Mathew McDonald shows you a way of adding multi-video content to a single web page that he claims to be extremely, highly effective to generating leads from any website.
He takes you through how to layout multi-video content on a page and then how to actually setup the page to generate leads from the page.
Then, he will show you a tool that stream lines the whole process and if you like what you see, you may even get an early bird deal at the end of his landing page video.
McDonald claims that this tool is going to be great if you are using video content with your websites or businesses.
Then he proceeds to show you a super optimized layout to generate leads for people that are coming to the web page where you have some content for them to consume.
The first thing he does is detail what you have in the layout that he claims is fully optimized.
My review of this product will entail the following:
See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:
What is Video Stack Pages?

Program Name: Video Stack Pages
Price: started low… last checked, the price was $98 US funds (stated as normally $197), plus 1 upsell.
Recommended? YES, but with reservation UPDATED below
Matthew McDonald introduces his great tool that is called Video Stack Pages. He claims that his layout is fully optimized, and offers the viewers your full contact information in a panel beside your video, instead of using an opt-in form.
The Call option is a tap to call option.
He claims that he has removed all unnecessary content from the page, which makes it even more effective.
And then at the top navigation bar, you have a branding bar, which is optional. And down at the bottom you will have a place for your legal links, examples being Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, and Contact.
McDonald goes on to say that the great thing about using this video stack setup like this is the videos are actually working together, so the person visiting your website are not going to have to leave your website to get to the right video.
Once they are on the website, you will want to serve them as much as possible from that one page without any distractions.
So, you’ve got multi-video content, which means the viewer can quickly get to the video that is going to be most relevant to them.
And next to the video, you have a contact panel with personalization with a call to action (which you can customize for your particular audience), and the branding, which is going to be for your business, on the top bar.
Instead of having to use a phone number, you can use tap-to-call so that people who visit your website using mobile devices only need to literally tap to call you. [This works on desktop computers too, if your visitors have Skype or another similar software installed on their computer.]
McDonald recommends using Instant interactive options for contacting you.
Because those of us in North America, generally read from top to bottom, left to right, McDonald explains that is why they have the video content on the left and the contact panel on the right-hand side.
Apparently, if you start to view one video in the stack, and then, before it has completed, you click to view another video, this software will automatically pause the previous video for you automatically.
McDonald demonstrates that you can even jump back to the previous video, making it super easy for the consumer to navigate on your page, and it won’t be irritating for them having to scroll up and down looking for the right video.
You can literally have hundreds of videos all on the one page, all working together. McDonald claims that for you to set such a page up manually, generally you would have a professional designer do it for you, and it could cost you a lot of money.
And, even at that you wouldn’t get this kind of video experience nor all the tap to contact you options available to you that he offers you built into Video Stack Pages.
As a website designer and an online marketer, McDonald says that he knows how much this could add up to with time and money to actually create this kind of pages and to get everything lined up and get it working on mobile devices as well as desktop.
He goes on to say that it can be a very long process, from weeks to months and it could cost you a lot of money, from hundreds to even thousands of dollars to get the perfect page setup.
He claims that his Video Stack Pages does all of this for you, so that you can for yourself, generate these perfect pages where everything is laid out with the multi-video content.
You can create them and you can manage them on your own website, and setting them up takes just minutes.
McDonald claims that Video Stack Pages lets you create super awesome, high converting multi-video content pages in just moments.
How Video Stack Pages Actually Works
Well, when I logged into my test site and tried installing this plugin, I had issues when trying to Activate the License and so I had to reach out to the web hosting support staff to find out how to fix this.

Support informed me that “We have allowed the API request for the plugin server.”
In Matthew McDonald’s Install Guide, he had no problems installing and activating his license, so… be aware the you may see the same prompt that I did when trying to activate your license.
Tried following his Contact Channels guide, and could not see how to view my settings in Edit mode as he showed in his video training. Went ahead and added my details accordingly anyway, from the Settings mode.

By McDonald’s 4th video training, he talks about Getting [your] YouTube API key. However, this option only works with his premium version.
Though, you will want to review this training video too, even if you do not purchase the Premium version, as he shows a few more goodies that are available, and were not mentioned in his previous training videos (including the very important Cookies Notice option!).
Ah, I finally figured out that when you click on the +CREATE NEW PAGE button, you will be prompted to give your page a title. I recommend you setup a test page, and be sure to click on the Image option so that your page will be able to add a relevant image in YOUR view of your Video Stack Pages.

You could click on the Description too, if you wanted to open that option and add information for your own use.
Decided to NOT use the default image. Instead, I choose a different image labeled Bullying, for my test… the clicked on the CONTINUE button (bottom left of image shown above).

Then I added the video URL, once I found an appropriate video on YouTube, and then I added the title.
Now all that was left for me to do is to click on the ADD NOW button (bottom left of image shown above).
Once I did that, I soon discovered that this created a BACKGROUND image.
Not what I wanted to do. So, in the next window… shown below… I clicked on the down arrow to the right of Page Setting…

Then, simply unchecking the Background Image option, which removed the image from being displayed on the PAGE view of the video.

Next, I clicked on the UPDATE button… top right blue button… and my changes were saved. After that I clicked on the Preview button (top – left of UPDATE button) to see what my new video would look like. Yeaaaaah… no background image.
Then… I clicked on the HOME icon (top – left of TEST title) and was returned to HOME page of Video Stack Pages.

When you want to delete your TEST page… see image below…

This slowly becomes easy peasy, once you are more familiar with this plugin. This is why I recommend that you setup a test page first.
I will now let Matthew McDonald show you a bit more in his video below…
Video Stack Pages would certainly be perfect for those who need more than one video on their page. Examples of uses might be a training website, exercise website, yoga online, etc.
This plugin would allow a website to load faster.
Allows your visitors to start from where they left off in watching the stack of videos on your web page.
Price is super reasonable.
Purchasing McDonald’s upsell would be a definite time saver, as his upsell makes it possible for you to add an entire playlist within a minute of your creating a new page.
You can move your Contact Panel to the left of your video if you so wish.
The training McDonald has created so far leaves a lot to be desired… but, if you take the time to create a test, like I showed you above, then you should be a pro at this in no time at all.
I discovered the hard way that there is NO support for his plugin.
Is Video Stack Pages for Real?

Yes, I do believe that Video Stack Pages if for real and I do recommend this… but… for short term use only.
UPDATED INFO: Recently discovered that there is NO support to be found.
When trying to make an edit to the Create New Page that I had created without an image, thinking I could add an appropriate image later, I soon discovered that I could not and went back inside Matthew McDonald’s membership site to reach out to his support team, only to discover there is NO SUPPORT provided for this product.
So, how much longer will this plugin work is anyone’s guess. Is it being tended to? I cannot say for certain.
If you have ANY issue where you may need support, Sadly, I discovered that you will not have it with this plugin.
GET my FREE guide NOW!
Hope you have enjoyed my review of Video Stack Pages and that my review has made it easier for you to decide whether to purchase this or not.
Should you have any questions regarding is Video Stack Pages for real, I look forward to your leaving a comment below.
Best wishes,