Photography Business

Former delivery driver Cameron Allen discovered a simple system for making money with this very profitable market, and he’s willing to share what he has learned in his training course. Don’t worry, competition is NOT a problem. Cameron reassures his website visitors that you can “cash in on residual income from each photo you submit online!”

He’s got a secret to share with you too, one that had him earn $1700 in less than 4 hours without any real work … yes, really. Online photography is in demand and anybody can take part in earning a residual income 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

No worries about limitations … you can do this as many times a day as YOU want. Even basic amateur photographs can make you money.

Cameron uses the very same method to make over $1,710 (and THAT is in US funds!) in a SINGLE day. You do NOT need to live in the United States to profit from his course.

Many of us think you need to be a professional photographer … and spend THOUSANDS of dollars on equipment in order to make ANY money. Well, Cameron wants you to know that this sort of thinking is all WRONG, because he is living proof.

Apparently, most of the people working in this industry have NO EXPERIENCE and that many of them only have an inexpensive digital camera … or a cell phone.

Can you just imagine … taking a photograph, uploading it and then getting paid for it week after week, month after month … and even year after year? WOW!

<<< ‑‑‑ VISIT Paid for Pictures website NOW! ‑‑‑ >>>
(opens in a new window and is my affiliate link)

So … why aren’t more people doing this?

By Don Graham from Redlands, CA, USA - God bless it! (Morning has Broken in Zion 5-14) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

The answer is simply this … because they do NOT have the information Cameron promises to share with you as to WHERE to upload your photographs, and how to get paid well for taking photographs.

Equipment needed

This will definitely surprise you!

Cameron says all you will need is a digital camera and a computer with internet access … that’s it!

Personally, I use a Nikon CoolPix L30 that I purchased for $199 brand new … and that was in Canada. I’m sure you can purchase the same camera in the States for a whole lot less.

Anyway, my camera takes amazing quality pictures. I offer you a photograph I took of a memorial for my precious pet, and here is the original, unedited (I only turned it from landscape to portrait for easier viewing) … copied directly from my camera’s memory card. WARNING: It may take awhile for the image to load (depending on your internet access), so I made the link to my photo come out separate from this page.

However, should you decide you would like to purchase a DSL camera, perhaps you might consider buying one used. Doing a quick Google search, I discovered quit a reasonable range of prices for this type of camera, used … and … my search results were shown in Canadian dollars … which, as we all know, the US prices are a whole LOT less.

Be sure to check out the local liquidation centers too; they’re still around though there are fewer of them now.

Who will want your photographs?

By Don Graham from Redlands, CA, USA - God bless it! (Lookout Studio, Grand Canyon, AZ 9-15) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

That’s easy to say … lawyers, entrepreneurs (that’s ME!), writers, travel agents, teachers, graphic artists, merchants, magazine editors, retailers, online marketers (ME also!), executives, real estate agents, advertisers, financial institutions, eBay sellers, insurance companies, illustrators, business professional … and the list goes on!

Businesses are always looking for fresh content so they stay competitive. Look at the header images I’m using right here on this website … now imagine all of the billions other bloggers and websites that need photographs to help their sites look great.

Then there are the magazines and newspapers … or print media they’re called today. They too need photographs to help their products stand out on the newsstands.

This is where YOU can help out with your photography business!

Selling stock photographs is as simple as taking a picture and uploading it to a stock photograph company. In most cases, you will be loaning (or licensing) your images to them for reproduction on websites, newspapers and magazines.

Using YOUR photographs saves the media owners from having to hire photographers, and then pay for them to travel (if an image was needed outside their area) when necessary. Your photographs will be valued.

As long as you have an internet connection, you can upload your photographs from ANYWHERE in the world … meaning you CAN TRAVEL if you want. Wow … nothing like getting paid to travel, huh?

And… you will have NO WORRIES about losing your photographs either “These photographs belong to you. You retain the ownership of your photographs and own the rights to reproduce and license the pictures to others.”

<<< ‑‑‑ GET Paid for Pictures NOW! ‑‑‑ >>>
(opens in a new window and is my affiliate link)

Unlock pro secrets and take your photography to the next level

Can you just imagine … on a typical day you will be able to do what you want, when you want, wherever you want. As you are doing just that … snap a few photographs of the landscape, wild life, cars, buildings, flowers, people, pets … anything! Once you return home, you simply upload them to the internet and your work is done for the day.

  • NO boss
  • NO deadlines
  • NO advertising
  • NO financial risk
  • NO need for being a computer geek
  • NO making telephone calls
  • NO website to build and promote
  • NO selling anything

What you will learn to profit with your photography business…

By Don Graham from Redlands, CA, USA - God bless it! (Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe, CA 8-10) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
  • WHERE to upload your photographs
  • how to spot hot trends … to increase your income
  • which SOURCES pay the MOST for your photographs
  • how to get twice the price for your images then the average photographer gets for theirs
  • which keywords to use … to push your images to the top of photography sites
  • how to take the perfect picture EVERY time
  • which photographs earn the most amount of money
  • how to keep earning from photographs you took once
  • which photographs NOT TO SUBMIT to photograph sites

Wouldn’t it be great, to take photographs and actually get PAID for it!

You could be uploading the pictures that you have right now, within minutes.
Taking pictures and uploading them to the stock photograph websites Cameron shows you can help you create a successful photography business.

What YOU get

  • Turn Your Camera into Cash! You’ll find out which types of photos sell best, how to make the most for you photos, where to submit your photos and ways to ensure your photos are accepted for submission.
  • Freelance Photography Profits! Insider secrets to freelance photography, along with time-saving techniques to show you how to make money faster … and a whole lot more.
  • Personalized Picture Income! How to go from concept to custom images … learn how to spot hot trends.
  • Classified Cash! Cameron’s no-holds barred course where he reveals his money-spinning classified profits method.
  • Special Bonus: Making Money Taking Local Photos Discover how you can make $4500, or MORE from a SINGLE photograph just like a paparazzi! Or … where to sell your best food, landscape or environmental images.
  • Bonus Video Set: Photo Blog Profits! You’ll see how to setup a photo blog that GETS RESULTS and how to post content that search engines will LOVE.

All this AND a 100% satisfaction guarantee or YOUR money back!

Cameron has included EVERYTHING you will need to succeed. There is NO special license needed in order to begin making money selling your photographs. You really can start making serious money on the internet with his proven methods.

If you arrived to my website via this post, you might want to read over my review of Cameron’s product.

<<< ‑‑‑ BUY Paid for Pictures NOW! ‑‑‑ >>>
(opens in a new window and is my affiliate link)

Make Money with Your Photographs

Credits for Header: image by © Easyparadise | – Digital Camera Photo

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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