A man identifying himself as Blessedman is the vendor of List Profit Master.
He asks you if you’d like to build a list of hungry buyers, with a new lead technology, and he claims it is 10 times more powerful than email.
He states that this new list building tech:
- gets up to 300% more opens then email,
- drives up to 1000% more clicks then email,
- is 10 times faster then email,
- doesn’t require an autoresponder, and best of all,
- you can’t be banned or booted off by anyone, ever.
- And, you can add your email leads to this list technology too.
Blessedman says that you’re probably wondering how does this work and how you can start building a buyer list without email today.
He claims that up until recently, his business was all about email, but that he always felt like there was something missing because email has some big problem.
Blessedman asks you if this sounds familiar: as an email marketer, you need to worry about:
- Creating lead magnets,
- Designing squeeze pages,
- Spending thousands on autoresponders,
- The technique side of collecting leads,
- The hours it takes to write out emails,
- Struggling to get opens and clicks, and worst of all
- the constant fear that you might get banned by an autoresponder, at any time and for any reason.
So, all your hard work explodes in seconds, in a cloud of smoke.
Blessedman states that 95% of marketers know that they should be list building, yet less then 1% do it.
Then he asks you if you’d like to see how this is done, claiming that this is where the List Profit Master comes in, ready to change the game for 2022.
My review of List Profit Master reveals the following:
- What is List Profit Master?
- How List Profit Master Actually Works
- My Take on List Profit Master
- Summary
If You Don’t Want to Waste Anymore of Your Time on Scams,
See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:
What is List Profit Master?

Program Name: List Profit Master
Website: https://listprofitmaster.suite.to/
Price: $27 US funds – No upsells, no downsells
Recommended? NO
Blessedman introduces List Profit Master that works like this:
Step 1: Choose Cities – find businesses in your city that are building email lists, using their local business researcher.
Then they create their embed code, using their cutting-edge tech for them or for Blessedman’s business, and they paste it onto their website or other’s.
Then, whenever someone visits the website, they get a push opt-in message, and anyone who clicks “yes”, gets instantly subscribed to their list.
And, he’s quick to add that you can start building a push list from any website or blog that you own or for your client’s.
Or, apparently, you can use his push pages software to create an instant, self-hosted website for the fastest setup, and that’s it.
According to Blessedman, you then have a website preloaded with your push code, ready to build leads on day one.
Step 2: Setup a Web Push Autoresponder on your website or your client’s site, welcoming your new customers with a 14-day follow-up sequence. Just like any email autoreponder, you’ll want to welcome your new leads.
And Blessedman claims that is where the follow-up sequence comes in with List Profit Master. He says that you can queue up follow-up messages between 0 to 14 days.
Plus, Blessedman states that your messages are sent exactly 24 hours from when the customers subscribed, so your messages work with your subscriber’s global time zone, for the best opens and clicks.
In case you wanted to get started right away, Blessedman says that you can also use his ‘pre-created’ templates. He claims that you get:
- 25 affiliate promo templates for JVZoo, Warrior and Clickbank, plus
- 25 content templates for lead magnet giveaways software and content.
Apparently, all you need to click is once to load the template, then edit the affiliate link, and maybe tweak a few things, if you want. Then click again to cue your message.
Step 3: Broadcast – send out daily web push messages every time you send out a new blog post. Now you’re sending autroresponder messages to your new leads or that of your client’s.
Blessedman says that it’s time to send broadcast messages, broadcasting instantly at any time, to any lists. Then check the view broadcasts page to view open, and click rates.
And, he claims that you can split test your messages, to take your messages to the next level; and you are to remember, you can use his done for you template pack for both follow-up and broadcast messages.
Blessedman then asks you if you can see how easy this is, and he claims that it’s the fastest way to collect buyer leads using the power of push to make money for yourself or your clients.
He states that you can build a list and send messages with a higher deliverability, higher opens and more clicks then email.
Blessedman then asks you if you can see how new and different this technology is. And he claims that building a list has never been this exciting.
Then Blessedman asks you if you can follow his three steps and click four times; and are you frustrated at the old ways of getting traffic; and are you ready to try something truly new?
Then yes, he states that this can work for you as long as you have a browser to run the app on, you can dive into a near unlimited pool, whenever you feel like a cash dip.
Blessedman is quick to add that you could be making money with dozens of cash grabs every month, just like he is doing, and with:
- no monthly fees,
- no costs,
- no setup time,
- no writing, and
- no worrying about traffic
He claims that it’s the software he would have wanted when he started out.
Then Blesseman asks you if you’re starting to get what he’s saying. For the first time in your life, he claims, you’re on the inside.
He says that you should click on his buy button as you owe it to yourself to try this. Apparently, it’s 100% risk-free.
To review the List Profit Master features:
- Complete software suite to explode your profits,
- All cloud-based tools that run on all devices,
- Full commercial agency rights for every software use,
- Includes training, PDF quick start guide and video training,
- Customer support team available to help and coach you 24/7,
- You get a 30-day money back guarantee, unconditional and 100% risk-free.
Blessedman says that you are to remember that he is here to help you succeed but that you must act now.
He states that this is strictly on a first-come first-served basis.
And, he says that once the price discount ends, he’ll have to start charging $147 per month for each license he sells. Blessedman claims that he’s sorry but a deal this good there are no second chances.
Once you buy, he states that you’ll get instant access to his software in under a minute, and that nothing could be simpler.
He says that now is your chance, you can’t wait on this as the price will increase every 24 hours, so you best act now, so that you can make money in 2022.
Blessedman claims that this opportunity will only last so long, and that he can only help so many people, so sign up now and he’ll see you on the inside.
NOTE: Blessedman’s landing page clearly states Risk Free for 60 Days.

How List Profit Master Actually Works

Found it rather unusual that the members page does NOT require a password to access it.
From the members page, you will find tips on bookmarking this page so that you can return. Each offering is provided, one below the other, starting with the following:
LIST PROFIT MASTER-LOCAL BIZ SEARCHER button offered, with instructions to CLICK HERE TO ACCESS LIST PROFIT MASTER-LOCAL BIZ SEARCHER, NOTE: please create your account above to access the software.
LIST PROFIT MASTER-PUSH PRO LITE button offered, with instructions to CLICK HERE TO ACCESS LIST PROFIT MASTER-PUSH PRO LITE, NOTE: please create your account above to access the software.
LIST PROFIT MATER-WEBSITE 2 PUSH button offered, with instructions to CLICK HERE TO ACCESS LIST PROFIT MASTER-WEBSITE 2 PUSH, NOTE: please create your account above to access the software.
Below which instructions found as follows:
CLICK HERE TO ACCESS LIST PROFIT MASTER – INSTANT PUSH PROFITS, NOTE: please create your account above to access the software.
Any problems, contact Blessedman using his personal support email address that he provides you with.
Could find NONE!
ALL button links lead to Not Found web page, and you do NOT need to setup an account to access the 1st software, as his note stated.
There are NO PDF or video training instructions provided, as was promised.
There are no templates supplied as was promised.
LIST PROFIT MASTER-LOCAL BIZ SEARCHER software, simply provides you with a URL of a Google search phrase that can be used to help you locate whichever professional, business you seek to contact.
PLUS, you can reach this website FREE! And, Chiropractors were a professional that wasn’t even listed (watch my video review, below, to see).

CLICK HERE TO ACCESS LIST PROFIT MASTER-PUSH PRO LITE, opens a new page, see screen print below.

CLICK HERE TO ACCESS LIST PROFIT MASTER-WEBSITE 2 PUSH, same issue as shown above. See screen print below.

LIST PROFIT MASTER-INSTANT PUSH PAGES, exactly the same issue as shown in the 2 screen prints above. See screen print below.

LIST PROFIT MASTER-MY HUGE BONUS WORTH MORE THAN $5000, is a Google doc of links that appears to have been issued by David Kirby NOT Blessedman, as he implied.

My Take on List Profit Master

Is List Profit Master a scam? I’m sure Blessedman didn’t mean to deceive anyone but this was very unprofessionally presented.
List Profit Master is NOT a very honest offer, as he provides his customer’s with freely accessible “software” of another vendor, that may or may not work (did not want to chance it), as well as offering another vendor’s bonuses, though they were his very own.
Thus, I do NOT recommend List Profit Master by Blessedman.
Below is my video review of List Profit Master by Blessedman
Hopefully, this vendor learns to be more honest in the future.
This goes to show you how easy it is for a person to become a dishonest vendor and dupe others into purchasing products and/or services that are easily accessible online (if you know how to find them) without paying.
Please, always RESEARCH whatever it is that you want to buy, FIRST.
And remember: If it sounds to good to be true, then WALK AWAY so that you can keep your money!
Should you have any question(s) regarding is List Profit Master a scam, please leave them in a comment below.
I respect my viewers and respond to all comments in a timely manner,
Don’t Get Duped,