Will ConversioBot Automatically Add Quality Leads & Generate Sales?

Simon Wood, Imran Sadiq and Giri Prakash are known as the creators of ConversioBot.

Carly asks you if you have a website or a store and want to know how one line of code automatically added 36,114 sales to their Clickbank account in only 12 months?

And how this new website code automatically generated 11,643 leads in just 7 days?

This apparently exploded their conversion rate 198% in just 6 hours.

She claims that it’s not just them, that it seems that some of the biggest well-known online marketers already use this revolutionary AI (artificial intelligence) technology.

Carly goes on to list some of those online marketers as:

  • Rich Williams, who she claims increased his sales by 177% in just 2 days
  • Chris X, who she states built a new email list of 1981 buyers in only 4 days

And today, Carly claims that you can start doing the same by copying and pasting one line of automated bot code to any website or blog, and exploiting a new AI technology similar to that used by huge companies, such as:

  • Amtrak
  • Disney
  • H&M
  • Master Card
  • Pizza Hut
  • Spotify
  • Staples
  • Starbucks, and
  • Wall Street Journal

Then Carly announces that on behalf of Simon Wood, Giri and Imran, and the rest of the team, welcome.

Together, she claims that they have 32 years of experience in developing cutting edge software.

She goes on to say that over the last eleven months they’ve invested huge sums of money in a new bot technology.

The revolutionary AI apparently can explode conversions of almost any website.

  • Affiliate review sites
  • List-building pages
  • WordPress blogs
  • Sales letters
  • eCommerce sites
  • Local business sites
  • Webinar registration pages
  • Consultancy websites
  • Freelance website, and
  • almost any website you can think of

Carly claims that their sophisticated bot code works with:

  • WordPress
  • Clickfunnels
  • Leadpages
  • Shopify
  • JVZoo
  • Clickbank, and
  • Hundreds of other programs

While claiming that it is fully integrated with email autoresponders services like:

  • Aweber
  • MailChimp
  • SendLand, and
  • GetResponse

My review of ConversioBot will cover the following:

See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:

get my free making money online guide here button

What is ConversioBot?

screen print from vendor's website

Program Name: ConversioBot Pro

Website: https://useyourpassion.com/chatbot (my affiliate link)

Price: $37 US funds, PLUS 4 upsells when buying, another 4 upsells once you’re inside

Recommended? YES, but with reservations explained below under My Take…


ConversioBot is a software script that you can add as a means to easily communicate with their website visitors.

“Okay, so… what’s this all about?”, Carly asks.

Then she responded with “Well, did you know that by the end of this year a staggering 85% of customer interactions (according to her source: Gartner) won’t be with a human.

Apparently, that’s because of the rise of a powerful new AI technology, chat bots.

Carly goes on to say that you might have heard about chat bots on major news channels like CNN and Fox News.

Then she claims that Mark Zuckerberg revealed that chat bot will be the secret to Facebook’s success over the next ten years.

Billion-dollar companies, Carly claims are already using chat bots to get ROIs [returns on investments] of 800% or more by next year, and that the average person will have more chats with bots than with their spouse (according to her source: Gartner).

Then she asks, how can the average website owner use this AI technology without being a $500 billion tech giant, and without having to spend thousands of dollars on programmers or live chat agents?

After massive investment in development costs and 6,386 sales during beta testing in just 6 months, Carly claims that she is proud to announce the future of automated website conversions.

She says, it’s finally here, presenting ConversioBot, the only chat bot builder for small business owners who want to build an email list quickly and explode their sales with just one line of code.

Apparently, ConversioBot uses new AI technology and that it works for any type of website, including the list of website types that she mentioned previously.

Thanks to their revolutionary bot automation, Carly claims that you don’t need any human sales agents.

And, you don’t need to know a thing about coding, just use one of their done-for-you AI chat templates.

screen print from vendor's landing page video

Step 1: Then click to generate a line of chat bot code.

Step 2: And finally, Carly says, copy and paste that code onto your website.

Step 3: Then, she claims that you can sit back and watch as ConversioBot runs hands free, 24/7.

Apparently, you’re to be prepared to be shocked at how it can automatically explode your conversions, and automatically build you a massive email list.

Carly claims that it’s the AI technology of billion-dollar companies but for the first time, it’s in the hands of the average website owner.

Then Carly introduces one of their founders Simon Wood, claiming that he has used ConversioBot to create hundreds of automated bots for many different sites, all in the matter of minutes.

Simon says, that’s right and that he’s going to pull back the curtains and show you how easily it is to use ConversioBot today.

Then he starts his demonstration that takes approximately 4 minutes 10 seconds to share with you.

Then Carly comes back on saying that you don’t need any special skills or knowledge to profit from using ConversioBot, while claiming that it is so simple to use their point-and-click software.

That in fact, she continues by saying that it is designed for complete beginners.

Then Carly asks the following questions: Are you:

  • a website owner looking to explode your profit?
  • a blog owner trying to rapidly build your email list?
  • a newbie starting out online and looking for fast results?
  • an affiliate marketer looking for tried and tested niche bot templates?
  • an eCom seller looking for more sales without spending more on traffic?
  • a social media marketer looking to take the conversation outside of Facebook?
  • a video marketer in a need of an innovative to explode your subscriber count?
  • a bricks and mortar business owner trying to get more leads?
  • a consultant looking for new proven strategies for your clients?
  • a product vendor seeking a cutting-edge advantage over your competitors?
  • a freelancer in need of more clients?

Carly says to get ready to be stunned at how ConversioBot can automatically explode your conversions, automatically build you a massive email list.

And, she goes on to say that you can start today by copying and pasting one line of automated bot code to your website or blog.

Carly then repeats that you can exploit a new AI technology used by huge companies.

You cando this without having to spend thousands of dollars on programmers or live chat agents; without spending an extra cent on traffic, without any special skills or experience.

Enjoy full access, Carly says, to all of ConversioBot’s speeches, drive more leads and more sales on almost any website just by copying one line of code.

She goes on to assure you that it is 100% newbie friendly.

Then Carly continues with, multi-site license so that you can install this on unlimited websites; 10 done-for-you AI chat templates includes:

  • eCom
  • Affiliate
  • Internet Marketing (IM)
  • and list building

Apparently, valued at $197.

Carly then says that you can create chat bots in minutes, and also use it to provide customer support and dramatically reduce your support tickets.

Microsoft’s cloud-based software with 99.99% uptime.

Apparently, fully integrates with:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • as well as autoresponders

Plus, Carly claims that ConversioBot is GDPR compliant.

And, there are step-by-step training videos to walk you through everything.

Along with dedicated support, and if you join today, Carly claims that they will upgrade you to a full commercial license valued at $497.

That means you will have unrestricted rights to sell chat bots to:

  • local businesses
  • social media marketers
  • bloggers
  • consultants
  • eCom entrepreneurs
  • product vendors
  • bricks-and-mortar business
  • offline consultants
  • and many more

Carly claims that they will show you exactly where verified companies paying anywhere from $200 to $500 and more for similar bots.

She claims that you’ve absolutely nothing to lose, that this is 100% risk-free.

And that you’re to get ready to transform your website into an automated sales and list building bot.

Carly says to secure your license for ConversioBot and start getting results today.

That this truly is a game changer, as there is nothing like this out there, so get access to the internet’s most powerful AI technology today.

On behalf of their whole team, Carly says that she’s really excited about your joining their community.

And, that their dedicated support team are ready to guide you click-by-click, so you’re to click their buy button as they have a surprise waiting for you on the inside.

How ConversioBot Actually Works

Am guessing the surprise that Carly mentioned that is waiting for you on the inside are the other upsells that are available.

screen print from inside vendor's app

Inside the Dashboard of ConversioBot you will find the following:

The top navigation bar offers the following:

  • Build a Bot
  • Done-For-You Pro (100+ Bot Templates)
  • Auto Chatbot Builder – UPGRADE
  • Extreme – UPGRADE
  • Agency Assets – UPGRADE
  • Help

The left-hand side bar contains the following:

  • Dashboard
  • Affiliate Training
  • Bonus Training
  • Builder Training
  • Advanced Training
  • My Bots
  • Data & Analytics
  • Bot Templates
  • General Settings
  • Help
  • My Profile
  • Logout
  • An animated image with “LEARN HOW TO SELL OUR BOTS – REGISTER NOW” on it.

Dashboard – You may be offered a red, orange, yellow, and green button, offered on after the other, which provide you with different options when clicked.

Those options are as follows:

  • Red – Want to use ConversioBot on Facebook? Click Here
  • Orange – Want to Handover Bot Conversations To Humans? Click Here
  • Yellow – Tap Into 2 Million WhatsAppTM With Bots? Click Here
  • Green – Earn Commissions As An Affiliate With Secret, Done For You Bots

In order to proceed with your Dashboard, you will need to click on the tiny X found on the top-right corner of those buttons.

There is a blue button labeled with “WATCH THIS BEFORE YOU START” which is an introduction video by Simon Wood (02:59 minutes).

Below this button, you will find 9 sections under a subtitle Active Products.

  1. Done-For-You Super Affiliate Bots – Learn More button
  2. ConversioBot Pro – Access Now button
  3. Done-For-You Pro – Upgrade button (UPSELL $97)
  4. Auto Chatbot Builder – Upgrade button (UPSELL $49)
  5. ConversioBot Extreme – Upgrade button (UPSELL $67)
  6. Agency Assets – Upgrade button (UPSELL $497)
  7. FacebookTM Bots – Learn More button (UPSELL $47)
  8. WhatsApptTM Bots – Learn More button (UPSELL $47)
  9. Human Handover – Learn More button (UPSELL $47)

Your account showing the total chatbots available to you, along with a button labeled My Account, where you can access your profile.

My Bots – with a button labeled Create A Bot


Affiliate Training – you will find a registration page where you sign up for a webinar reply (2:02:48), titled: How To Legally Hijack $2,951 Paydays From The Top Affiliate Offers With Controversial A.I. Bots, in which the offering will cost $997


Bonus Training – 3 video categories and each of the training webinar replays are close to or just over an hour in length.

Introductor Simon Wood states the following:

With over 23 years of experience in online marketing, Simon is one of the leading authorities on chatbots and conversational marketing.

He co-founded ConversioBot – one of the leading chatbot and conversational marketing platforms with over 6,000 active users.

These training videos are a series of ‘How To’ tutorials, showing you how to set up and use ConversioBot. They are detailed but concise.

  • Live Bot Clinic (contains 12 training webinar replays)
  • Live Mastermind Q&A – Selling Bots As A Service (contains 15 training webinar replays)
  • Live Mastermind Q&A – Using Bots For Affiliate Marketing (contains 31 training webinar replays)

Builder TrainingEssential Viewing To Fast-Track Your Results With ConversioBot

  • About Chatbots – 3 videos
  • Uses For A Chatbot – 6 videos
  • Basic Chatbot Training – 8 videos
  • Building A Chatbot – 18 videos
  • User Response Types – 14 videos
  • Designing Your Chatbot – 7 videos
  • Chatbot Settings – 8 videos
  • Publishing Your Chatbot – 7 videos
  • General Settings & Integrations – 7 videos
  • Data & Analytics – 5 videos
  • Account – 2 videos

Advanced TrainingAccelerate Your Path To Bot Expert With Our Bite-Sized Videos

  • Build Engaging Chatbots – 7 videos
  • Selling Chatbots – 34 videos
  • Chatbot Strategies – 2 videos
  • Done-For-You Pro – 2 videos
  • Auto Chatbot Builder – 2 videos
  • Extreme – 8 videos
  • Agency License – 10 videos
  • Super Affiliate Bot Marketing – 50 videos

My Bots – is where you will find the bots that you create once you have created at least your first bot. Inside this area, you have 3 options:

  • Create A Folder
  • Delete A Folder
  • Create A Bot

Data & Analytics – short training videos is a link back to the Builder Training for this topic, in case you need to be refreshed.

Below that are the different boxes setup to keep track of all metrics such as:

  • Total Bot Loads
  • Interactions
  • Interaction Rate
  • Goal Completed
  • Goal Rate
  • Device Open Rate

Bot Templates – where you will find the following:

For the first level of bot templates (without purchasing upsells) that are unlocked, you will need to scroll down through the list to find many of these, as the templates are in alphabetical order.

  1. Make Money *NEW
  2. Biofit
  3. Biofit w/email
  4. Cart Discount
  5. Contact Us
  6. ConversioBot – CB
  7. ConversioBot – ZOO
  8. Custom Keto Diet
  9. Custom Keto Diet w/email
  10. Customer Service
  11. Discount Coupon 1
  12. Discount Coupon 2
  13. Exit Discount Offer 1
  14. Exit Discount Offer 2
  15. Feedback Collection
  16. Get Leads 1
  17. Get Leads 2
  18. Get Leads 3
  19. Get Leads 4
  20. Get Social Shares 1
  21. Get Social Shares 2
  22. Get Social Shares 3
  23. Get Social Shares 4
  24. Green Energy
  25. Lean Belly 3x
  26. Lean Belly 3x w/email
  27. Learning Languages
  28. Leaving Survey
  29. Meticore
  30. Meticore w/email
  31. Minute Affiliate
  32. Minute Affiliate w email
  33. Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic
  34. Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic w/email
  35. Resurge
  36. Resurge w/email
  37. Self Help
  38. Weight Loss

ALL OTHERS BELOW THIS are available ONLY in UPSELL packages

  1. Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning *NEW
  2. The SEO Agency *NEW
  3. Wedding Venues *NEW
  4. Auto Roadside Assistance
  5. Beauty Salon
  6. Bookkeeping & Tax Services
  7. BotBuilders: Introduction Flow [BONUS]
  8. BotBuilders: Knowledge Quiz Flow
  9. BotBuilders: SEO Flow
  10. Business Funding
  11. Car Dealership
  12. Car Insurance
  13. ChatBot Agency
  14. Chatbot For Real Estate
  15. Chiropractor
  16. Cleaning Services
  17. Conference Registration
  18. Cooking Classes
  19. COVID Cleaning
  20. COVID-19
  21. Dentist Appointment
  22. Digital Marketing Quiz
  23. Doctor Appointment
  24. Dog Trainer
  25. Dog Training
  26. Double Glazing
  27. Dry Cleaning
  28. Electrician
  29. Face Recognition & Video Security
  30. Family Lawyer
  31. Fitness Coach
  32. Florist
  33. Gardener
  34. Graphic Design
  35. Guitar Lessons
  36. Gym Membership
  37. Hair Removal
  38. Hair Salon
  39. Handy Man
  40. Health Insurance
  41. Home Insurance
  42. Hotel Bookings
  43. Human Resources
  44. Insurance Broker
  45. IT Incident Report
  46. Kitchen Design
  47. Language Lessons
  48. Lawn Maintenance
  49. Life Insurance
  50. Media Agency
  51. Mold Removal
  52. Mortgage Broker
  53. Music Lessons
  54. New Home Builds
  55. Occupational Therapy Assistant
  56. Online Review Agency
  57. Open House Feedback
  58. Painter
  59. Personal Injury Lawyer
  60. Personal Trainer
  61. Pet Grooming
  62. Photographer
  63. Piano Lessons
  64. Plumber
  65. Pool Maintenance
  66. PPC Marketing
  67. Property Rentals
  68. Real Estate & Rentals
  69. Real Estate Bot
  70. Real Estate Chatbot
  71. Real Estate Investors
  72. Real Estate Lawyers
  73. Recruitment Consultant
  74. Relationship
  75. Removals
  76. Restaurant
  77. Restaurant Reviews
  78. Roofing Services
  79. Skip Hire
  80. Social SEO Agency
  81. Solar Energy Survey
  82. Travel Assistant Chatbot
  83. Travel Consultant
  84. TV Channel Subscriber
  85. Vape Shop
  86. Vehicle Hire
  87. Veterinarian
  88. Video Editing
  89. Video Marketing
  90. Video Subscribers
  91. Web Design Agency
  92. Web Hosting
  93. Webinar Registration
  94. Wedding Invite Bot
  95. Wedding Planner
  96. Yoga Classes

General Settings – is where you will find the following:

  • Marketing Automations – choose your autoresponder
  • Webhooks
  • Zapier
  • Bot Branding – is where you can add your own company name to be displayed in your bots
  • Language – is where you can add your preferred language, as English is set by default
  • Website Builders – is where you will find Shopify and Wix instructions in PDF format, for you to download, for adding your bot to these sites.

Help – priority help and support form ready for your use should you need any assistance


My Profile – is where you can change your email address and password should you need to.


Logout – is self explanatory


Animated Image – This provides you with a webinar (1:21:54) replay showing you: How To Make $10,000/Month Selling Done-For-You AI Bots (By Copying & Pasting), in which the offering will cost you $497


Inclusions are impressive for the entrance fee!

Simon offers weekly training webinars in which you can definitely learn to avoid other’s mistakes by attending them.

All previous weekly training webinars are offered inside your ConversioBot Dashboard in the Builder Training and/or Advanced Training under the Conversational Marketing & Chatbot Mastery.

The Builder Training is setup in bite-sized pieces so that you can start and stop the training as you deem necessary and without overwhelming you with information.


Their suggested promise of quality leads and sales generated for the average user, I believe could be overstated.

A search feature for the training would be very helpful in finding the necessary help quickly and without having to pester support to find what you need.

If you’re serious about using a chatbot, you MIGHT find yourself needing to pay upwards of $1,000 in order to have all of the options you may want to have for your ConversioBot chatbot.

You will need to be mindful that some of the training is a bit outdated.

Example: in the Builder Training > Basic Chatbot Training video, Simon talks about finding the templates and his Dashboard is completely different from what it is now.

Example: Chatbot Templates (3rd option on left-hand sidebar) in the training is now Bot Templates (8th option on left-hand sidebar) as of their 2022 Dashboard.

Much of the training is in need of being updated. Example: in the Builder Training > Publishing Your Chatbot > Embed Chatbot 3/7, the embed option no longer exists.

Most users will probably find it easier to use their WordPress Plugin option instead of copying and pasting the chatbot code anyway.

It would be nice if you were allowed to download the training so that you could have it at your disposal whenever you needed it.

However, if you have more than one monitor, you could open the necessary training video on one monitor, while using the bot Builder open on the other monitor… or… go back and forth between your browser sessions as needed, when you have only one monitor.

When formatting your messages, there is no UNDO so you need to be careful when formatting, else you will need to delete the message and start a new one.

My Take on ConversioBot

thumb pointing up in approval

Due to the many training videos being so out of date, this makes this bot NOT newbie friendly in the least.

Plus, support is so very slow, as they are outside of the North American continent.

As a consequence of these issues, it took me a little less than a month from purchasing ConversioBot, to:

  • complete the training,
  • waiting for support to explain several questions that I had while learning,
  • creating my chatbot,
  • testing my bot, and
  • then getting the bot online.

It is nowhere nearly as simple to create in only 15 to 30 minutes, like two user’s testimonies claim.

It will take you longer whether you’re a pro or a beginner, when you set your chatbot up right.

This is why that I can only recommend ConversioBot for at the very least, an intermediate website designer with HTML and CSS training.

Users with less than this could find creating their own chatbots to be very challenging.

Will ConversioBot automatically add quality leads and generate sales?

Given the perfect chatbot on just the right niche site, I would hazard a guess of yes, though only time will tell if it works for my local business.

My video review of ConversioBot by Simon Wood, Imran Sadiq, and Giri Prakash is below.

As promised in my video, here’s my affiliate link: https://useyourpassion.com/chatbot

get my free making money online guide here button


Will a bot on my local business website actually help me gain clients?

Well, that remains to be seen.

However, should I find that having added this chatbot actually helps gain me the promised leads, then I shall surely come back here and increase my star rating for sure!

Should you have any questions as to, will ConversioBot automatically add quality leads, then please do leave them in a comment below so that we can discuss this further.

There is no Magic Wand,

photo of Trish with her name below that
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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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