Chris promises to introduce you to an incredible new opportunity to get free, done for you affiliate bots using the power of 1 click moneymaking notifications.
He states that if you are watching his video that you must be an Affiliate Bots customer and that you want to profit.
Chris claims that today he has a way you can do that by his doing all of the work for you and sending you a daily profit opportunity, instantly into your browser… meaning he does all of the work and you would only need to click once and start profiting.
Then Chris goes on to show you a screen print of what he claims is his earnings between 26 Feb 2019 and 01 March 2019 in affiliate commissions.
Which he claims to have “done in specific ways promoting specific affiliate programs at specific times using specific methods.”
He then goes on to explain that these specific ways can be copied if you know what to do, and often, only if you know to profit at specific times… within a specific day, within a specific few hour windows in some cases.
Chris continues explaining while showing you screen prints of what he says is deep search using AI Search, the name of his traffic search engine, which he states has over one hundred thousand sites.
Chris never does reveal his surname, so that is why I will be referring to him only as Chris throughout this review.
- What is Affiliate Bots 2.0?
- How Affiliate Bots 2.0 Actually Works
- Is Affiliate Bots 2.0 Bogus?
- Learn Affiliate Marketing, Tools Included
See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:
What is Affiliate Bots 2.0?
Program Name: Affiliate Bots 2.0
Price: $12 US funds + 2 or more upsells + 1 downsell
Recommended? NO
Chris continues explaining which affiliate product would be best to promote at the time he made his next screen print.
He goes on to say why the one product would be best to promote and why, explaining that:
- most affiliates would not know this information if you don’t live and breathe it…
- if you don’t already make a good and consistent income, and
- know a lot of the people who are doing the promoting, like Chris does.
He then asks you, “what if I could just beam this information right to your browser?” while showing you screen prints of tiny popup windows with hints offered by Chris, using
This way, Chris says, you could be literally going about your day and then you would receive a notification that looks something like one of those shown in the screen print below, depending on your device, obviously.
These notifications might tell you, well in advance about:
- a product launch, a new product Chris has found or
- a new niche that he has discovered,
…and all that you would need to do is simply click on the notification to visit anyone of the JVZoo product pages:
- to visit the affiliate program,
- to see the deep link (load a specific URL) direct into ProClub
- to see the information right there, with everything already been done for you.
Chris says he is going to give you that opportunity today.
As an example, he says; imagine knowing about this $100k day in revenue promotion that he promoted weeks ago, before anyone else.
As an example, imagine knowing about this ConversionBot launch that went on this week that he promoted which was over a hundred thousand dollars a day in revenue… imagine knowing about this weeks ago, before anyone else.
This is a launch that Chris states that he knew about months before and was actually involved in the preparation of the offer and he states that he has generated huge revenue… and, this was a new vendor not someone that most people knew about.
Chris goes on to explain that there are many, many examples of affiliate programs, launches, traffic sources, of keywords, of various opportunities like this that he claims to know about well before anyone else.
He goes on to claim that he has tons and tons of knowledge as to which launches, affiliate programs, offers, and basically where the money is in 2019.
He says that you may be asking; why isn’t every member of Affiliate Bots 2 getting the same great results that Chris is?
Chris says he thinks that one of the main reasons people are not getting the same results is:
- you know the information is there,
- you can see the profits in front of you,
- you can see people making money, but
- you may feel overwhelmed with so many software tools,
- so many affiliate programs,
- so many launches that you don’t necessarily know which to focus on.
His solution is to let him feed you the most profitable opportunities that are making him and other people money.
Let him deep link you to specific hidden money pages inside Affiliate Bots.
And, what that means is that he can send you a link that when you click on it, it will actually load up a tool, run a search and filters.
Then all you have to do is click once to basically perform what took Chris years of knowledge to actually run the search and then a few minutes to set it up.
Also, he can introduce you to Affiliate Bots 1 click at a time, so even if you only want to know how Affiliate Bots works, this is the best way to do it.
Chris states that his ProClub tools and Affiliate Bots are updated 24/7, and that there is more than enough profit opportunities to go around.
As a ProClub member, Chris says that he will notify you of the following:
- Surprise 6 figure launches
- Niche research
- Affiliate program selection
- Hottest ClickBank, JVZoo and Warrior+ deals
- Incredible special discounts
- Finding HOT keywords
- Finding YouTube videos to clone
- Free 1 click moneymaking notifications
Using notifications, Chris says he can send you these done for you opportunities right to your browser providing you use a PC, MAC and/or Android device with either Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari installed.
How Affiliate Bots 2.0 Actually Works
From what I could see, all of the links to “The Software” took my browser to the first link where I understood from the text link of: “CLICK HERE To Access AI Search Software”, which when clicked on this took me to a web page that asked me to either log in or upgrade to gain access.
Then when I clicked the link below that prompt, my browser was pushed to a landing page selling the software that I clicked on expecting to have access to.
Thus you DO need to be a customer to Affiliate Bot, Chris’ initial product, or be prepared to have to pay MORE for access.
The following links read as follows:
- CLICK HERE To Access AI Search Software (takes you to his Affiliate Bots 2.0 landing page)
- CLICK HERE To Access The Web Widgets software
- CLICK HERE To Access CB 250 Software
- CLICK HERE To Access King Of The Zoo Software
- CLICK HERE To Access The 1 Click Affiliate software
- CLICK HERE To Access The Affiliate Ads v2.01 software
- CLICK HERE To Access The Warrior50 software
- CLICK HERE To Access The 1 Click Video Pages software (filter for VSL pages, whatever that is)
- CLICK HERE To Access The FlipDB software
- CLICK HERE To Access The Domainaveli software
- CLICK HERE To Access The Dropaveli Domains Bot software
- CLICK HERE To Access The Hosting Affiliate Bot software
- CLICK HERE To Access The IM Affiliate Bot software
- CLICK HERE To Access The Resell Database software (this page isn’t redirecting properly)
- CLICK HERE To Access The AutoMailer software
And SHOULD state “CLICK HERE to BUY Access to ________” as this is very misleading if you are NOT a customer to Chris’ initial product.
The videos simply tout the software, so that was a waste of time viewing them, and then I downloaded and viewed his Quick Start Guide (a PDF document) and THANKFULLY in the guide offered access to SOME links to Chris’ software.
1.) King of the Zon – claims to be a database of the top 200 Amazon “movers and shakers” from 20 different categories.
Chris offers a suggested search to help find a higher priced product for more commissions.
No matter what I searched, I received a “no results found.” prompt.
2.) ClickBank shown as CB250 – said to be a database of the top 250 ClickBank affiliate programs, and because Clickbank does not have that many new products appearing nowadays, Chris suggests a specific search.
When I clicked on the link in the guide, the search results here were already loaded.
3.) King of the Zoo – described as a database of the top selling products on JVZoo and apparently is updated every 12 hours.
Chris explains that all of the JVZoo products are likely to be profitable to target but the best products are always the new and/or rising in demand products.
NO access link was given to this software.
4.) Launch Pulse – claims are made of this database displaying top product launches coming over the next 30 days on Clickbank, JVZoo and Warrior+. Once again, Chris makes suggestions on how to run the most informative search.
The link provided in the guide sent me to Pro.Club Launch Pulse where 85 launches were shown in the search result.
Obviously, these don’t change very quickly as the list I see looks so similar to Chris’ training video on this software.
The Bonus Training Guides are PDF documents offering further insight into the software Chris is offering access to at an extra expense if you are not a customer of his previous Affiliate Bot product.
T-Shirt Titan literally offers you list of top selling T-Shirts with quotes on them depending on the keywords you type into the Tee Searcher.
The Idea Maker, Auto Designer and Auto Model software might be of use to those looking to have a T-Shirt created… though, for me, this has nothing to do with affiliate marketing.
And last but not least of all is Support… which Chris did responded to my cries for help several times; 2 emails of which were to notify him of 2 bad links on his product web page.
So, you will find that Chris DOES respond to his customer’s emails.
Is Affiliate Bots 2.0 Bogus?
No, I don’t believe Affiliate Bots 2.0 is bogus and I’m sure Chris means well, but I truly feel this product was a waste of my money, given that you are only given literally a sneak peak of what you could have access to for more money… and no means of discovering the true cost for access to all of his software.
Due to this fact, I do NOT recommend Affiliate Bots 2.0.
Learn Affiliate Marketing, Tools Included
No phony promises for what I have to share with you here.
If you truly want to learn to do affiliate marketing the proper way and have the tools provided too, then please DO read on.
The training platform that I would like to introduce you to here offers world-class training that you will NOT find anywhere else.
Not only that but you will have the tools readily available to you in order to follow along with the training… AND… you can start now for FREE!
Yes, I did say FREE. All you need to do is sign up as member to this training platform and then start the lessons. You will have 7 days of FREE access to the first 10 lessons.
Now, tell me that you can find that type of offer ANYWHERE else online or at your local learning institutions.
Don’t get me wrong, this is NOT a get rich quick scheme… it is a training platform and the tasks will require you to work on your business regularly and to follow what you are taught in the training.
You will find an entire community of like-minded individuals here too who are also members of this training platform, and we help each other out whenever possible, making this an awesome way for learning and building any new business.
In the training you will also learn how to attract your potential customers like a magnet for NO cost of advertising.
Yes, you will NOT have to spend even a penny on advertising in order to bring those customers right to your business.
The technique is like the one that brought you here to my post where you are reading this today… all at NO extra advertising cost to me.
So, if you are ready to learn more about this platform, go ahead and read my FREE guide.
If you are as excited as I think you may be, then I have one more goodie to tell you about. In my free guide, I show you how YOU can have ME as your premium coach.
Should you have any questions as to “is Affiliate Bots 2.0 bogus”, or even if you only want to add to the information provided here, feel free to leave me a comment below.
Learning is Fun,