his formula is based on a universal principle.
He even goes so far as to provide buyers of his eBook with a personal guarantee that if you applied his formula in the EXACT manner he teaches you and you cannot make at LEAST 1000% growth on your investment within a year of applying his formula… that he will REFUND you 1000% of his eBook’s value.
However, Dreyer also informs his reader that by following The Formula For Riches you can become very rich but that won’t make you a wealth creator.
The formula is used ONLY for creating money, and you need to understand that money is NOT the answer to everything. It really is possible to be rich and yet have a very unfulfilling life.
You do need focus in your life but you ALSO need balance.
Great advice!
This eBook is riddled with dead links, and has NOT been updated for 10 years now.
At the time of writing this review, using the authors page numbers:
On page 87, the only link provided is a dead link.
On page 149, of the 4 links provided, only 1 is still “live”.
On pages 150 & 169, the only link provided is a dead link.
On page 182, 1 of the 3 links are dead.
On page 183, of the 2 links offered, 1 is a dead link.
On page 185, both links provided are the same dead link.
On page 186, the only link provided is a dead link.
On page 188, 5 of the 6 links offered are dead links.
On page 189, the only link offered is a dead link.
On page 190, of the 4 links provided, 3 are dead links.
On page 193, Dreyer offers his readers a FREE website, but when you click on that link, the site no longer exists.
On page 197, Dreyer provides 2 links, 1 to his mentoring course and another link for more information on his other courses. But BOTH dead links.
However, the Property School link near the bottom of this page still works.
Is The Formula For Riches for Real?

Yes, I believe The Formula For Riches is real and full of great advice.
However, readers need to understand that the information may be dated due to the fact that this eBook is in bad need of being revised to resolve the many dead links, if nothing else.
For me, a product this badly tended to I can NOT and will NOT recommend to anyone.
How You Can Start Making Money for Free
If you really do want to learn to be a wealth creator that doesn’t have to take a risk at all then I have a great offer to present to you here today. Let me tell you a bit about it.
Back in 2016, I discovered a great platform that I would like to introduce you to here. The platform can teach you to make money online, and you can even sign up for FREE!
Yes, you can learn how to setup your very own online business that will help you become successful, providing you are willing to put in the necessary work required to build your online business.
This is NOT a great rich quick system, and it this is being offered to you WITHOUT risk.
However, you will need to be prepared to work at building your online business. So, if you are a person that has patience and you are persistent and determined to succeed, then this platform is definitely for you.
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Should you have any questions as to, is The Formula for Riches for real, please feel free to ask me in a comment below.
Once I have responded, you will be notified by email.
Looking forward to meeting you,