Claims are made that the premium version of Freemake Video Converter Gold Pack can:
- convert over five hundred different formats and devices,
- burn a DVD (and yes, they even claim you can burn Blu-ray too), as well as
- convert streaming videos,
- upload your videos to YouTube and a
- whole lot more.
Then there are those promises of:
- 10 times faster video conversion,
- customized DVD burning, videos for gadgets and the web, as well as
- advanced video editing
…which are the four outstanding options promised to those interested in purchasing this software.
The video editing intrigued me, I have to admit.
They claim that you can:
- cut out unwanted video parts,
- get rid of annoying black bars,
- join several videos into one,
- rotate clips,
- make photograph slideshows and
- that all edits are backed up.
It has been awhile since I found the need to actually burn a DVD.
However, I gave this a try too, thinking that some of you with older family members who might love to receive a DVD copy of your “this year’s family vacation”.
If so, I figure you may want to be able to do this by providing top quality version of your videos to them on DVD.
The “upload to my YouTube channel” option is no big deal for me as YouTube offers members and easy drag and drop feature anyway… and I like to complete the description field properly first anyway, so I saw no need of testing that feature out.
My review of this product will cover the following topics:
- What is Freemake Video Converter?
- How Freemake Video Converter Actually Works
- Is Freemake Video Converter Worth Buying?
See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:
What is Freemake Video Converter?

Program Name: Freemake Video Converter
Price: $38 US funds (they trick you by stating only $19 US funds, but if you want all features you will need to pay another $19 US funds)
Recommended? NO
How Freemake Video Converter Actually Works

So… here is what I did when taking this software for a thorough test drive for the options that I can use.
First, I tired making DVDs from URLs that I copied into Freemake Video Converter from YouTube… and though the quality of most free movies online isn’t all that great, the DVD copy was pretty much equal to what was being offered on YouTube which amazed me.
Then I tried making DVDs from my mp4 and avi movie files… VOILA! They worked great, though probably not so good for viewing on the larger TV screens.
My next step I took was trying to join 6 Jane Austen movies together as one because those 6 avi movies were originally burned to a DVD disc back in the days when DVD players would actually play avi files.
But alas, the avi file that was created by joining all 6 movies (11 hours 30 minutes!) was far too large to burn to another DVD… Shuckers!
So, I will simply use this large file stored on an external drive to play on my TV at a later date. All 6 movies were joined without a loss of the original quality of the 6 avi files.
I must admit, I’m impressed.
Then I decided to see how the photo slideshow option would work.
So I used a large number of image quotes of which most of them I created, while a few others were given to me to use whatever way I wished to. I’m sure you will spot the differences, LOL.
Also used a royalty free sound file that I received years ago now for the background music, and the photo slideshow turned out… well… why not simply scroll down and see for yourself, as I have embedded my video results below for your ease in witnessing the quality.
As for actual editing videos in detail, this software does NOT do that… though that would definitely make it a MUST HAVE software for more users given that many of us are now creating videos for our YouTube channels.
Is Freemake Video Converter Worth Buying?

No, I do not believe that Freemake Video Converter worth buying for those in need of converting files, especially if you will need to do this on a regular basis.
My first reason for giving this software a less than desirable rating is that I feel it a bit sneaky how the vendor states that their software is only $19 US funds, but then once you have download and installed it you discover that you cannot use all of the features until you pay yet another $19 US funds.
Though I feel this a slightly underhanded way of marketing, I’m sure others would deem it clever marketing… and, I guess they would be right because when I ask myself if I would have given this software a second glance if it had of been priced properly at $38 US funds, would I have purchased it?
My answer would be: “NOPE, probably not!”
I was glad to have purchased Freemake Video Converter, and that I upgraded to Gold when I did, as I truly thought it to be worth it for me at that point in time.
However, two years later and I had a project that MUST be completed right NOW. I had 4 short videos in AVI format that HAD to be converted to WMV so that I could join the 4 pieces into one, edit out any bits I didn’t want, and add the necessary transitions.
When I fired up this software, I was prompted to updated it. I had soooo many issues with this software that I contacted their support staff… but… the did NOT respond in a timely manner.
Then I tried rebooting the computer in case THAT was the issue… and, I was able to convert ONE of the AVI files before it continually crashed trying to convert the other 3.
I was FINALLY able to get my AVI files converted by starting up my old, reliable WindowsXP computer, and taking my files over to it in order to convert them.
An older version of VLC Media Player on that computer allowed me to convert 2 of the four AVI files even though the Windows10 version refused to budge in converting any of the. Now, 1 AVI file still refused to be converted.
Thankfully an old version of editing software allowed me to edit an AVI file, so I uploaded and then exported that last files… pheeeew. By 4:00 AM, I FINALLY had my videos edited, joined, the transitions added, a thumbnail file created and I left my computer uploading that file to my YouTube channel.
When the Freemake Video Converter support staff did finally respond the next day, their answer was for me to prove what I said by providing them with a screen print. WOW, right?
Then 24 hours later, I received an email from them with the following instruction:
Please try these steps
Sooooo… needless to say, I will NO longer be relying on this software for converting AVI files in the future. Thankfully, I have my tried, true and trusty WindowsXP computer hand, off in a corner where it will remain until my computer days are over. 🙂
Due to the clever marketing AND the fact that the updated version no longer works for me, I can NOT recommend Freemake Video Converter.
Freemake Video Converter Gold Guides
The video guides below will show you how quickly you can do the different options offered inside Freemake Video Converter Gold Pack.
Upload Photos to YouTube
Upload Music to YouTube
How to Rip DVD
How to Rotate Video
How to Convert Video to PS3
How to Convert Video to iPod
How to Convert Video Between Formats
How to Add Subtitles to a Movie
How to Burn DVD
How to Convert Video to HTML5
How to Convert WMA to MP3
How to Convert to Fit Your Device Model
How to Convert to Flash
How to Join Videos into One
If you found the information provided here in my review to be most helpful on your making a decision as to whether to purchase Freemake Video Converter or not, I hope you will share this post.
Should you have any questions whether is Freemake Video Converter worth buying, please do leave me a comment below so that we can discuss this further.
I make a habit of responding in a timely manner as I appreciate each and every comment I receive.
Thanks for dropping by,