Neil Napier and Seyi Adeleke are the vendors of pCommerce, and Neil says for you to imagine if this Christmas, you could make more money then you spend, and do so by selling other people’s products and collecting instant and secure P2P payments.

He claims that after today, you will be able to serve an untapped market of proven active buyers, simply by building no-code ecommerce stores that even a first grader can build while watching Paw Patrol.
Neil says, look… the busiest buying season of the year is coming up; Black Friday, Christmas, Boxing Day and more.
Regardless of how the economy is doing, he says, people will spend most of their money in this quarter.
And, if you’re smart about it, and do what Neil is asking you to do, he claims that you can collect what others are spending.
Neil explains that his team and he have figured out a way for you to start making a good side income, with a clever new approach.
An approach, he continues to claim that you can duplicate within minutes.
Neil suggests that you pay close attention, because he’s about to give you the keys that will unlock a whole new secure way of doing ecommerce this holiday shopping season.
He claims that last year’s Christmas season hit an all time high of nearly 204 BILLION dollars spent on ecommerce.
And apparently, the number of people shopping online during the Christmas season, and the spending during this Christmas season is projected to increase to 310 BILLION dollars.
Neil says that if you have ever tried to really succeed in ecommerce, you have probably been given two tips from all of the experts out there.
He goes on to say that first you need to pay a monthly fee for Shopify, and that you have no choice.
Neil says that this is the only way that you will succeed with ecommerce and that is just how it is… well, that’s what “they” told you.
And secondly, Neil goes on to share what experts say… you have to spend a lot of money running Facebook and Google ads, to send traffic to your ecommerce store,
He expands on that advice by saying that else no one will know your store exists if you don’t spend big money on traffic.
Neil says that he’s here to tell you that there’s an easier, better way that even a complete newbie to ecommerce can copy and paste.
Apparently, all you need is an intent to make money by selling other people’s products, and NO… it is NOT affiliate marketing.
What Neil is about to reveal is a secret method used by select, top marketers. No one is telling you about this, because they don’t want you to compete with them.
He goes on to explain that this market, especially right now, is profitable and it’s time for you to take a piece of it.
The fact is, you can now create a professional ecommerce store that accepts secure, reliable peer to peer payments.
Neil states that you can now professionally sell both digital and physical products without the fear of PayPal or Stripe banning you.
He goes on to explain that most 8-figure ecommerce store owners have moved onto their own merchant accounts to collect payments.
But since you and he cannot afford that, Neil says, they have found a new way to collect payments securely.
Apparently, this has reduced refunds and brought them a steady intake of digital currencies, also know as cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin and Etherium.
Neil claims that there’s a big number of Bitcoin and Etherium owners who are actively shopping online with their currencies.
He goes on to say that research has indicated that as many as 4.2% of the WORLD’S population actively owns and uses cryptocurrencies.
That’s 320 MILLION people, according to Neil… that are ready to shop with you, ready to spend their side money to buy gifts this holiday season, and even after that.
Neil says that studies show that these buyers are intelligent, well educated and above average in wealth.
And today, he claims that you can offer them a way to spend their digital currencies with you using pCommerce.
My review of pCommerce will cover the following:
If You Don’t Want to Waste Anymore of Your Time on Scams,
See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:
What is pCommerce?

Program Name: pCommerce
Price: $34.96 US funds for Starter, $36.95 US funds for Commercial (with $2 coupon) PLUS 4 Upsells and 1 Downsell
Recommended? NO
Niel Napier explains that their pCommerce app helps you quickly and easily, let your shoppers use digital, peer to peer payments.
He says that your ecommerce store will be one of the extremely rare places online where people can spend their cryptocurrencies.
And, Neil goes on to say that you’ll be offering this powerful, ecommerce solution right when people are doing the most shopping.
He goes on to explain that this is the exact time of the year to offer a way for the 320 million crypto buyers to make their ecommerce purchases.
Neil states that with pCommerce, you will:
- Offer a service to a wealthy group of online shoppers
- Offer a payment method that is almost unheard of anywhere which will get attention
- You’ll get instant social traffic with the built-in traffic engine
- And you’ll profit without having to pick up packages or go to the post office
He claims that pCommerce is full of some powerful new tech, and it is surprisingly easy to use.
Neil explains that with just 3 simple steps, you will be quickly earning and with your smart, secure P2P stores.
Step 1: Setup your store by following their simple process to create your store and they take care of the logistics.
Step 2: Choose your products. pCommerce helps you add the most profitable, high converting, in demand products for your new smart, secure P2P store.
In their training, he says that they’ll show you how to find these products, and the best part is that you don’t have to pay for these products in advance, so your up-front costs are zero.
Step 3: Profit. You’re going to use your custom, automated and secure pCommerce store to start to earn profits within minutes.
Neil says that with pCommerce, you can:
- Create powerful, smart, secure, P2P stores with just a few clicks
- Put your store in front of hungry 320 million ready buyers
- Create a store with the very latest technology without learning to code
- You never need to get approved for a merchant account
- There’s no risk of losing your money if PayPal or Stripe decides they don’t like you
- Quickly find and profit from the best-selling products
- Easily deliver those products without ever having to touch them
- Create profit driven blog posts right in your store to connect with customers
- Generate recurring income with banner ads and crypto exchanges
- Maximize the barely used crypto platform
- Not to mention, you could also create and rent crypto stores for local businesses
According to Neil, experts say holiday ecommerce sales in 2022, will be even higher than last year when much of the world still couldn’t go out and shop.
He goes on to say that people like the idea of doing their Christmas shopping online now, and they are doing it even earlier than before.
Neil claims that the holiday season used to start with Black Friday, in late November but industry experts have noticed a trend over the last few years.
Apparently, more and more people are shopping online in early November, and that’s just a couple of weeks from now.
Neil promises that they will help you get your slice of that Christmas profits pie.
And, since the digital currency market is severely under-served, he says that you’ll pretty much have that pie all to yourself.
Neil says that you are probably thinking, what’s the catch, and maybe you’re asking yourself how are you going to be able afford a program that does all of this.
He claims that you may wonder what the monthly fee would be, or maybe if he’s going to be asking you to pay a percentage of each and every sale to him.
Neil says that he’s happy to tell you that there is NO MONTHLY FEE and he will NOT take any of your hard-earned profits, he promises.
He goes on to say that they have worked hard to get you a great introductory price that gets you the complete pCommerce app and allows them to just about cover their costs.
Neils explains that at this price, it is a real win-win-win situation; you, Neil and those shoppers who are looking for a way to securely buy for their loved ones this Christmas season.
And as usual, everything on his landing page, Neil states, is backed up with a rock-solid, money back guarantee, so you can buy feeling secure, in your purchase.
If you are ready to be an action taker like Neil thinks you are, then join the pCommerce team and win big this holiday season.
He says that you cannot go wrong selling to 320 million hungry, smart buyers who are looking for that perfect gift that you have in your smart, secure store.
Neil suggests that you pick up your license to their pCommerce app before the price goes up.
How pCommerce Actually Works

You will only be able to login once you’ve received your login details from Neil’s support platform, known as Kyvio. And, you will be dealing with the Kyvio staff for all of your support needs on the pCommerce app.
From the Dashboard, you will have access to the following, from the left-hand sidebar:
Dashboard – you will see a summary of your work (as shown in the screen print above), of which below that is a How To Create Your pCommerce Store video (16:14 minutes) where Seyi Adeleke shows you how to do this.
And, beside the video is a Quick Site Navigation with the following listed beneath the title:
- Create Store
- Manage Store
- Manage Orders
- Payments Gateway
- Tutorial Support
Store – when clicked on, offers you 2 options, that provides you with the ability to do as they are titled:
- Create Store – in the basic access, you only have 3 templates to choose from: Basic, Blaze and Classic
- Manage Store – once you have created a store, you will find them on this page
Manage Others – when clicked on, offers you 3 options that provide you with summaries of your business activities:
- Processing
- Completed
- Rejected
DFY – is where you will find 5, Done For You store templates that you can easily Activate and add your details via the left-hand sidebar Manage Sections. You can ignore these templates or activate to use these, as you wish.
Payment Gateway – is where you will find the supported 3 different Gateways that you can setup to use:
- CoinPayments (cryptocurrencies)
- PayPal
- Stripe
Payments – when clicked on, offers you 5 different options that will display summaries of your business activities:
- Pending Payments
- Approved Payments
- Successful Payments
- Rejected Payments
- All Payments
Manage Section – when clicked on, offers you 11 different options:
- Blog Section – +Add New button is to be used in adding posts.
- Brand Section – +Add New button is used to add as many brands as you need to once you choose to sell their products.
- Contact Us – provides you with a template for your Contact page
- Footer Section – a preset template that you fill in with your information
- Header Section – a preset template here too, that will need your information
- Offer Manage – +Add New button provided for you to add your offers
- Company Policy – +Add New button for you to use in adding your policy
- Service Section – +Add New button for you to add the services you want to add
- Social Icons – +Add New button provides you with a means of adding your different social media links
- Subscribe Section – provides you with a preset template you can use to set this section up
- Testimonial Section – +Add New button allows you to add testimonies as you get them
Tutorial – is where you will find the same How To Create Your pCommerce Store video (16:14 minutes) by Seyi Adeleke that is found on your Dashboard, as well as the following:
- How To Manage Your pCommerce Store video (13:39 minutes)
- How To Setup Your Payment Gateway video (12:41 minutes)
- How To Design Custom Banner video (09:08 minutes)
Along with a Special Bonus – How To Launch Your Own Live Tv-Channel Like Netflix which you will need to click on the Click Here To Setup Your Account button to retrieve which is an affiliate link to another vendor’s offer that cost $16.95 US funds (with discount) at the time of this review.
Support Desk – which once clicked on, will take your browser to the support desk that is NOT a part of the pCommerce app.
TIP: You should ALWAYS complete the tutorials BEFORE attempting to setup a store.
In the tutorials, Seyi Adeleke speaks slowly and precisely so that I found it easy to understand his instructions even though he has a very heavy accent.
The sidebar collapses once you’ve selected a subtitled area to work in, which could make it more time-consuming to work in this app.
Their “Special Bonus”, I feel is misleading at best, as it is NOT a bonus. The button is linked to another vendor’s offer that will COST you in order to gain access to it.
I would prefer an option be offered to download the training so that I can view the videos as I work in any app that I am unfamiliar with.
To be able to accept the Stripe payment option, you will need to pay per successful card charge. So, though it is NOwhere nearly as expensive as offering actual credit cards, you still need to be aware of the charges that will be forthcoming.
To receive a payment from PayPal, they have a flat fee that is shown in the screen print below.

According to, many cryptocurrencies’ exchanges offer fees under 1%.
If you leave your Dashboard logged in and inactive for any length of time, you will find that you have to log back in again, in order to continue working with the pCommerce app.
Support tickets on issues regarding the pCommerce app itself are very slow to be answered. After waiting 2 days, I forwarded the 2 emails and asked them when I could expect a response. They were then escalated.
The conversion rates have to be adjusted MANUALLY, accordingly on a regular basis.
The supplier’s prices are not necessarily the same every day, thus your profit line will shrink, the longer you offer items for sale, without MANUALLY checking on the new prices and adjusting your asking prices accordingly.
It appears that once stock is no longer available, outside of contacting the supplier, store owners using the pCommerce DIY sites, you will have no way of knowing for certain, one way or the other.
Not being given the proper support for the pCommerce app from either Neil or Seyi made my confidence in this app quickly vanish.
My Take on pCommerce

Neil Napier and Seyi Adeleke failed to deliver an app that would simplify regular changes that happen to supplier pricing and conversion rates.
Therefore, I do not believe pCommerce to be a Shopify killer, simply due to all of the necessary manual care their store owners would be forced to provide daily, making these stores what I call, high-maintenance stores.
The lack of addressing my concerns regarding the technical issues with their stores, in a timely manner, was the “icing on the cake” for me. Thus, I do NOT recommend pCommerce.
Below is my video review of pCommerce by Neil Napier and Seyi Adeleke
What initially looked to be an awesome offering, turned out to be more like a pipe-dream. It is so disappointing to learn that a simple way of providing protection from what could easily be a loss of profit for their store owners was truly an eye-opener.
In my opinion, there should be a script in place that simply shows the retail prices to be a percentage (that store owners could set) over what the costs are known by the app to be from the suppliers, at the time a buyer wants to make a purchase. This way, the pCommerce store owners would be better protected from what could easily be a major loss of funds.
As for displaying accurate, up to date conversion rates… again, why can they not include something like an API key that will insert those conversion rates be displayed on a regular basis, simplifying and protecting the vendors, the store owners and the buyers? You know, win-win-win.
In a day and age where an online reputation is vital in order for you make money online long term, I felt it important to let my readers know what I discovered once I tried to use the pCommerce app.
Needless …and sadly to say, I will NOT be setting up a store using pCommerce, as I had hoped I would be able to.
Should you have any questions regarding is pCommerce a Shopify killer, please do leave them in a comment below so that I can assist you further.
Forewarned is Forearmed,