Tom E says he is going to cut through the muck and all of the hype right now and ask you a question.
Would you like to exploit a legal loophole on a $280 billion dollar site and make $50 a day from it?
He goes on to say that in the next two minutes, he is going to show you exactly how to do that.
He says he wants you to literally forget everything that you know about affiliate marketing, and picture what he is about to share with you, instead.
- ) He sends you free traffic
- ) Because of that traffic, someone clicks on your affiliate link but they don’t buy anything
Tom then says, “Sad face, right?” …followed quickly by: “No sad face. Do you know why?”
He says it is because for the next 24 hours, simply by having clicked on your affiliate link, you will get paid a commission for everything else that they spend in their entire life.
And, Tom emphasis that he means EVERYTHING… from computers, to groceries, to books, to affiliate products, you are getting paid a commission for everything that they buy in the next 24 hours.
Now, Tom says, picture hundreds of people clicking on that link of yours daily, automatically.
That’s exactly what this brand new, out of the box method does.
He claims that they are going to get you free traffic… not to try and sell them anything, we don’t care if they buy.
Simply, he goes on, because for the next 24 hours you’re going to get paid for everything that they buy, in their whole life.
Tom claims that this has never been done by anyone before, and that he is about to let you in on it.
Tom says that as a matter of fact that this loophole works so well that he is going to make you a promise.
My review of this product will cover the following:
What is Unfair Advantage App System FE?
How Unfair Advantage App System FE Actually Works
My Take on Unfair Advantage App System FE
See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:
What is Unfair Advantage App System FE?

Program Name: Unfair Advantage App System FE
Price: $17 US funds + 1 downsell + 5 upsells
Recommended? YES, with a warning explained in My Take on Unfair Advantage App System FE, below

Tom E and Vick Carty are the developers behind this online video training course.
Tom says he is going to make you a promise.
If you are willing to follow their instructions, he claims that it will be impossible for you not to succeed. Not “virtually impossible”, he says, actually impossible. Tom gives you his word for that.
Now he says that his partner Vick and him got a crazy idea here.
To prove indisputable that this works for anyone, and he says, how about they hand it to his 12-year-old daughter, give her instructions, train her how to do it and see how she does.
Tom claims that this is exactly what they did.
Tom then goes over to his computer and gets on Skype, and has a chat with his partner and his daughter.
This way, Tom says that you will get to see the case study, and see how well she did.
During the Skype call, Tom introduces Yana (12) and says that he understands she learned how to do this and has been doing this for a few days now. And he asked her if that is right.
Yana responds with a yes.
Then, Tom asked her if she found it hard, and Yana said no, not at all. She said it was like copy and pasting.
Tom then asked her what her favourite part was of it, and Yana responded with “Money.”
At this point in the landing page video, it sounds though it has been sped up, as Vick starts speaking VERY quickly in taking over the chat, by reviewing Yana’s results. Their chat ends shortly afterwards.
Tom says there is a reason that they call this method the Unfair Advantage, because… he claims, it truly is.
He goes on to say that he has been in this business for eight years now, and that he has never once seen a method where it is literally impossible to fail, as long as you follow simple instructions.
He says that you just witnessed a 12-year-old girl succeed with this and make $50 a day. Tom says it really doesn’t matter who does this method.
If you are 12 or 90 years old, none of it matters because it is simply impossible to fail, as long as you are willing to follow their instructions.
Tom goes on to say this is unlike regular affiliate marketing, we don’t care if people click on links and don’t buy from us, because we’re going to make money on them in the next 24 hours, regardless.
So, Tom asks… who is Unfair Advantage for?
He responds to his question with: This is for you if you have had it. If you’ve tried method after method and you just want to see results.
And results, he says, per his promise, they will get you.
Tom says that it is also for you if you are just looking for additional income, or if you want to scale.
You just want to go past fifty bucks a day, you want two, three or four hundred dollars a day; Then Unfair Advantage is completely and fully scalable.
Tom says that he also realizes that a lot of you guys are struggling extra hard right now. That some of you have lost your jobs.
He says that he has friends and family who have lost theirs. So financial security isn’t there.
He says that’s another thing that is great about this method. It can give you that financial security.
As a matter of fact, Tom says, when the economy is normal this method works wonderfully.
When the economy struggles it works even better.
Tom says that is what he wants for you… security, financial security.
“Wouldn’t it be nice to have an income you could always count on, no matter what?”, Tom asks. He says that is exactly what Unfair Advantage does.
Tom says that all you have to do is buy it, set it up and simply follow their directions, and you’re there.
If you can do that, he says, that he promises you that you will succeed. That’s the reason they are sharing this wonderful method with you.
Give it a go for 30 days, see what you think. Tom says that if he doesn’t keep his promise, if you don’t see any results, send it back and they will be more than happy to refund your money.
How Unfair Advantage App System FE Actually Works

Inside the Members Area you will find the following:
Welcome video (2:46) Tom E. introduces himself (and, on behalf of Vick Carty) and welcomes you to the training.
He claims that nothing like this exists anywhere, and literally [his words] turns affiliate marketing on its head… all you have to do, he goes on to say, is take action and keep taking action and you will see those commissions due to the uniqueness of this method.
A link to “free training” is offered below this video.
How to Make $1,000 a week by copying others’ success webinar replay (1:20:31) – a link to a landing page with prices, is offered below this webinar replay.
Step 1 – Method Overview (5:50) this training, Tom E. claims to be sort of a polar opposite to affiliate marketing but is still affiliate marketing.
Driving traffic to a site is where you get paid if the person buys after clicking your link.
Tom says they work with Amazon and YouTube.
He goes on to say that they take advantage of a loop hole in amazon dot com… which is:
“if you promote any product on Amazon and someone clicks that affiliate link, even if they don’t buy that product… now, for the next 24 hours, anything they buy from amazon dot com, you would get paid for it.”
Now, you will be creating review videos on YouTube and they supply templates for you to use.
Tom says that they have a software to help you steal your competitions keywords, so that your video will rank high on YouTube.
Step 2 – Unfair Advantage Full System (7 videos)
Video #1 (2:29) – a fella introduces himself as Vick Carty, and he promises to give you everything you need to know to get started first.
He claims this is a really updated version of Unfair Advantage, and that they keep it up to date. Below this video, you will find…
Training Video (05:26) – Vick shows you how to sign up for your Amazon Associate account, with an easy to access link offered below this video for you to use in signing up to Amazon.
He also shows you around inside an Associate account.
Video #2 (00:44) – Vick tells you how you can move to the next step, and he says by now you have your associate account setup so you know how to get your associate links, so now is the time to start finding products.
Below this video, you will find…
Training Video (2:34) – Vick shows you what you need to do once you have your Amazon affiliate links, and then he tells you to get the software they have made available to you.
Video #3 (00:39) – Vick tells you that you’ve already got your search done and you know what you want to promote, and you have your affiliate link.
And, now you need to use your done-for-you template that you will use to create your review video. Below this video, you will find…
Training Video (5:48) – an unnamed female narrator tells you that you will learn how you can create videos using their done-for-you template, by simply adding images, adding text, and rendering the video.
She says that you can find the template in the Bonus Area.
She then shows you the Amazon product that she will be using for her demonstration, and then going back and forth between the done-for-you template and the product, she slowly creates a review video.
Video #4 (00:49) – Vick says he is assuming you have created your first video now, using the done-for-you template.
Now is the time you access your software (the Unfair Advantage App that you’re going to use), and where you can register your account (a link below this video is offered to that software).
In the training videos (below this video), Vick says that you are provided with your Getting Started training, the YouTube Listing training, and all the good stuff.
Training Video #1 (1:55) – the unknown female narrator shows you how to setup your API key in the Unfair Advantage App that you just signed up to access.
Training Video #2 (7:48) – Vick shows you around the Unfair Advantage App even more.
Using the video that you just created using the done-for-you template, he suggests that you always use thumbnails that are eye-catching for your videos.
This way, he says your videos will get more clicks.
Using your video’s URL, Vick briefly shows you how to find trending tags and use them, and you can get your competitor channel analysis by spying on your competition by clicking on Advanced Search.
Vick says that you can also analyze your own channel with this software.
Vick says that in the next video, he will show you how to optimize your review video before you even upload it.
Training Video #3 (8:54) – Vick shows you how to use the Unfair Advantage App by walking you through EACH step, one at a time.
He says he is doing this training while on his tablet, so you can do this using any device.
Vick provides some very helpful tips that you will need to make note of so you can use them for all of your review videos.
Video #5 (00:44) – Vick says that by now you have your YouTube listing ready using the Unfair Advantage App software.
Now he moves to the next step that you will do before uploading your review video to YouTube.
Training Video (3:25) – Vick shares great ways to get better YouTube rankings for your video reviews by optimizing it, using his secret.
Video #6 (00:38) – Vick says now you have done everything, your YouTube listing is ready, you have the video file optimized, and now it is time to upload your video.
He asks that once you find your video ranking well using his technique, he would like you to send them a screen shot to share your success with them.
Training Video (3:35) – the unknown female narrator shows you how to upload a video to your YouTube channel and assure it ranks high in YouTube quickly.
Video #7 (00:36) – Vick says that by now you have your review video on YouTube.
He then asks you, how many ways can you make money with this system?
He says there are tons of them but he will share 3 important steps that you can take to make money with the Unfair Advantage System.
These steps are explained in the training video below this one.
Training Video (5:34) – The Unfair Advantage System uses the free traffic strategy, ask friends and family to help you spread the message (social media), and use it yourself.
SIDE NOTE: Vick tells you to use a two different Amazon accounts to cheat the system. NOT a good idea!
Step 3 – Access Your Software (1:23) – Vick shows you the Unfair Advantage App, how to create your account, how you log in, and once you’ve logged in, he will show you what is where in the dashboard of this software.
Below this video is a link for you to use to get your software.
Step 4 – Templates – a link to download your templates is offered here, which takes you to Google drive where you can right-mouse click on the template file name and select download.
This is a 27 MB zip file. Inside, you will find 2 different styles of templates. The templates come as PowerPoint Presentations or Keynote files for MAC users.
Unfair Advantage Upgrades:
Upgrade #1 – Unfair Advantage Unhinged – claims are made that they will only sell 50 of these. At the time of writing this, 37 spots are already gone. $37 US funds.
Upgrade #2 – Unfair Advantage Copy Us – said to be limited to only 40 people. $37 US funds.
Upgrade #3 – Unfair Advantage We Do It For You – said to only offer 25 spots with 17 now gone. $97 US funds.
Upgrade #4 – Unfair Advantage Professional Edition – said to be limited to 20 people. $37 US funds.
Upgrade #5 – Unfair Advantage Guaranteed Career – said to be limited to the first 10 people. #197 US funds
Bonus Area
First bonus is a link to Anthony Morrison’s How To Make $997 Commission.
Second bonus is a link to Traffic Buddy for you to use to get video shares, embedded, comments and views.
Third bonus is Video #1 – Profit Booster Niche (10:13) – Vick explains where is the money [lots of distracting background noises in this video]. He shares what niche you should target.
Fourth bonus is Video #2 – Video Profit X (9:45) – Vick shares with you how to make money with YouTube videos [lots of distracting background noises in this video too].
Additional Bonuses – 2 links are provided to other vendor’s products which are free courses. One link is to a course by Mike from Main, and the other one is to Eric Hammer’s Durable course.
Support (1:58) – Vick shows you how to submit a ticket to his support staff. A link below is provide to his support desk.
When submitting a ticket, Vick says that it will be 24 – 48 hours to hear back, and NOT on weekends.
My Take on Unfair Advantage App System FE

Sadly, there is little true value in the Unfair Advantage App System FE, making the purchase price not worth bothering with.
Though I did learn one tiny technique that I do believe might be used to help rank YouTube videos, I learned absolutely nothing else of any use (especially NOT the keyword stuffing that’s for sure).
The BAD parts of Vick’s advice in the Video 7 Training Video, sent a shiver up my spine.
He suggests creating two different Amazon accounts and then suggests that you use one for your Amazon Associate account only and the other one, use as your personal buying Amazon account.
First off, he offered BAD advice that is considered to be black hat and I do NOT condone black hat techniques to rank faster, as they WILL get you banned as an affiliate really quickly from ANY affiliate account like Amazon, for trying to game their system.
Also, during the training, it is suggested to use screen prints form the Amazon platform, which is a no-no for ANY Amazon Associate to do.
There is a legal way of using their affiliate links and images and if you want to maintain your Associate account with Amazon, then be sure you READ and abide by their strict rules… or, suffer the consequences.
Having said all of that… would YOU hold any review that offers you NO personal experience, as being credible? I know I wouldn’t… thus, in my opinion, this training is a waste of time.
To top that off, a potential buyer of their training that uses a Windows computer is not told PRIOR to purchasing that you will need to have one of the latest versions of PowerPoint on your computer, in order to be able to use their done-for-you template for your video reviews.
So, buy this training at your own peril is my advice to you.
There is the thought that I have that once the marketplace becomes flooded with these types of review videos, your reviews may end up dropping in rank or banned.
I do hope the Unfair Advantage App System FE reviewed here has been most helpful in your making your final decision as to buy… or not to buy. I do believe that the techniques Vick teaches are black hat techniques and that they might work for a short term.
But then you need to ask yourself this: is destroying your reputation worth it?
If you have a question regarding the Unfair Advantage App System FE, then please leave it in a comment below.
Learning should always be fun,