Can Video Sparx Take Your Videos to a Pro Level?

Ray Lane, aka The Video Guy is the vendor of Video Sparx and he says that his goal is to help you create high-level production value in your videos.

He claims that his background is in television production and that he used to work with TV stations doing news production, and commercials promotions.

Ray also claims that he worked on TV programs, like the Late Show with David Letterman, Ghost Hunters, The Montel Williams Show, and a whole lot more.

Then he asks you what all these things have in common, followed by his answer of: they have very high production values, and they use top-tier graphics in their videos.

Ray says that is what he wants to bring to you in Video Sparx.

He claims that video is the most powerful type of content that you can create for marketing your products and services.

And, he says that one of the best ways to improve your videos is by adding professional graphics and animations, and even little touches such as:

  • lower thirds,
  • backgrounds,
  • music
  • stock video clips

And, Ray claims that animations can go a long way from turning a regular video into an astonishing video.

With Ray’s Video Sparx, he says that he has put together such elements that he uses to improve his own videos, so that you can do the same with your videos, and get more sales.

Ray also claims to provide you with full and complete training on how to use each of the Sparx that they include.

He claims to have spent tens of thousands of dollars going to college to learn about video production, and he wants to share this knowledge with you for a lot less than what he paid to learn.

My review of Video Sparx will cover the following:

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What is Video Sparx?

screen print from vendor's landing page

Program Name: Video Sparx


Price: $17 US funds – Plus 1 Upsell and 1 Downsell

Recommended? YES


Ray Lane says that Video Sparx is a collection of:

  • animated lower thirds,
  • animated buttons,
  • animated backgrounds
  • and 4K stock video

…that you can use to raise the level of your productions so that you get more sales and more people watching your videos.

Ray says that with Video Sparx you’re going to be able to take your production values to an entirely new level.

Apparently, this is going to:

  • allow you to look more professional on screen,
  • be able to sell more products,
  • to get more views,
  • and if you produce videos for clients, you’ll be able to charge more money for those videos.

Ray states that at Video Sparx they don’t just give you all of these great animated elements, they’re also going to be giving you complete training on how to use them.

This way, when you go to use an animated lower third, Ray claims they have training on exactly how to use them, and make them look tremendous on every video that you do.

Ray says they have training on how to use video backgrounds behind text, behind actors, behind graphics.

And he claims they have an entire training on how to use their 4K stock videos to make your videos look even better.

And, when it comes to animated buttons, Ray claims that they’ve got a ton of those that will help you to get more subscribers,

  • more likes on Facebook,
  • more buys and
  • whatever action you want taken when people watch your videos.

Ray adds that if you don’t currently have a video editing program, they even have a video editor inside that you’ll be able to use to make professional videos each and every time.

So, if you’re ready to raise the levels of your videos, if you’re ready to make more sales, charge more money for your videos and just look more professional, Ray says that all you need to do is click on his buy button, and he’ll see you on the inside.

How Video Sparx Actually Works

screen print of vendor's member portal

Inside Ray Lane’s member portal, you will find access to:

Vidnimations Vol 1 video (14:02 minutes)

Video Sparx which provides several different sections where the entire collection of animations is made available in bite-sized pieces, in zipped files for your ease in downloading.

  • Lower Third Sparx
  • Animated Button Sparx
  • Background Sparx
  • Stock Video Sparx
  • Music Sparx
  • Sound Effect Sparx
  • Bonus Sparx

Each section (minus the Bonus, of course) has a training video.

  1. Introduction video (52 seconds)
  1. Lower Third Sparx video (17:54 minutes)
    Below this video is a link to the video editing software and 21 zip files
  1. Animated Button Sparx video (08:58 minutes)
    Below this video is a link to the video editing software and 9 zip files
  1. Background Sparx video (09:19 minutes)
    Below this video is a link to the video editing software and 9 zip files
  1. Stock Video Sparx video (09:05 minutes)
    Below this video is a link to the video editing software and 58 zip file
  1. Music Sparx video (13:06 minutes)
    Below this video is a link to the video editing software and 46 zip files
  1. Sound Effect Sparx video (07:49 minutes)
    Below this video is a link to the video editing software and 30 zip files

Local YouTube Channel Course introduction video (01:23)

  1. Introduction To Local YT Channels video (02:48 minutes)
  2. 01 Channel Creation video (03:17 minutes)
  3. 02 Channel Art video (13:31 minutes)
  4. 03 Adding Your Graphics To Your Channel video (04:03 minutes)
  5. 04 Channel Optimization video (19:19 minutes)
  6. 05 Uploading Videos video (09:29 minutes)
  7. 06 Customizing The Channel View video (06:00 minutes)

Viral Local Marketing Course – webinar replays

  1. Week 01 – Google My Business video (1:35:51)
  2. Week 02 – YouTube For Local Businesses video (1:09:40)
  3. Week 03 – Getting Reviews video (1:11:20)
  4. Week 04: Social Media For Business video (1:15:41)
  5. Week 05: Directory Sites video (47:48 minutes)
  6. Week 06: Testimonials video (44:18 minutes)
  7. Week 07: All About Bots video (59:49 minutes)
  8. Week 08: Yelp! video (52:01 minutes)

Local Marketing Masterclass Course– webinar replays (along with links provided to ALL tools that are discussed in each webinar)

  1. 001 – Evaluating What We Have video (1:07:21)
  2. 002 – Google My Business & Updates video (1:07:42)
  3. 003 – YouTube For Local Business and Updates video (1:15:44)
  4. 004 – Social Media and Facebook video (1:14:29)
  5. 005 – Advertising and Updates video (1:08:49)
  6. 006 – Alternative Income Opportunities & Updates video (1:06:07)
  7. 007 – Directories and Other Listings video (1:02:13)
  8. 008 – Text Message Marketing & Rewards Programs video (1:08:52)
  9. 009 – Charity Marketing and Using Yelp video (1:04:54)
  10. *** SPECIAL UPDATE! Evaluation Of the NEW Location video (14:04 minutes)
  11. 010 – Starting Over On A New Location video (1:05:03)
  12. 011 – Reputation Management video (1:18:48)
  13. 012 – Reputation With Videos video (1:05:05)
  14. 013 – The Checklist For Starting A New Business Marketing Plan video (1:40:21)
  15. 014 – Advanced YouTube Strategies video (54:15 minutes)


Ray The Video Guy definitely OVER DELIVERS with both training and his Sparx collection!

Expect to be DAYS downloading the entire collection.

Users are provided with a wide range of video clips in which some of them you may not be able to use, where others will be able to.

The webinar replays are like GOLD!


Found it rather annoying that I needed to constantly sign back in again whenever my computer took too long downloading one of the zip files.

The 2 animated endscreen videos found among Ray’s Vidnimations zip files are no longer relevant in that the Google+ icon is clearly displayed, with no way of removing it.

The BONUS footage animated endscreens are awesome but have the very same issue as the same endscreen videos mentioned above, making them unusable.

Many of the videos lagged a LOT when trying to watch them.

Could be due to the hosting server’s distance from my location, and it could be too many users accessing the same video at the same time.

It was annoying enough that I felt it important to note this issue here.

My Take on Video Sparx

thumb pointing up in approval

You can bet that Video Sparx can help you take your videos to a pro level, given the massive collection of video clips and audio clips that you can use in making your videos more professional looking.

So, be prepared to want to buy his upsell too.

I recommend Ray Lane’s (The Video Guy) Video Sparx for the serious video creators only.

If it were possible, I’d give his product here 10 stars out of 5! Yes, it is THAT impressive.

Below is my video review of Video Sparx by Ray Lane aka The Video Guy

get my free making money online guide here button


With the many years that I have been buying and reviewing products in order to prevent your wasting money, I have never come across any product that offers as much as Ray Lane’s Video Sparx.

If you’re serious about creating professional looking videos, you will definitely want his basic package, as well as his upsell.

Once you get to his BONUS training (the webinar replays), you’ll soon discover they alone are worth more than the cost of his entire Video Sparx package, making his Sparx collection a REAL bonus.

If you are a DIY’er local business owner or an agency tending to local businesses, then you need to give serious consideration to purchasing Video Sparx in order to help you take your agency to the next level.

Should you have any question(s) regarding can Video Sparx take your videos to a pro level, please do leave them in a comment below so that I may offer you the help you seek.

Golden Nuggets Are Rare Finds,

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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

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