The BEST Lead Generator Available … and it’s FREE!

So, you have either just started up a brand new business … or you are looking to get more customers (or leads as some like to call this) and you are seeking an untapped means of getting leads for a reasonable fee. Well then you have come to the right place.

Here, I recommend and offer you Google MyBusiness.

This lead generator is FREE to all business owners. The ONLY “catch” is that you must have an actual geographic location for your business; one that can be readily verified in order to verify your Google business account. This is mostly for local businesses though large businesses can benefit too.


When done correctly, your business will not only gain leads from organic search results … you know, where your website is listed near the top of Google page one for the search terms … or keywords, your potential customers are most apt to use … but also through you’re FREE Google MyBusiness listing which will be readily displayed ABOVE even the organic search result listings.

If you do NOT already have a gmail account for your business, please, setup one now BEFORE setting up a Google MyBusiness account. This gmail account will be the one you use for ALL of your Google accounts for your business listings (as in YouTube, Google+, Google analytics, etc.).

Google MyBusiness Overview

For those of you who would like more focused help with setting up your Google MyBusiness account, you will enjoy the easy to follow steps posted at:

For those who have your business account already setup, I offer you the easy to follow video below… take from it what you may.

How Google MyBusiness works – Local SEO tips included

Now … please do NOT simply click away from this post!

First … leave a comment if you found this post helpful, and THEN, get your free Google MyBusiness account setup and working for you. The sooner you do this the sooner you will be utilizing the VERY best lead generator available on the internet today … and, it is FREE!

All Things Google! Best FREE Lead Genereator
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As a full certified Internet Specialist for Parr's Publishing. I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with media marketing, as well as a fully managed, custom designed website and basic Search Engine Optimization.

8 thoughts on “The BEST Lead Generator Available … and it’s FREE!”

  1. I didn’t know google offered a free SEO tool like this, is it possible that you might be able to use ranking keywords side by side to also improve your google rank? Ohh yeah and if I have a site that is related to my geographical location how beneficial would this be to my overall site trust with google because I know they like to view new sites as a random ship in a well-known harbor if at all, so would this have any correlation to site traffic in general?

    • Am not sure what you mean by “ranking keywords side by side” Jerry, can you explain further on that so I can offer you my opinion please?

      If you have a website for a local business, you BET having a Google MyBusiness account will be VERY beneficial … as I have detailed here. Google MyBusiness is only for local business with a geographical address.

      And again, yes this would help your website traffic providing you complete your Google MyBusiness account accordingly.

  2. I just wanted to say that this is actually the type of guidance I have been looking for to help me transition into unknown territory for me personally.

  3. Hey Trish,
    Is Google My Business the same as Google Places? I have an office for my small firm and I’ve just registered to Google Places.

    The letter from Google arrived a few days ago and I’ve just verified it but I think when inside, we need a whole different tutorial to guide us through. *Hinting you to write about it wink*

    One question though, how do I get my images for my business too when someone Googles my business? Do I upload them myself or does Google also help detect pictures of people who have checked in my place?

    • Hi Riaz,

      In Ontario, Canada, Google My Place was replaced (and added to!) by Google My Business a few years ago now. You need to verify your business through Google My Business if you’re starting up a new business with a geographical address and there are even MORE ways to optimize your Google My Business.

      If Google My Business is available to you, I recommend you make sure to fully optimize (complete all fields) your Google My Business account. Simply sign into your gmail account used for Google My Place and then Google search Google My Business and go from there.

      Any photographs you wish shared on your Google My Business must relate to your business and must be uploaded by you. This link offers support:

  4. Hi Trish,
    Thank you for writing about a great free tool! My friend runs a kite surfing business locally and always struggled with online marketing. With this tool he can now reach many people locally and drive customers to his business. So glad I came across your post on this!


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