How Photographers Can Really Make Money

If you love taking pictures, and you would like to work from anywhere in the world, working whatever hours you want to, while doing something that you enjoy doing… then you need to know how photographers can really make money.

By the way, you don’t need to be a professional photographer to profit from this opportunity either.

Just so long as you can take a photograph from anywhere in the world you choose to travel or wherever you live, this can work for you too.

Many people have success stories to share about how they earn money from the photographs they took, so I don’t need to bother you with those stories here. You can learn about some of those stories when you visit the link below.

Some people have even claimed they were able to quit their j-o-b, and literally travel the world. They have even made claims that they are so much happier now because of their decision to act on this information I’m sharing with you here.

And, their favourite part of this opportunity is that they didn’t even have to find customers, as buyers literally come to them.

You too can learn how to have buyers come to you… and even pay you for your images.

Some say that selling images is a five billion dollar market according to BBC research.

If you are an average type of entrepreneur, you may even have already tried and failed at making money selling your photos. If so, this can help you turn things around.

Please note that I receive compensation if you use my links here, and eventually I may earn enough to buy a couple cups of coffee. Oh… and there is a bonus offer at the very end of this article for those who stick around until the end.

<<<— VISIT Photography Business NOW! —>>>

Knowing that there are many new websites being created daily, along with the many existing websites, both types of which need images on a regular basis… and, knowing that website owners cannot legally use just any image they find on Google…


That is, not without suffering the consequences for infringing on someone’s copyrights, which is known as the digital millennium copyright act (DMCA).

Should any website owner ever so much as copy another person’s image without receiving expressed permission (I would like that in writing please), they will be open to a lawsuit, and believe me, lawsuits for this type of infringement DO exist… and they are very COSTLY!

Yes, there are some sites with images available now offering “freedom of usage”, but those same images will soon be appearing on so many other websites that a webmaster’s site would lose their advantage (being unique) by using such images for any length of time.

This is where the opportunity I am about to share with you comes into play.

Think about all those who are searching for images every day. There are students, teachers, website owners, advertisers, print editor… you name it!

Now perhaps, I have your attention?

Are ready to learn how to sell your pictures to all those people?

Even if you have enjoyed taking photographs but you doubt anyone would ever want to purchase them, you really do need to pay attention to this offer. And, maybe you are even saying to yourself that you are not a professional photographer… and maybe you don’t own an expensive camera either.

So what?

There really is a way for you to get a tiny slice of that FIVE billion dollars that others are spending on digital images.

lady holding a Smart phone with images that appear to be coming out of it

You don’t need an expensive DLR camera either. Just about any Smart camera will do the job for you. Then you will simply be submitting your photos online.

Then, someone comes along and downloads your image for their project… and they pay you for it.

That’s all there is to this!

Some photographers have been able to quit their full time job simply because they have learned how to make money as a professional photographer, working when they want and even where they want. The amount of money that you can make doing this is only limited by YOU yourself.

NOTE: Should you decide to travel and while doing so, you take many photographs all along your trip, and then you submit all of those images; you may even be able to write off your trip as an expense! Though, please do speak with your tax specialist before you travel, just to be sure that what I’m saying works for you in your country.

<<<— GET Photography Business NOW! —>>>

Let’s say that only 5 of your digital images are downloaded, let’s say, three times a week… and those images sell for, let’s say, $2 each… that’s $30 a week you will make, week after week.

No cold calling customers, no advertising expenses, nothing. Your customers will come to you.

Thirty dollars a week may not sound all that impressive, but you don’t need to stop there. You could have 50 digital images offered for sale, or even 500 photographs! There is no limit to the number of images that you can submit.

If you have digital photographs on your computer right now… maybe even photos you have forgotten about, why not seriously consider submitting those now so you can start earning money straight away?

But, if you want to learn the easiest and fastest method of making money from the pictures you have already taken, then you will want to check out the fool-proof offer linked below.

I can assure you that this is a Clickbank product, and it is backed by a 100% money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with any Clickbank product that you purchase, all you need to do is let them know and they will make things right for you.

From my understanding, this opportunity will only be online for short while.

Complete, Fool-Proof System

This system includes the following:

  • learn to autopilot profits for your images
  • gain admission to a hidden digital market
  • learn professional secrets to creating eye-catching pictures to maximize your earnings
  • gain access to eager buyers looking for specific images
  • learn how to earn top dollar from your photos
  • learn who the high bidders for certain images are, and where to find them
  • get access to case studies to learn and profit from
  • learn which images earn money, and how to duplicate that success
  • and, you have a 60 day money back guarantee ta’boot!

PLUS, you will get instant access to their members area where you can submit your images so that within minutes of uploading your photographs, you could have money in your account!

Even More Included

  1. Photo tutorials and guides to learn how to get more downloads (make more money).
  1. Photoshop mastery video series to teach you how to touch up and add amazing effects to your photos so they will attract even more buyers faster.
  1. A blogging cash formula that will show you step-by-step how to combine your photography business with a money making blog to boost your profits.
  1. Get a blueprint to start your own, highly profitable, online advertising business using Google Adwords.
  1. Get a guide to building and publishing your very own, profit making, iPhone APP, bringing your ideas to life, and get paid for them.
<<<— BUY Photography Business NOW! —>>>

This is EVERYTHING you need to start making money right now! You will be able to work full time or part time… you decide.

Knowing how photographers can really make money can make all the difference in the world when it comes to profiting from the fruits of you labour.

Now, here’s that bonus offer I mentioned earlier: Phone Photography Tricks! This just might add a little spice to some (if not all) of your photos that could make them become very popular.

Photographers can make money - here's how
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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

10 thoughts on “How Photographers Can Really Make Money”

  1. Wow, I can’t believed that one can really make money from photography in that way. I have a friend who does photography as a part time job and he will most definitely like this idea.

    I like that this offer is fool proof, providing a money back guarantee if now satisfied, and that one can really make money from photographs. Thank you do much.

    My friend has a good camera and is quite knowledge about the field of photograph, now I can share this post with him and I’m certain he’ll jump at the idea for sure.

    • Do hope your friend will profit by the information shared here Henderson. I do hope your friend will leave a comment for me once he has had the opportunity to check out my post, once you share the URL with him.

  2. Hi, thank you for this eye opening post that explains how I can make money by using all the pictures I take when visiting other countries. I also what to thank you a lot for this information because I did not know that using Googled image I could be sued for copyright infringement for having used someone else’s images online.

    I tried link you offered and the response I get was This site is no longer in service or has been disabled due to a terms of service violation, please check this and fix it I want to know more because based on your calculation in the post this method of earning is simple.

    • Thank YOU Samuel for having brought the issue of the link to my attention. Much appreciated. I have now fixed it and I do hope you come back and take a look at the great offer provided here.

  3. Though I am very bad at photography but I have a friend who majors in photography and has been complaining to me concerning his lack of sales for his photographs but I think this would definitely help him. I will share this post with him and I’m definitely sure he would be willing to get involved and join this fool proof system. Great article and thanks for the help

    • You’re very welcome Ramos, and I am very happy to hear that you will share this post with your friend. Do hope he will leave a comment for me once you tries this. Would love to know how well it works for him.

  4. I recently bought a high-end Vivo mobile phone boasting it’s good for both photography and listening to music. I’d like to test this idea that you have brought out here and actually got interested in the fool-proof system that you were saying. Unfortunately, when I click on the link and landed in Clickbank, I got this message “This site is no longer in service”, so I’d like to inform you of what had happened. Maybe you can check again with them.

    • Thank YOU Gomer! The links are now working properly. Appreciated receiving the “heads-up” on this issue. You will let me know if the links are working for you now, won’t you?

  5. Hi, Trish.  Interesting post.

    I DO like to take pictures from time to time and have lots on my computer.  I’m certainly not a professional by any means but, I would sure love to give this a try.  Making money from your pictures is a great idea. 

    I’ll be checking it out as soon as the links work properly.  Tried to click them and all I got was…  “This site is no longer in service or has been disabled due to a terms of service violation.”

    Not sure what’s going on but you should probably have it checked out.  Feel free to edit or delete this comment.  I thought I should at least let you know,


    • Thank YOU Wayne, you are so right. The link was not working properly and now it is. Appreciate your bringing this too my attentions so promptly. Please do let me know if the links are working for you now.


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