Offline Sharks Tom Gaddis, Nick Ponte and Paul James are the vendors of QuickStart Agency.
And, Tom Gaddis says that if you’re ready to take your agency to the next level in the next three days, a mere weekend, or if you’ve been ‘clientless’ for an embarrassingly a long amount of time, you’re going to want to pay attention to everything that he’s about to reveal.
Tom claims to be one of the co-founders of Offline Sharks where they teach people just like you, how to help local businesses and get paid.
He claims that he and his two partners have some big news for you; as they just launched QuickStart Agency: Client in a Weekend, and that this all started awhile back when his partner Paul James turned a 3-day weekend into a paying local client almost like magic.
Tom claims that Paul’s method is so powerful you can use it weekend after weekend because it creates a never-ending frenzy of local client leads.
However, he continues explaining that Paul’s method, as great as it is Nick [Ponte] and he are probably the ultimate kickers and testers, and they saw an opportunity to combine it with their remote prospecting methods, and really explode the revenue and clients that you can get with their process.
Tom goes on to say that in QuickStart Agency: Client in a Weekend, they’ll show you exactly how they do that. And, the bottom line is, this is probably the most powerful, repeatable, doable method that they’ve ever created.
And he assures you that it will work for just about any local marketer:
- whether you’re new,
- whether you want to break the ice and just get those first few clients,
- whether you’re just looking for a side hustle
- or if you have an established agency and you’re looking to scale and grow,
QuickStart Agency: Client in a Weekend will give you everything you need.
According to Tom, anyone can do this.
In fact, he claims that if you have a computer and an internet connection, you’re all set to go because it doesn’t require any complicated software or anything else besides what they give you inside their training.
Tom says there is more to say about QuickStart Agency: Client in a Weekend, but for that he’s going to hand you over to his partner Nick for some big news of his own.
My review of QuickStart Agency: Client in a Weekend will cover the following:
If You Don’t Want to Waste Anymore of Your Time on Scams,
See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:
What is QuickStart Agency?
Program Name: QuickStart Agency: Client in a Weekend
Price: $17 US funds, PLUS 5 Upsells and 1 Downsell
Recommended? YES
Nick says to join him, Paul and Tom right now so they can all welcome you to the group and you can replicate exactly what they are doing.
NOTICE: Once you decide to purchase the QuickStart Agency, your browser will be sent to the Warrior Plus website to make your payment. And, this is where you will learn that you will need to agree to the vendor’s Terms and Conditions, which you will find are spelled out in the screen print of their popup form below.
How QuickStart Agency Actually Works
From the Offline Sharks Tom Gaddis, Nick Ponte and Paul James’ Thank You page, you will find an introduction to QuickStart Agency video (01:59 minutes) and on the right, a button that you can click to join their Facebook group.
Below this, you will see a notice of Please SAVE This Page…, so, you will want to bookmark their Thank You page.
Below that you will find 7 Steps:
Step 1: Access Your Products Below: Click Here To Access Your Purchase button, followed by printed instructions and screen prints. Once you click the button to access your purchase you will find your browser opening to their Members Dashboard.
Step 2: Check Out Some Awesome Free Training: 14 New Clients In 30 Days Or Less: The Completed Method REVEALED webinar replay (02:02:20), followed by an important tip, and below that you will find a button titled, When Finished Watching Click Here To Continue, which is a link to an upsell.
Step 3: Want Some More Cool Offline Sharks Marketing Stuff…?, with 3 different upsells offered:
- Website Security Blueprint
- Site Speed Profits
- Remote Client System
Each product has its own Learn More button, so you can choose to purchase one or more of these.
Step 4: EXTRA BONUS Done-For-You Local SEO White Paper, followed by an important tip, and below that you will find a button titled 1-Click Claim My Bonus!, which when clicked on will take your browser to the login page.
Step 5: The QuickStart Agency Prospecting Power Pack is detailed, below which you will find a button titled, Upgrade Now!, which is another upsell.
Step 6: Get The Latest Each Week From Tom & Nick, which offers a 3 different buttons titled as follows:
- Check Out Nick’s YouTube Channel
- Apple Podcasts
- Spotify
Step 7: And Finally, Don’t Miss These SHARKS EXCLUSIVE Deals On Our Most Used Local Marketing Software Tools, which you will find 3 different products offered with button links titled as follows:
- Get Your 100% FREE Trial – LeadKahuna: Automated Marketing Platform
- Get Your Exclusive Deal – BrightSocial: Social Media Marketing Made Easy
- Get Your Exclusive Deal – RepKahuna: Manage, Build & Market Your Reputation
Moving to their Members Dashboard…
The Dashboard is like most other dashboards in that it provides a summary of your accomplishments.
From the left-hand sidebar you will find the following options:
My Courses – QuickStart Agency: Client in a Weekend was found under My Courses (after contacting support) and 18 courses offered for sale from All Course.
If you don’t reach out to them the MINUTE you discover that your My Courses > My Courses is empty, it will remain empty until you send in an email.
Once I submitted a ticket and explained my demise, support granted me access to their QuickStart Agency training.
My Profile – where you will find the following submenus: Profile, Timeline, Connections (like FB), and Achievements.
My Settings – Account Settings where you can change your Login Information, Email Preferences, Privacy, and Export Data.
My Friends – JUST like FACEBOOK! …and this section repeats what you find under My Profile.
Badges – where you’ll find Archives: Badges.
Levels – where you’ll find Archives: Levels.
Tools We Recommend – opens in another tab in your browser, offering you their recommends …which provides you with their affiliate links to those “recommends”.
Book Recommends – this link will also open in another tab, offering you paid advertising of those books.
Blog – also opens in another tab, offering you links to blog posts.
FREE Strategy Call – once again, opens in another tab, offering you their Remote Millionaires Application, that I’ve noted in my CONS below.
Community – opens their Facebook group in anther tab.
Help – opens in another tab with their support forum.
My Courses > My Courses – provides you with 14 lessons, 26 Topics
Main Course titles are as follows:
- Client In A Weekend Workshop – 7 Topics
- Taking Paul’s Strategy Into the Open Ocean – 4 Topics
- Sharks Secret Prospecting Credibility Builder – 3 Topics
- Sample Audits – 5 Topics
- Bonus: Webinar Development & Hosting As A Service Training – 3 Topics
- Bonus: Done-For-You Marketing Agency Theme – 4 Topics
When clicking on the Start Course button, your browser will go to another page, opening at Client In A Weekend Workshop that offers the following:
- Watch This First – video (02:24 minutes) where you get to meet all 3 of the partners. Below the video are Resources (Offline Sharks Support Desk link) and Transcript (video transcribed into text).
- Helicopter Overview of The Strategy – Helicopter Overview video (09:34 minutes) with the Transcript provided below.
- Profile Optimization – Why we need to Optimize video (14:11 minutes) with the Transcript provided below.
- Building A Network – How do we network? Video (06:56 minutes) with the Transcript provided below.
- Crafting A Warmer Post – Warmer ‘Hand Raise’ Post video (13:14 minutes) with the Transcript provided below.
- Filter Responses – Filtering Hand Raisers video (11:24 minutes) with the Transcript provided below. [There is a LOT of background noise in this video until about the middle]
- The Chat Close – Option 1 for teasing your Add-Ons video (16:38 minutes) with the Transcript provided below.
After completing Lesson 7, and once you have clicked on the Mark Complete button, your browser will be sent back to the course title with the list of lessons below, ready for you to click on the Mark Complete button for the SECTION.
This will cause your browser to move to the second section titled, Taking Paul’s Strategy Into the Open Ocean, which offers the following training:
- Intro to Sharks Open Ocean Strategy video (04:48 minutes) – Tom Gaddis chats briefly about what you learn in the section. Below this you’ll find Resources – offering a link to Join Offline Sharks Facebook Group, as well as the Transcript.
- Groupon video (14:57 minutes) – 2 Resources + Transcript below this video.
- Upwork video (10:25 minutes) – 1 Resource + Transcript below this video.
- Linkedin video (10:25 minutes) – 2 Resources + Transcript below this video.
Once you’ve completed the LinkedIn training video, and click on the Mark Complete button, your browser will be sent back to the section title, displaying the 4 topics below it, ready for you to then click on the Mark Complete button to show you’ve completed this section.
Clicking on that button, will take your browser to the third section titled, Sharks Secret Prospecting Credibility Builder, which offers the following training:
- Our Secret Shark Approach video (08:03 minutes) – 5 Resources + video Transcript
- Recording Your Videos – Recording Your Video Walkthrough video (13:59 minutes) – 4 Resources + video Transcript
- Following Up To Close More Deals video (03:27 minutes) – video Transcript
Once you’ve marked this section as being completed, you’re ready to check out the Sample Audits, which offers the following samples:
- Intro to Sample Audits video (05:03 minutes) with Nick Ponte – 2 Resources [repeats from previous lessons] + video Transcript
- Finding Leads with Google video (11:12 minutes) – 1 Resource [repeated from last lesson] + video Transcript
- Audit Using Linkedin video (10:22 minutes) – 2 Resources [repeats from previous lessons] + video Transcript
- Audit Using Upwork video (15:20 minutes) – 2 Resources [repeats from previous lessons] + video Transcript
- Audit Using Groupon video (04:46 minutes) – 2 Resources [repeats from previous lessons] + video Transcript
Once you have completed the previous section of the training course, you can check out your Bonus: Website Development & Hosting As A Service Training, which offers the following training:
- Setting Up The Hosting video (07:07 minutes) with Paul James – 1 Resource + video Transcript
- Setting Up Email Accounts video (02:08 minutes) – video Transcript
- Beginner Friendly Web Design Tutorial video (08:11 minutes) – video Transcript
Once your Bonus training has been completed, there is a second Bonus and this time the training is titled, Bonus: Done-For-You Marketing Agency Theme, which offers the following:
- Download & Install Your Marketing Agency Theme video with Tom Gaddis (08:18 minutes) – 1 Resource + video Transcript.
- Editing the Theme video (05:11 minutes) – video Transcript.
- Setting Up the Footer video (03:14 minutes) – video Transcript.
- Surprise Bonus Bribe – you must submit a VIDEO testimonial in order to get THIS unadvertised bonus.
A form is provided for you to use that requires your First Name, Last Name and Email, as well as a star rating for you to click on, and a means is provided for you to leave a video recording of your testimony.
Once you get started with the training, you’ll quickly discover that the Offline Sharks Tom Gaddis, Nick Ponte and Paul James take you by the virtual hand in helping YOU find paying clients!
They’ve definitely over delivered in the training offered in QuickStart Agency.
Once you arrive at the Thank You Page, you will see a popup form that if/when you click on it, you will be asked to fill in their Remote Millionaires Strategy Session questionnaire. Don’t worry though, you do NOT have to fill in their questionnaire. You can close the form… or simply close the popup without opening the form.
I prefer training videos that I can download, rather than having to log in, in order to view training that I want to review.
Newbies may find themselves a bit overwhelmed with the training. It is simple enough for those who find it easy to follow instructions but a bit more confusing, especially if you have a LOT of questions when going through the training.
Though support can try and assist you, support really is more for technical issues with the membership site itself.
The pricing examples mentioned in some of the training you will find are AMERICAN prices. Canadian prices would need to be quoted at much higher prices.
The Bonus training for Beginner Friendly Web Design Tutorial is out of date, so it would not be so helpful to newbies either. Paul’s demonstration, though informative, is using the Classic Editor in WordPress.
My Take on QuickStart Agency
Yes, I do believe that when following Paul’s, Tom’s, and Nick’s training inside the QuickStart Agency, you very well may really get a paying client like they keep saying throughout the training.
However, you must follow their instructions properly in order to have this work for you. And, I do not believe this to be newbie friendly.
Newbies would need a full understanding of setting up websites and loading WordPress from the cPanel.
These vendors have over delivered with this training, so you might also want to check out the other 17 courses that they offer under My Courses > All Courses.
Below is my video review of QuickStart Agency by the Offline Sharks Tom Gaddis, Nick Ponte and Paul James
When first signing up for this training, I waited three days for the training to appear in my access of their Members Dashboard, and it never appeared, even when refreshing my browser.
Once I contacted their support person, the training was made available to me, pretty much straight away.
If this happens to you, then do NOT wait. Let their support person know as soon as you notice that the QuickStart Agency training is not available from My Courses > My Courses.
Should you have any questions regarding can QuickStart Agency really get you a paying client in a weekend, then please, do leave them in a comment below so that we may discuss this topic further.
Pleasantly Surprised,