SEO Tools for Free

“What’s with that … seo tools for free … really?”, you ask.

Yes, really!

There are soooo many SEO tools online free that you can use to help improve your site’s SEO now that it is only a lack of knowing where to find them that may be holding you back from basking in their benefits

That is what I am hoping to help you with in this article.

First, and foremost, you have one of the best, and most popular content management systems (CMS) available to you, for FREE … and, it’s called WordPress.

Now, I am NOT referring to their website where you can set up a subdomain and call it your own (but you never really own it!).

However I AM referring to their system that you can have installed on your very own website … and, it’s FREE to use!

Install WordPress Using Softaculous

WordPress is constantly updating their script, and they will let you know when it’s time to update your website, again, this to is free.

Always keep your version of which ever CMS you choose to use, updated so your site will run efficiently and safely.

Because WordPress is so popular, there are many free themes and free plugins to get you started at creating an awesome website for your business or hobby.

Once you have setup your website, you should seriously consider installing Google Analytics … it’s FREE!

Google Analytics is a great way for you to monitor your website to see where on your website your visitors are stopping to read, what keywords are bringing them to your website, and where you should improve your website, making it even more user-friendly.

Use & Install Google Analytics Tutorial for Beginners

Search engine verifications are another great FREE SEO tool. To be able to verify your website using these tools, you will need to create a couple of different webmaster accounts. Google and Bing are the most popular.

Verify Your Website in Google Search Console

Verify Your Website in Bing

So … now let’s move on to…

Find What’s Hot and What’s Not

screen print of Google's trends website

This free SEO tool can be VERY helpful for those who are trying to decide on a niche to focus on, be it that you business is local or worldwide.

You will soon discover WHERE in the world your chosen niche ideas are the most popular, when searching for trends.

SEO Keyword Tool for Free

screen print of's website

As you can see, this website site states that you can “find out what your audience is looking for” because their “keyword tool helps you find the keywords that people are typing into Google Search Box”.

Please understand; I am certain there is another SEO keyword tool for free out there on the internet. This one is simply a great free keyword tool that I like using.

Planning Your Keywords

screen print of Google's Keyword Planner site

Once you’ve got your list of keywords that Google users are searching with to find your type of business (niche) or hobby, you may want to use Google’s very own Keyword Planner. This is how you can easily determine which of the keywords you have found that should perform best in search results for your type of business or hobby.

Keyword Rank Checker

screen print of ahrefs website tool

This Keyword Rank Checker has integrated keyword rank checking functionality into three core tools:

  1. Site Explorer – which will show you every keyword that the target website or page ranks for.

  2. Rank Tracker – Tracks the ranking for up to 10,000 keywords, over time.

  3. Keywords Explorer – Shows useful data about the current top-ranking pages for ANY keyword.

Get Your Site Indexed Quicker

screen pring ot Google XML Sitemap plugin's site

If you are now using WordPress, here is a great way for you to gain more SEO advantage. This plugin makes it easier for search engines to crawl your website, and is one of the quickest methods of getting search engines to index your website.

BONUS TIP: Once this plugin has been installed and working properly on your website, you can find the URL of your sitemap under Settings and the plugin name.

Be sure to use your sitemap URL in a custom link, and add it to your website’s footer for even MORE SEO advantage!

Check Your Website’s SEO

screen print of's site

This SEO tool for free offers an easier, automated way to check your website’s search engine optimization.

Things like; missing Meta data, URL redirects, page compression, javascript errors, canonicalization issues etc. that can impact your website if not done right, this tool automatically checks for you.

SEO is constantly evolving, and this tool can help you stay ahead of any changes that are happening. Best of all, this tool can also show you how to fix any outstanding issues noted on your website.

Check Your Website’s Local Listing

screen print of Moz's local liksting site

If you are a local business and you have completed all other steps in optimizing your website, you may want to see how your site compares in local listings.

Once you are on their website, in the textbox clearly labeled “Enter your business”, type in your type of business.

Example: if you’re business is registered as a plumber, then type “plumber” (without the quotation marks, of course) into that textbox.

Then, add your business postal code, providing your business is located in Canada or Great Britain … or your business zip code if your business is located in the United States of America.

Then click on their “Check my Business Listing” button.

If you do NOT see your business listed among the businesses in your geographical area, you will want to make sure your business is found in Facebook (a fan page is best), Google (shown above), Bing, etc.

Once this is done, check with Moz’s local listing tool again to see if your business is being seen after you have made the necessary changes.

Check Your Website for Broken Links

screen print of's website

You will find there are some pretty amazing broken link checker plugins. I’ve used a few and they truly are awesome.

However, finding EVERY problem link on your website may need this free online broken link checker too.

Recently, I discovered a broken link that was being inaccurately reported by the plugin checker … yet this free online tool showed me EXACTLY where the broken link was, and I was able to locate and fix it.

Now I can expect my SEO will improve!

Check for Duplicate Content & Possible Plagiarism

screen print of's website

This free online SEO tool will check your posts and/or pages to see if your website content is original or not. If you duplicate content it will definitely hurt your website and damage your reputation.

This site also offers free plagiarism warning banners to let your website visitors know that is not wise to copy your content, should they be thinking to do so.

Here is their all-inclusive guide to dealing with copiers!

Improve Your Website Loading Speed

screen print of Google's PageSpeed website

Search engine software (known as spiders) crawl websites in order to index them. If your site is slow to crawl, this will affect your site’s ranking in the search engine results for your niche.

Loading speed also improves a user’s experience. Slow to load sites tend to have higher bounce rates, meaning users leave before the page finishes loading.

Like all of the other free SEO tools mentioned above, this SEO tool is not only a valuable tool, but also a free online SEO tool that you can use to check for your website’s speed of loading in a browser, as well of any issues that you may need to fix on your site in order to improve your site’s rank.

All you need to do is enter your website URL, click the “Analyze” button, and wait seconds for a report on your website.

Improve Your SEO

screen print's site

This free to use online SEO tool will help you to polish those sometimes overlooked things like page titles, Meta tags, social links, etc. When using their tool you will be able to test any changes that you want to make that you think might improve your site’s optimization, BEFORE you actual making changes on your website.

How Search Engines See Your Website

screen print of's website

This SEO online app will give you an “all in one place” view of how search engines are seeing your website, and for free.

As their loading page states, there is “nothing to download, nothing to install.”

All you need to do is add your website URL in the textbox at the top, where they have a sample URL already loaded, and ready for you to use to check out what you will see, before testing using your own website address.

Make any necessary changes, and then be sure to check with this tool again to see if what search engines will see is what you want your site’s search results to look like.

Instruct Search Engines

screen print of Internet Marketing Ninjas online robot.txt generator

A robot.txt file is very important for all websites. This file not only provides search engine spiders with important instructions when crawling a website, but it can also be used to protect a website from malicious bots from accessing a website.

This SEO tool is also online and free to use in creating a robot.txt file for your website.

This is by no means the only SEO tools for free online. There are so many more available that you can use.

For another list of suggestions in improving your sites SEO, check out the following article:, … and then, be prepared to continue learning. The internet is forever changing.

Should you find yourself too busy to create … or simply tend your own website, you might give serious consideration to hiring a reliable website designer to manage your website regularly for you.

If you found this article on free web SEO tools helpful, I do hope you will share it with all your friends, and I am looking forward to your commenting, below.

SEO tools for free
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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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